My definition of spirituality: A sense of moving towards a direction which feels either positive or negative. But either way the "spirit" does so without knowledge and therefor does not know exactly how to handle certain situations.
(the way of Shiva)
Mastery; When a being becomes aware of the impact of handling certain situations. Such as eating food which positivly affects the body. Or creating and then using a language in order to convey concepts.
Being able to make the distinction and then conciously choosing the path you want to travel.
(the way of the Budha)
With this post i want to debate and find solutions to move from one point to another.
Also im not judging whether one aspect is better then the other, but i would like to hear your opinion on the matter.
*Also is there a possibility to combine these 2 aspects??*
The Gull.
My definition of spirituality: A sense of moving towards a direction which feels either positive or negative. But either way the "spirit" does so without knowledge and therefor does not know exactly how to handle certain situations.
(the way of Shiva)
Mastery; When a being becomes aware of the impact of handling certain situations. Such as eating food which positivly affects the body. Or creating and then using a language in order to convey concepts.
Being able to make the distinction and then conciously choosing the path you want to travel.
(the way of the Budha)
With this post i want to debate and find solutions to move from one point to another.
Also im not judging whether one aspect is better then the other, but i would like to hear your opinion on the matter.
*Also is there a possibility to combine these 2 aspects??*
The Gull.