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STB Help!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
I feel so stupid because this tek is so cookie cutter and simple. I'm trying to debug my friends problem and why she keeps getting horrible yeilds. Swim pulled probably 10mg from a first pull of 60g bark...

It's pure white but the yeild is so terrible.

The ratio used is 750ml/60g mhrb/60g lye/60ml Naptha. So that is not the problem unlike the first extraction....
Naptha siphoned off and put in the freezer(cold cold) for 12 hours.

How long should my friend wait in-between pulls?
How long should they be freezing for?
Why else could this be happening? She has friends who get nearly 1% from their STB using the same source for bark.

Help my friend before she gets 0.1% yield again. Thanks for reading, hopefully this works out!
you should wait 1-2 days between pulls and give 2 days for each freeze precipt. Are you sure the naphta totally seperated when you took the pull? Or did you stir/sake between your pulls? trying to understand why did it happen. but sounds interesting
There has only been one pull so far(on this one). She says the naptha looks golden this time which is something she hasn't seen before, so this could be promising.

The last time she failed she did 4 pulls over the course of 3 days. The problem then was too much solvent. 160mls for a 56 g extraction "woops". But she still got 0.1%. This time with a proper ratio yields look the same, unless this second one really does the trick.

I'll tell her to freeze it for 2 days as you said. Does that help a lot?
mydriasis said:
There has only been one pull so far(on this one). She says the naptha looks golden this time which is something she hasn't seen before, so this could be promising.

The last time she failed she did 4 pulls over the course of 3 days. The problem then was too much solvent. 160mls for a 56 g extraction "woops". But she still got 0.1%. This time with a proper ratio yields look the same, unless this second one really does the trick.

I'll tell her to freeze it for 2 days as you said. Does that help a lot?

yes actually it does. after 24 hours 80% precipitates but 48 hours it fully precipitates. Golden color is good btw, that means its absorbing something, its the color of fats and other stuff.

I guess you didnt understand my question, its vital to understand the problem, when she pulled and got 0.1% how much naphta did she pulled from the mixture? the whole 160ml or much less. She should check the average level of naphta when she adds and if in the end what she pulls is far less that means the layers didnt seperate well. So some more naoh+water and slow stiring with a spoon (shaking fast can prevent seperation sometimes) might help if its so.

Also how long did she let the naphta sit inside the mixture :p she should let it sit at least a day for the first pull and shake or stir it every 4-5 hours in that day :p after the last shake she let it sit for few more hours until layers totall seperate then take the pull
Ahhh now I see what you meant.

Yeah she pulled the whole 160mls yikes I know haha. See I did not know about this 24 hour thing thanks for clarifying this!

She always allows the layers to seperate fully then waits 30minutes more after that before pulling. Thanks for all the tips. Some people just need everything written out in black and white haha.
It's likely that either that the bark wasn't ground fine enough, or (more likely) that the solvent wasn't saturated enough in a freezer that wasn't cold enough.
Reduce the NP by 2/3, turn down the freezer (and empty it a bit, if it's jam packed) and try again.
Don't throw anything away.
Thanks for all the great advice. I just thought I should report back and let you all know. All went well. got a little under a %1 yeild.

Freezing for 48 hours is a neccesity.

Allowing bark to soak in lye(with agitation) before pulling is essential if your bark isn't ground finely.

Thanks nexus. I love it here.
mydraisis, seems to me that coridors is right in saying that your mix may just be to thick for it to properly seperate, once knew a adventerous young lad who tried to do this with 1 pound MHRB and ended up getting only less than 1 gram!!! but this turned out to be the problem, the mix was thinned a bit with water and lye and alot of solvent came out that wouldn't before, bringimg the yield up to 4 grams...much better..though could have been better yet.
best of luck on your adventures!

on a different note, I have heard that if you aren't in the proper space in your own mind/health to do this properly than things will come out not as good as they could be..heard of another guy who tried to finnish his A/B extract after he had caugght a cold...well it didn't turn out well at all curious if others have simmilar stories of mishaps like this.
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