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strange recurring theme..55-75mgs smoked

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Rising Star
This is pretty funny and it's still making me laugh to myself. SWIM has just recently become comfortable smoking the spice by himself and has been increasing his doses gradually. His scale only weighs to .1, but he's very confident he's been getting between 55 and 75mgs per session. SWIM says he's really gotten his smoking technique down really well now too. He just got back from hyperspace and told me this story: I loaded my dmt pipe with a pile roughly the size of 1.5 pencil erasers of very white crystals, sandwiched between two layers of parsley (I really need to remember to get some mint leaves, I hear they're nice) and headed off to an empty field I know about a 10 minute walk from my house. The sun was pretty much down for the evening (late dusk) and the sky was a pretty blue. The weather was very nice, about 75 degrees F with very low humidity. I found his spot, about 30 feet away from a small patch of woods. I layed on my back and concentrated on my breathing until I was very relaxed and my heart rate was normal. I am positive I got two very large hits and I may have gotten a third, but I really can't remember. It didn't matter because I definitely got what I needed. The past three times, on my thrust through hyperspace, all i could hear was a nitrous-like vibration and this loud TICK-a-TICK-a-TICK, really really fast. And on every TICK, it would feel as though I was being pelted or probed, very very fast, on literally billions of points on my body, all synchronously at the same time, on the TICK. The densities of the materials I was being pelted with were different each three times; the first time, it was like those massage balls they have on the market that have the long thin 'finger' type things all over it, the second was like medium density hail stones, and this past time was like tiny BBs. But here's the weird thing: each time I'm thrusting through, being pelted, I have this funny, cartoon-like image that is made all of jewels, that is sorta short and fat with a big fat nose. Mocking me. In such a funny way. Each time the character would bend over and pulls (i feel like it's a her) her pants down all the way to her ankles..MOONING ME...and sticking her tongue out..then she would turn inside out, and the jewels she was made up of would change colors, and she'd be back to her original form, different colors, MOONING me all over again and sticking her tongue out..repeating this sequence over and over rather quickly. Very strange. It just makes me shake my head and laugh. I've heard about having sorta flashbacks or memories from previous DMT trips, and I know know exactly what that's like now. I wish I knew how to do animations, I'd love to have that weirdo character as my avatar.
haha interesting.. never heard of anythign of the sort... swim sometimes sees everything like an oil painting and it feels kinda sacred... swim wish he could have a funny experience like that one you had
The 'probing' tongue ! Or The mooning tongue ..!? where was the tongue coming out from ..!? I know a flicking tongue image/theme very well .. it's very serpent-like. YOur story reminds me of the 'brainlingus' I once had from a very large snake. It was a she-snake, enormous, and her skin was the wall-paper of the play-pen like room I was in. The 'room' was intitally populated with little children - the 'ninyos' - but suddenly the whole wall fromwhich the children emegrged turned into the jeweled skin of the mother of all, loving, serpents... circling me Each diamond-jeweled shape on the skin of her gigantic body swirlled around me and then her mouth-head end ate me whole .!... but first I got a good, orgasmic 'probing' from her tongue; brainlingus ! ..! The ninyos are a whole other story though ...
[quote:194d6cb4e1]The 'probing' tongue ! [/quote:194d6cb4e1] No, I wasn't probed at all. I was pelted, and the tongue had nothing to do with it. [quote:194d6cb4e1]Or The mooning tongue ..!? where was the tongue coming out from ..!? I know a flicking tongue image/theme very well .. it's very serpent-like. [/quote:194d6cb4e1]She was sticking her tongue out at me, like a little kid would, like "Nanny nanny Boo Boo" [quote:194d6cb4e1]YOur story reminds me of the 'brainlingus' I once had from a very large snake. It was a she-snake, enormous, and her skin was the wall-paper of the play-pen like room I was in. The 'room' was intitally populated with little children - the 'ninyos' - but suddenly the whole wall fromwhich the children emegrged turned into the jeweled skin of the mother of all, loving, serpents... circling me Each diamond-jeweled shape on the skin of her gigantic body swirlled around me and then her mouth-head end ate me whole .!... but first I got a good, orgasmic 'probing' from her tongue; brainlingus ! ..! The ninyos are a whole other story though ...[/quote:194d6cb4e1] Your story reminds me nothing of the experience I had.:roll:
... well ok..!> I just was flapping my tongue...! I didn't mean to superimpose so ... I was definately on my own trip, and it was really just the 'sticking-out- tongue' part that I meant to key in on ... For eg, families of the dancing Gumbies that stick their tongues out - seen them too ..! almost like a childish 'greeting' ... or a distraction to 'look here', ... 'see me here'..!? while they do a jig... Recurring for me, it's also visions of snakes always flicking their tongues, almost a metronome, .. regular probing pulses with a hypersensory organ... Maybe not quite like 'pelting'... is it all just billions of new mRNAs being spun off in my brain cells ....?
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