I'm new to DMT and was thinking about purchasing MHRB. I've read that it's pretty hard to store DMT crystals without them loosing potency. To my account, there are several methods:
-storing in salt form
-re-basifying the crystal in naphta, keeping it in the freezer
-melting the crystals to prevent oxiditation
-Storing it in the freezer, locked inside several air-tight container.
What about storing the rootbark itself? how about potency loss? It makes no sense for me to stockpile MHRB if I know that I can't use the bark in a year or two for extraction purposes. I mean..SWIM would like to know
SWIM thinks that it would be better to order MHRB as seldom as possible to avoid gouvernmental repression. So it would be very convinient for him if he coulkd stockpile the rootbark and to synthesize just a few mg at at the time to avoid potency loss.
I'm new to DMT and was thinking about purchasing MHRB. I've read that it's pretty hard to store DMT crystals without them loosing potency. To my account, there are several methods:
-storing in salt form
-re-basifying the crystal in naphta, keeping it in the freezer
-melting the crystals to prevent oxiditation
-Storing it in the freezer, locked inside several air-tight container.
What about storing the rootbark itself? how about potency loss? It makes no sense for me to stockpile MHRB if I know that I can't use the bark in a year or two for extraction purposes. I mean..SWIM would like to know
SWIM thinks that it would be better to order MHRB as seldom as possible to avoid gouvernmental repression. So it would be very convinient for him if he coulkd stockpile the rootbark and to synthesize just a few mg at at the time to avoid potency loss.