It is possible to grow mycelium in a petri dish from dried tissue, though usually that is easier to do with tissue from the stipe if the specimen is dried. Not that you couldn't use dried tissue from the cap, but there is more mycelium inside of the stipe than in the cap that has not been exposed to the surrounding, contaminant ridden air--- you want a sterile piece of mycelium from inside of the specimen to transfer to agar-agar media.
You could also cut a bit of the gills of the cap and transfer those to a dish with antibiotic media, than quickly tranfer sectors of the mycelia to subsequent petri dishes (like 4 or 5 times) buuut these spores from the gills have contaminants already around them and your mycelium in your dish could easily be overrun by contaminants.
Printing is for fresh caps, otherwise your looking at dish work.
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