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Rising Star
I'm a newbie both on this forum and in the psychedelic realms. The last time I've dreamt with nature's sacrament something changed. I did this just 8 or 10 hours after the solstice, not really thinking there was much to it. The journey was very intense and there were moments of crying it felt so good it hurt. But at the peak of it this huge realization came over me that this is all just a dream. Even now after physical effects have worn off, I cannot shake the feeling that everything is just a continuation of the journey and that this life is just a dream. It is quite unsettling and no matter what I do to try to shake it, it will not leave. Can you relate? If so, how can I get comfortable with this new world view?
Welcome , may I suggest that you go slowly ,take time to integrate the lessons learned, I think sometimes the answers we seek are not immediately clear.
also, the reality of Hyperspace fades as this reality demands our attention, just take your time , contemplate what you have witnessed, and coming here for answers and discussion can often help , Im sure many here can relate to your experience.

You going to be Ok my friend! You have gone through a remarkable experience that few will ever know.

my best to you~!
Hello Shaman and thank you for replying. I feel with every fiber of my being that what I have experienced has been remarkable. There was something subtle to this last journey that made it different from all the previous ones. Thought transferrance also happened and although I usually journey at night and in a tub full of hot salt water with eyes closed, this time it was day time and something told me to look around my apartment as much as possible. At first the usual fluidness and organic movements began. Next, this fractal like, rainbow colored, kaleidescope awareness began to manifest through everything, even the empty spaces inbetween objects. Then, these were eyes at the same time and then the deeper I let myself fall into this, this all became the most beautiful mirror-like beings and they flowed out of me and were me. It was very close to phasing this whole reality out into something else. I faintly saw and perceived outer space behind my five sense perceptions and that's when that realization came that my life and this whole thing is just a dream. I felt nothing but pure unconditional love. It made me get up to tell my girlfriend that I was sorry if I ever hurt her or did anything to make her feel less than good. I was crying, which I don't like to cry at all. It was quite emotional.
How do you hold on to the love and peace in every day life that you get in the journey?
Thanks for sharing :)

Thats really cool that you use a salt water bath by the way, ill have to try it out sometime..

For me i just try to look at life afterwards as a big mystery. I cant take any sides i.e reality isnt real, or reality is real. As when it comes down to it i dont really know anything.

Keeping an open mind for me has worked well, but i know that after some journeys there is a period of time where i am CERTAIN that nothing is real. But with time and integration, i always just end up coming back to seeing that really i dont have a clue about anything, so ill just keep floating along through life.

To hold onto the love and peace, took time, and alot of training with my thoughts + mind. If it is your goal, you can accomplish it, it just takes time and work.

Thanks for sharing man :)
Hi Spiral,
Thank you for explaining a bit. I had so many different things happen that I am still having a rush of memories. I am tempted to write it all down and journal it. I think it's a good idea to just look at everything as a great mystery, because this going back and forth in my mind as to what is real and what isn't real is really tiring me out. It reminds me of the light paradox, is it a wave or is it a particle, it's both. I'm wanting to share more of what I experienced, but I don't know if others are experiencing them and whether or not I'll look like a fool here. Although, I must say that everyone here has been very respectful to me and to each other. Very rare these days on a forum. Thanks again good people.
Hey there . We all are glad to see new members every day . The DMT message being sprayed fast . So I hope you enjoy you stay here and meet allot of cool people here .
Hey man, a journals a good idea bro! You might have inspired myself to do one too :)

Dont be afraid to share what you're experiencing on these forums bro, its filled with people who can understand and help you sort things out. Its really a hidden gem in the world of forums :)

In my experience, i have found that the answer to all of my problems is very simple, very ingenious, yet the duality of it is that it is one of the hardest thing to do sometimes. It seems that most of my problems, when traced back to their roots, all lead back to a problem of the mind.

The mind's purpose is to work things out in a logical way, so that can make sense of the world, which comes down to it is an evolutionary development with the purpose of keeping us alive.

After we undergo these intense experiences, our mind is scrambling to make sense of it all. This is a normal reaction for the mind. But the problem is that it is trying to make sense of something that does'nt make sense, or that does'nt need to make sense.

The cool thing is that once your aware of the mind and the obstructions that it causes on a daily basis, you can begin to recognize and catch it at work. With time, you can treat your mind, this is only the first step.

To treat the mind, you have to administer the antidote. Its the simple answer which i reffered to at the beggining of my post. The antidote is acceptance. If you can accept that you dont know anything, that you may not understand anything ever, and that it is all part of something much bigger than your human mind can even begin to logically interprate, then you can begin to just observe.

Acceptance really is the answer to any little or big problem that you will ever face in your life. Its so simple, but the mind is a tricky one... If you can master accepting anything that comes your way, than you can find complete and constant peace within yourself.

Anyway, thats how i deal with anything nowadays. I hope that i made sense and that maybe i helped you out, sorry its long winded. In summary:

Dont think, float downstream, observe, feel, be grateful for every blessing that you have, and just be like a sticky ball of love that rolls around and gets everything all goey! :)
Hello & Welcome to the Nexus,

Many modern people, whether DMT users or not, have strange, inkling suspicians that it's all just a dream or a simulation. My thinking on this is 2-pronged:

1.) Be careful. The regular, straight society out there does not feel comfortable with this line of thinking and will be hasty to slap a label on you and put medication into your head.

2.) What if it is? Holy crap! It sure is a good one with a really superior level of detail and resolution, completely convincing and immersive for most people most times. What if it's true? Just goes to show that life, the Universe and reality are not only stranger than we imagine but stranger than we CAN imagine. Enjoy this tremendous and profound blessing. Make each and every moment count. Do not neglect human relationships. Live life to the fullest! Enjoy the dream.

Welcome & Peace
I could write a long response about how my first DMT experience shook me to my core, deeper then i knew was possible.
I could write about how for the following month or so with decreasing regularity i would have to stop what i was working on to sit, and simply cry my eyes out at the intensity of what happened and the sheer awe and wonder of existence itself.

I want to offer guidance on how to deal with this shattering experience and how to continue every day life but its difficult.
What i can give you is an old zen saying that i find especially comforting and relevant in all situations:

"Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water"

Or as i prefer simplified:
"Chop Wood, Fetch Water"
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