Rising Star
swims girlfriend was recently prescribed sertraline hcl (generic zoloft) 50mg's and she's been on them for a week.A dreaded ssri!!Swim took a look around the net to get some info on the topic and see what the effects it would have with dmt and other psychedelics.Doesnt look good but to quote EROWID on the topic of SSRI's "Generally reduce the effects of the psychedelic a bit." That doesnt seem to completely slam the door on her possible future journey's,right? Last night swim,his girl and a couple of friends got together for a "spice sitdown".Although,swim took two nice tokes and definately went somewhere else with these STRANGE charecters (will post that on the experience section).Everybody else got off aswell but when it came to swims girl? not a thing. She told swim there were a little of the preliminary vibtation feeling but nothing else,although for about a half an hour after "her go" she said her body felt a little relaxed.Swim wanted to know if anyone else has experience with this?Is it a complete dmt blockade or could smoking more of it help.What about pslilocyben?Swim and girl are kind of bummed about it,what to do?Anyone got any suggestions?