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spiraling in to say hello

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
greetings brothers and sisters...

i feel its finally time to introduce myself to the nexus community. i've been a member for some time, and actually have intimate ties to nexians in the real world including olympus mon, idtravlr, antrocles, icehouse, and others. its actually my boyfriend, olympus mon, who i owe a huge amount of gratitude for his gentle nurturing and support over the past year and a half in my quest to explore the inner dimensions. in some way, my "coming out" is in anticipation of his plan to leave the comforts of home and travel the world. when he leaves (insert bittersweet face) i will no longer have within arms reach the wisdom of a seasoned veteran psychonaut and thus anticipated a time when i will be forced to take my pharmacological education into my own hands. i feel that time is now.

my interest in psychedelics stems from a slight obsession with unraveling the secrets of the universe. i have always been intrigued with the unknown, taboo and occult… i remember my mother taking us kids to the library when we were younger, and while my brothers and sister were fighting over which disney movie to bring home, i was off in science and mathematics reading about black holes and quantum physics. i was probably 9 or 10. on the days my head needed a rest, i would wander into various esoteric sections and read about astrology and ancient cultures. i recall coming across the mayan "end date" and, slightly out of morbid curiosity, wrote it down and took it home for future reference.

needless to say, and since i can't possibly say it all, these interests coupled with a talent for the arts and lucid dreaming, has led me deeply into the realm of the imagination so it only seems natural that my path continues into the inner dimensions. a short history: mary jane was my first. she freed my mind and allowed me to think outside the box and was a companion for many years. unfortunately, over time she became too much for my already analytical processes and we have since gone on an indefinite break. i do smoke socially, occasionally, but after some very powerful bad trips, i am careful not to overstep my limits. amazingly, dmt was next. it is my current passion and we get along very nicely, although it's far from a cake walk. if marijuana was a light on my fears and paranoia, dmt is a laser on a sharks head. i've dabbled with psilocybin but have yet to go big. lsd has only very recently come my way (actually, all except marijuana have come to me only in the past year and a half) and its been an incredible teacher. my first acid trip (out of two) was a biggin'… it blew me apart… i touched source and came back only to sink deep into the darkest corners of my psyche, where i hid until morning. i'm a fan of molly for a good time, not a fan of coke, and i've gone hard on 2cb once, which i enjoyed. i hope to elaborate on some of these experiences, and future experiences, in trip reports. my entheobotany experiences are limited to the growing and harvesting of marijuana, and under the watchful eye of olympus mon, the extraction of dmt using the q21 tek.

on a related note, i have been a member of online communities before and truly and intimately know their power. i had a very profound experience a few years ago which involved a conversation between myself and members of a site called reality sandwich… at the time i had a lot of free time and thus spent hours upon hours navigating the digital matrix in search of relief for my endless probing about life and existence. the conversation in particular was in response to a relatively unremarkable topic but it sparked a rather knee-jerk reaction in me and out came my polarizing negative feminine (not to mention scorpionic) energy. the reaction was strong, understandably, and it catalyzed a massive shift in my awareness in which the focus of the, albeit loving and open, community weeded out my demons and i was forced deal with them in public, no less. veils were lifted. in one night i felt i gained the experience of multiple lifetimes and felt incredibly charged. in turn, this shift in vibration birthed the space for an equally profound experience only days later in which i was detained by immigration agents while living in europe. let's just say true alchemy happened in a cell that night. and the synchronicities that began happening as a result were beyond comprehension… another story. still, in response to such a powerful experience, i've shied away from online communities… partly because i've become very zen these days and cease the desire to impose my opinions on others like i did in the past, and partly because i know the incredible power of these communities to catalyze change and frankly, there is no lack of change in my life. i knew there would be a time when i felt ready to dive back in. again, i feel that time is now.

my hope here is to connect with like-minded folk, share thoughts on art and culture, and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and wisdom the nexus provides to ultimately nurture a healthy relationship with spice and other entheogens.

with much love and gratitude,
and a taste of my art,

monatomic gold


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Hi monatomicgold,

very nice intro, and very nice to have you with us here at the nexus. I hope we can provide for you a welcoming and supportive space for you to continue your "pharmacological education" in positive and meaningful ways. The world is so full of mysteries and bottomless depths, that there is no end to what we can discover, I think. But what interests me the most, and why I am here, is human interaction or communication. So in this light, I hope you join the community and engage in communication with us... every new member gives new impulses and new dynamics in this community-context, thereby transforming and evolving the whole and by our connection to the whole each one of us. I have a feeling your addition will be both positive and very interesting.

Looking forward to hearing more from you.

reading up or discussing black holes and quantum physics at a young age sounds familiar btw. ;)
thanks for the love orion! dig your avatar :)

enoon, i love your description of community dynamics and yes, i hope my unique perspective will harmonize with and catalyze growth among others here in the nexus. thanks for your response. metatron's cube is one of my favorite sacred patterns btw :)

thank you so much for taking this step. i know it was a big one for you girl and im just tickled pink that you are finally in a comfortable place to interact with this blessed community!

after years of friendship and now partners ive marveled at your bravery and desire to enter the peculiar world of exploration by way of entheogenic plants and psychedelics. you have deep respect and love for these substances and that is something that can not be taught. that comes from inside you and it will safely take you to the deepest parts of your being returning you an expanded version of self.

i hope i haven't been too much of a nag encouraging you to introduce yourself. if i have its because i know how much this community has been a monumental help in my personal growth and education and i only wish the same for you. however what im most excited about is what you have to share with us, that being your beautiful mind and joyous spirit.

im so very proud of you. it means so much to me that we now share the nexus especially considering i will be leaving you very shortly to answer my own calling. i know you are in the best hands available on the entire plante to continue building your personal relationship with dmt. although i will be vast distances from you in locality you will be with me in my heart every step. 😉

now go get em girl!

welcome to the nexus :)

Just wondering..concidering it is your name, have you ever taken ormus? Mono-atomic elements are something I am facinated with and I plan on doing a tek at some point to make my own..
thank you olymon :) i'm blown away, especially today. you are an amazing human and i feel incredibly grateful to have you in my life. biggest paws ever. the nexus is lucky to have you!

fractal enchantment- no, i haven't actually taken ormus but have done a little research into its history/origins and am curious about to know your thoughts on it and its physical affects. i simply use monatomic gold as my name to symbolize my experience with and interest in alchemy and the transmutation of energy.
Its awesome and its true I love to see the courage of people coming out and telling their story, their opinion, their life. We are all here together in this, why must we be shy like I am, we must learn to let ourselves go, as with the lessons DMT gives us!
Dear MonatomicGold

welcome to the Nexus Family.
I hope you will feel the love and support from all the members.
It is great to hear of your journey, thanks for sharing so personally. Great to see your art, well done.

I made ormus with a friend who devotes his time to this a couple of years ago..... It was a sacred process in so many ways. Cool name......lol
After completing the process which took several hours, I received a bottle approximately 500mls which I consumed over the next 6 weeks.

I did feel heightened at the time and alot was happening......
He spoke of it as the "Spice" from dune..... though I don't think he knew about dmt.

In hope you can post some more of your art in the Arts/literature section soon.
Check out all the cool art and artists we have.

Lots of love, have a create day
sublime - thank you for such a beautiful greeting! i agree with you completely, but it does take courage and strength to speak your truth, without fear. i used to be very shy and i still have work to do, but yes, dmt is definitely helping to unravel these hidden aspects of my psyche. i absolutely love your signature! keep up the good work and you will truly become a master! :)

synchroneyes - very interesting! yes, supposedly it was the "manna" or the ingredient used to create the bread of life in the bible, which sounds like "spice" to me. i will definitely post more art! i have seen some art posted by members and i'm very impressed and inspired at the talent! thank you for the love... i love what you wrote and will keep that with me! everyday is a create day :)
the most righteous, beautiful, amazing, soulful, spectacular, profound and divine sister i have had the blessed fortune of working with!!! this place is truly lucky to have you. i can't say in words how much gratitude i have for you in this world, ms. gold...

like gold, you are an absolute treasure and i am HONORED to call you friend.

now come back down here and bring your boy with you!!

According to ananda bosman the egyptian "bread of light" used by bedouins was/is made from peganum harmala seeds, acacia trees monoatomic gold..also that the ancient vedic traditions had elixers ect that comprised of the same ingrediants...he also speculates that ancient inca brews were very similar in composition, concidering they're facination with gold and the use of ayahausca..and that the ayahuasca brews we see today are sort less sophisticated reminants of that time..
Yes welcome monotomic gold cool intro. I wish my partner of 3 and a half years was as understanding as yourself with olympos mons need to travel the world, your very lucky olympus as my partner who I love very much cant understand that I would want to leave her, it hurts me to do it but I simply must and I have no idea why! weird eh? lol

I also had a lot of problems/bad expereinces with marijuna, stopped it for four years altogether but now really enjoy it in moderation, it used to always give me anxiety paranoia etc but with the right kinds of hash I can really enjoy what it has to offer, I dont go near your potent weeds but have some super strong afghani hash which on occasion I really enjoy, tastes so good lol
@ant: hehe. you are a huge inspiration to me... its so inspiring seeing people like you speaking their truth and answering the call to serve the highest good. brother, you are beautiful and i cannot tell you how much your support means to me. heres to working together again soon!!!! you better believe it will be :)

@fractal enchantment: thank you i was unaware of ananda's research and am very intrigued now. just watched some of his youtoob interviews... no lack of curiosities there. i also just started reading ott's pharmacotheon and i see has written about peganum harmala. very synchronous.

@Infinite I: thank you! nice to meet you! i will say, its taken a lot of heartache to make me as understanding as i am today. i guess i've come to learn what's important. it also helps that we've been friends far longer than partners, so with that foundation, it only seems natural to support his spiritual development over all else. anything less seems selfish to me. i have also been in his position, and yours, so i know what it feels like to have the future tugging on you, pulling you away from people and places you love for seemingly unfounded reasons :) have faith the universe will give you exactly what you need, in any case. good luck my friend!!! oh mary jane, how i love and hate her. i just took one toke on a whim the other night and suddenly i was an analytical nightmare. i felt bad for olymon cuz he had to listen to me sound off all night. but thankfully, with the help of dmt and lsd and the best of friends, i've been shown the source of this negative cynicism/paranoia and am working it out :) i know mary jane and i will be friends again one day... for me, it's just not the most effective tool right now.
Welcome, monatomicgold. Your dude is one of my favorite characters around here, your intro post was thoughtful and intriguing, and your art just plain rocks. I'm sure you'll make for a swell addition to the team!
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