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Space Paste Chocolates

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Since space paste is one of my favorate allies right now, I've been trying different preparations to make it taste less intense. I tried this recipe last week, and after trying one of the chocolate rounds, I deem it a great success!

You will need:
1 batch of space paste without the maple syrup (see the space paste thread for details)
1 semi-sweet chocolate baking bar
1 baby food jar
1 cooking pot
1 measuring spoon (tablespoon)
1 pair of tongs to hold the baby food jar so you don't burn your hands
1 muffin tin (6 holes)
6 muffin papers

What I did was break the chocolate baking bar apart into the smaller squares and I put them in a baby food jar. I boiled some water in a pot so that the top of the water just covered the area where the chocolate was sitting, without pouring into the jar. After about 3 minutes the chocolate melted and I stirred it quickly to make a soft, uniform mixture. I then took the measuring spoon and dropped 4 tablespoons of space paste into the baby food jar. I dropped the spoonfuls one at a time, mixing well between each spoonful. I used the tongs to hold the jar in place while I mixed, because the mixture was a little to thick after adding the space paste to stir one-handed (also I didn't want to burn my hand off!).

After I finished adding the space paste and had mixed until the mixture was uniform and smooth, I shut off the stove top fire and removed the jar from the water, setting it down on the metal stove surface so as not to burn my counter! While the jar cooled slightly I added 6 muffin papers to the muffin tin. I then took a common tablespoon from the drawer and spooned the space paste chocolate as evenly as possible into the six muffin papers. The pretty much all came out the same size, with the chocolate coming about a quarter way up the muffin papers. I then carefully took the tin and put it in the freezer for about an hour. This hardened the chocolate. I removed the papers and put the round chocolates into a jar and popped them back into the freezer.

A few days later I ingested one of the chocolate rounds. It tasted like space paste, but it didn't make me sick or queezy. I tasted the cayan pepper the most, which was a very strange sensation - the chocolate was freezing cold from being in the freezer, and yet felt hot in my mouth! I found that popping the whole round into my mouth was easier then tring to break it up and eat smaller pieces. I could have also just left it out of the freezer for a few minutes to soften it up.

0:00 - I finish eating the chocolate. I have a spicy taste in my mouth for about 4 minutes which goes away. I didn' really have any burps or gas, which was great because I usually get that from space paste.

0:30 - I feel the first minor wave of the space paste, but it is rather light. I think to myself that this might not work.

2:00 - I feel an increase in the effects. I feel extra energy and my vision gets a little funny, with brighter colors. The same as regular space paste for me. Feeling good.

4:00 - Effects are stronger. A bit cleaner. I don't have the taste of spices in my mouth, which is great news. I'm getting pretty high right now.

5:30 (present time) - This feels very much like other space paste experiences I've had in the past. I'm not sure if effects will keep getting stronger. On the one hand, the amount of space paste in each square should be less than a tablespoon a piece, but on the other hand since the space paste was basically cooking in the chocolate for a while, very possible that an extraction occurred. I have no idea exactly what my dose was.

Updates to come. This rocks! Best part is that it is completely legal almost everywhere.
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