Rising Star
Greetings fellow psychonauts. I am new to this forum and have a few questions. I'd greatly appreciate your shared wisdom. I have succesfully extracted my first spice from MHRB using a tec similar to Marsofolds. The result was beautiful translucent white crystals. After four valiant attempts at smoking I have yet to 'break through' though... All four expieriences were intense and pleasurable but not quite world shattering. I have no device to measure mg's so I am estimating... generously it seems. First 2 times smoking I sandwiched the spice between ash in a glass pipe. The second 2 times I used one of those 'evil drug' pipes. On my last attempt, using about 100mg, I feel like I inhaled and held as much smoke in one minute as I possibly could, and yet still did not reach the other side. My questions are: Can the quality of spice vary that greatly even if you have pure white crystals? Was there a step in the extraction process that may have reduced the quality? Could it be the quality of the rootbark itself? Should I try smoking more or is the quantity negligable if the quality is low? Thank you so much for your assistance. Bessed Be