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Speeding Up Evolution

Migrated topic.
So I haven't been posting on this site lately because as of late I find my time very precious and can never seem to find enough of it. I had an epiphany of sorts. It all began when I loaded up my trusty bong stem with around 125mg of some nice white crystals. Its hard for me to comprehend from this point in time but I was contacted by a tree spirit. It was apparent in all the trees that the spirit and the tree were separate entities and yet the same. The forest I was in became a cryptic garden of eden surrounded by a fence of symbolic (runes maybe?) intertwining branches and I was asked by the oldest tree if I had the will to ascend. I realized I did and about halfway there my head began to fill with thoughts of negativity, I rejected it, my stream of focus was clouded by some outside force or maybe it was simply my own disillusionment to the concept of divinity. I might have realized halfway through that my time here on earth was not yet over and there was more to come.

Anyway I went batty after that and started yapping at the holy tree spirt about sin and earthly pleasure being too great for me to part with. Bullshit, I know, but it was the first thing that came to mind that somewhat justified what had just been done. Regardless, I found something useful to do with my time here on earth. Which is what I came here to discuss with you.

I'm starting a revolution. Not only a paradigm shift, but a plea for psychic awareness and a call for the dismantling of modern day society. We have a few supporters thus far but it is a process and one that needs to be done sooner rather than later. I believe telepathy is key to communication with alien life which it seems is becoming nearly undeniable in today's society. This outside source of knowledge will aid us greatly in becoming the race we've always tried to be.

Another function of my revolution is an attempt to skip over the remainder of the information age. We have become unsustainable and now it is time to move on. If we can teach people the true nature of the information age they will see it's fallacy and be prompted to move on. If I can accomplish this before 2012 we will enter a golden age. The age of understanding. Where logic, reason, knowledge and peace are the driving factors behind human advancement. Disturbing, educating and provoking introspection in the masses is the only way to go about this task I believe. Seriously who wants another thousand years of mtv, myspace and lil wayne look-alikes?
"Another function of my revolution is an attempt to skip over the remainder of the information age. We have become unsustainable and now it is time to move on. If we can teach people the true nature of the information age they will see it's fallacy and be prompted to move on. If I can accomplish this before 2012 we will enter a golden age. The age of understanding. Where logic, reason, knowledge and peace are the driving factors behind human advancement. Disturbing, educating and provoking introspection in the masses is the only way to go about this task I believe. Seriously who wants another thousand years of mtv, myspace and lil wayne look-alikes?"

I understand and share your desire to move on to something better than what this hole in the ground society of today has to offer us..but I dont think that dropping all technology etc is the answer at all..technology IMO has NOTHING to do with the problem..it doesnt hit the root of the situation.

The real problems that I see are rooted deep inside of us..mtv..myspace..you could get rid of those things but the people behind it will still be there.

I think the internet is actually a good thing..and I am damn thankful for it and feel that it is actaully helping speed up the shift into the paradigm I think you are talking about..we are connected on a level never beofore concieved of..it's so much easier for a person in india to simply log on and converse with someone in mexico about something that is relative to both of them..this is hyperconnectivity, and in a way it IS freeing us.

Our technologies can help us save the environment..if we use them properly..the internet can make it less practical to cut down trees for office space becasue these things can be done online now...I dont think this thing canbe forced to happen any quicker than it's going to happen becasue it requires individuals to see it for themselves..otherwise people feel forced into something they dont understand and end up resenting..

Take away the guns and people will rob you with swords and knives..it's not the tools people use,but the people themselves that wield them.
Good to see you back. Evolution has no fast or slow there is no norn there is just evolution at different times in history.
That said I know your intent is positive please do no think I am a troll trashing your post that is not my intent.

I believe in human potential and progress just like you. The simplest way the enhance evolution if such a thing is possible to me would be to strip away the dogma of the past those things that most of us know can not be true. And with a world full of religious conflicts it is easy for me to see the sooner man rids himself of this negative mental burden of humoring these ancient beliefs that have NO MODERN benefits the sooner we will quit killing one another in the name of mythical gods.

We need new facts that are true not assumptions! No more down right ridiculous beliefs are the only real sin man can commit. If we strip away the distracting falsehoods the we will find discovery and progress to come naturally. Man is nature, the universe is a natural place we already have to raw materials of a productive destiny.

We need to recrystallize the intellect of man kind. The solution has already been heated and filtered and the CRAP has setteled to the botton its time to pour off the top layer leaving the CRAP on the bottom behind once and for all. That means beliefs of the past have to go the exception being those that are proven to have REAL value not the placebo effect.

No more PLACEBO worship of unproven assumptions sure some of us may feel a bit better.
But it is still CRAP that is not true and never will be.

Free you mind and the rest will come naturally..

I'm starting a revolution. Not only a paradigm shift, but a plea for psychic awareness and a call for the dismantling of modern day society. We have a few supporters thus far but it is a process and one that needs to be done sooner rather than later. I believe telepathy is key to communication with alien life which it seems is becoming nearly undeniable in today's society. This outside source of knowledge will aid us greatly in becoming the race we've always tried to be.

Don't waste time on telepathy and weird psychic 2012 nonsense. If you want to help change the world work on real stuff not drug induced hallucinations.

Another function of my revolution is an attempt to skip over the remainder of the information age. We have become unsustainable and now it is time to move on. If we can teach people the true nature of the information age they will see it's fallacy and be prompted to move on. If I can accomplish this before 2012 we will enter a golden age. The age of understanding. Where logic, reason, knowledge and peace are the driving factors behind human advancement. Disturbing, educating and provoking introspection in the masses is the only way to go about this task I believe. Seriously who wants another thousand years of mtv, myspace and lil wayne look-alikes?

Just because people like stupid stuff that you don't like doesn't give you the right to take it away from them.

We could have the internet and lil wayne look a likes and still have a sustainable world. How do you plan to feed over 6 billion people by moving away from the information age? The information age and fast communication of modern society is critical to getting out the real scientific information to move ahead sustainably. To deny this reality is naive.
I can't wait for people to stop holding science back by there silly beliefs, we could be advancing ourselfs through genetics, assuring that we produce the brightist and most honest humans, yet because cetain people who believe in gods and say it wrong to make sure your baby is intellegent through genetics, we have to wait for them to come around, why i have no idea, i guess there are more people who believe in having dumb people that don't question there gods, so they can continue to keep the myth alive. Absolutely no disrespect to anyone who may believe in god, only speaking to the ones who think they should be able to control what others do because it goes against their beliefs.
Burnt, i understanding the not wasting time trying to seek out 2012 information as a key to help people, but honestly no one knows anything about it until it gets here, though i do think its all bull-shit, i must say it is funny how some things of it actually does appear that it is and could happen. Would it be a one day thing? No, not unless we got hit by an astroid or something, i would think it would be a matter of years. Also, i'm not even saying that it will be the end for us, just saying times are getting ruff at the right time(Near 2012), i hope for the best, but think its very possible that shit is going to get alot worse before people relise we need to live better, and get along with each other better if where going to survive.
burnt said:
I'm starting a revolution. Not only a paradigm shift, but a plea for psychic awareness and a call for the dismantling of modern day society. We have a few supporters thus far but it is a process and one that needs to be done sooner rather than later. I believe telepathy is key to communication with alien life which it seems is becoming nearly undeniable in today's society. This outside source of knowledge will aid us greatly in becoming the race we've always tried to be.

Don't waste time on telepathy and weird psychic 2012 nonsense. If you want to help change the world work on real stuff not drug induced hallucinations.

Another function of my revolution is an attempt to skip over the remainder of the information age. We have become unsustainable and now it is time to move on. If we can teach people the true nature of the information age they will see it's fallacy and be prompted to move on. If I can accomplish this before 2012 we will enter a golden age. The age of understanding. Where logic, reason, knowledge and peace are the driving factors behind human advancement. Disturbing, educating and provoking introspection in the masses is the only way to go about this task I believe. Seriously who wants another thousand years of mtv, myspace and lil wayne look-alikes?

Just because people like stupid stuff that you don't like doesn't give you the right to take it away from them.

We could have the internet and lil wayne look a likes and still have a sustainable world. How do you plan to feed over 6 billion people by moving away from the information age? The information age and fast communication of modern society is critical to getting out the real scientific information to move ahead sustainably. To deny this reality is naive.

We're still gonna have computers lol! Its not like we'll forget how to make them, im not even proposing completely ditching the monetary value system, I was thinking like keeping coins and using them along with the barter system and the people in factories making computers get assorted things to barter with the merchants for. Merchants and farmers making up a large portion of our laborers. Learn to grow make or assemble something you can trade for stuff that you need and work if u need the coins. Because its also still gonna need taxes to operate but I was thinking like alternative energy, space, national parks, research (made fully public), health care, and education. Is that missing anything? I dont know maybe we should just set up our own government
Money is really a very useful way to exchange goods and services and a barter dominated economy would be very inefficient and unable to satisfy the needs and desires of current humans. The problem in the world is not money but greed in general, among other things no one single person or government can control. That's why I think its best that if you want to help the world get better do something you are good at and enjoy with those ends in mind and you might wind up making a difference if not for the world for those around you.

Psychedelic drugs can often make you want to run around telling the entire world to change. SWIM has done this while on them and wound up in some crazy situations... its funny but not recommended as a strategy to change the world.
"The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be."
— Isaac Asimov

evolution happens, no need to preach to the choir. go with the flow, and continue to grow (learn).
"we could be advancing ourselfs through genetics, assuring that we produce the brightist and most honest humans"

That is actaully quite frightening and something I DONT think we should be doing, not yet anyway...not becasue i think it is somehow "playing god"..but because all I can see comming from that is more elitist bullshit..humanity is not a point where they are beyond using it for the wrong reasons.

There is no structure put into place that is capable of overseeing that type of work to ensure that it wont be used to create an elite group to rule over everyone else...I could see it being available to the rich and higher social classes only and those people are NOT always the most honest..this is what is truely horrible about the state of such technologies...

I dont really know how genetics will produce more honest people either..honesty to me is sort of subjective..it's a value held based on personal experineces..some people may think they are being honest because culturally what they are doing is acceptable..while at the same time someone else might have an entirely different take on the situation.
I sort of have my fingers crossed in hope that 2012 will be a sort of self fullfilling prophecy...all the talk IS causing society to take a better look at itself..and that's a good thing...

I think something is happeneing, but it's not as drastic as new agy people liek to make it, something totally differnt actaully..but that isjust me and I'm a raving mckenna fan so...:d
I believe in a future with very few people compared to this age of bloated civilization. When there are only several million people alive instead of several billion then humans can do away with social class and the overflow of resources will help everybody possess what they need and what they want.

If we can vastly reduce population while keeping all our knowledge then the potential for exponential increase in evolution could be exemplary.
Fractal, i see where your comming from with only for the rich and such, but what are we supose to do, wait forever? Wait long enough and you may never see it, we may kill each other, or cause our death, by being dumb. Advancing yourself in intellegince to a large degree, super smart, i would think would help out, gentically advanced smart people could easily see what we should be doing to have better lives, i think the corruption would fade out, as we realise we can all have everything we want by working with eachother rather than against eachother.

Also, i think we need to advance to living in space, making smarter people would greatly help us acheive that before we run out of resources and all die out, i would personally love to see some star trek shit go down.
yes this is something I think about alot..because these things are going to happen and probabily ARE happening no matter what I or any other person things about it..

For me taking psychedelics is a big hint at this...I think that psychedelics like DMT and psilocybin inhance consciousness to a degree and can be seen a sort of enhancement technology..so it's not that far fetched that people will go farther with that start manipulating genetics..I can't blame them really because I tend to have this desire to push my neurological systems as far as they will go...so I am only against the misuse of these sorts of technologies..similar to the MK-ULTRA experiments where instead of using psychedelics for good things like problem solving they wanted to use them for mind controll..

I would love to go to space:d
Yea we don't wanna end up in a GATTACA type situation. Although I think eventually we should start genetically manipulating humans but its going to take a long time before thats ethically acceptable. I think it will be important for space travel. But first we need to get the space programs back online and build a sustainable population/economy. When that happens we can start GMOing humans. The technology still needs to be improved anyway we are not ready for that kind of thing.
thehappiestlittlenug, I see what your saying. The best way to speed up the increased awareness of consciousness is through consciousness. Be conscious, give presence, and realize consciousness is everything in disguise. I think setting up a community, not a government, revolved around consciousness that uses coins and barter, love, meditation, education ect. would be a start, but the increased awareness of consciousness is most important.
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