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strong mantras: a word of warning

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
today i learned that great caution is advised then using strong mantras under the influence.
though it certainly can produce a very strong experience, i also found it very very hard to control.
i ended up screaming "das ist so gut" for the most part of an experience today and it left me in a state of strong mania until i reached bottom line.
i am not saying its inherently a bad thing to do. but great caution is advised.
no, i will certainly avoid ANY mantra during the experience in the future.
edit: i will try to avoid saying anything during my experiences in the future.
i will try to avoid saying anything during my experiences in the future.

McKenna (for it is he) suggested using the voice to steer the visions. Not that I'm claiming his words to be gospel of course, although reading between the lines it would seem he meant vocalisations outside of that typically regarded as speech. Which arguably is another way of not 'saying anything'.

"Use your voice." - T. McKenna

Edit: what you are saying really resonates for me with parts of this recent post by Wakinyan.
Wakinyan said:
To say that it would be wise to always have a guide in such an experience would be an understatement. To think one does not need them or one can jump into these experiences without much experience would be asking for a travesty to befall your mind if not your body as either could easily be shattered.

Your caution is well advised, and the brevity and all-encompassing intensity of the vaporised DMT experience make guidance perhaps rather tricky.
I can attest to this.

When I find myself in times of trouble / my strong mantra comes to me.
Speaking words of wisdom, WOLOLO.

WOLOLO is my strong mantra. After practicing it sober for many hours (in and out of the asylum) it eventually reached such sacred power that once, during a Datura trip, I chanted WOLOLO for hours on end, until - I kid you not - the entire ocean turned red.

Almost demonic red. It really freaked me out, and I should have known better than to invoke the holy lo.

Anyway, a few frenetic hours of further mantra-ing (this was during a very long hike, so I had picked up a nice stick from the woods, which I was waving at the sky while performing the mantra), I did finally manage to restore the ocean to blue, which considerably eased my anxiety.

Since then I have not dared to speak the words.

Hey, that pepperoni looks pretty blue..
I could definitely see where this can go wrong. I think the part of the brain that would normally process language, while under the influence of hyperspace, is turned down to a minimum level of functioning. Trying to knock at it's door and make use of it then would be like trying to drink water from a glass having both of your hands numb. Your self would initiate the process, the brain would try to send the signal towards the other organs, but the action will fail to complete due to malfunction on the way. Then if the individual would keep retrying to bounce the signal back and forth in the hope (or stubbornness) that this will make it work, the consequences will, of courses, be confusion, agitation, perturbation, disturbing.. not to mention that physically trying to pickup the drinking glass, apart from being a challenge in itself, would definitely pose some physical risks...

Now, excuse the long analogy... the point was that while under the influence of dmt, the inner self seems to retract from the main cockpit of the brain/body from where it usually is "behind the steering wheel and command/navigation center". It somehow moves to a very ascetic corner where it wants to be mostly left alone by the ego and all the things that are stranded to it and, unless approached in a specific manner, the habits and so called rituals of our world will not always please it.

I know for a fact that interacting with that space is very possible and, done right, it turns out to be extraordinary. It takes a bit of time to experiment though. Until now i have found that smoothly breathing in (deep) through the nose and out through the mouth, with the lips curled a bit (almost like blowing a whistle but without the sound) and creating a pattern in that manner, will intensify and stimulate the effects quite impressive. Other ways would include making all kind of sounds, low pitched and high pitched vibrations and sounds through the throat, mouth, with the help of lips etc, in the same soft fashion, also seem to stimulate and orchestrate the plateaus of the experience quite nice. Of course everything involved plays a very important role here - set/setting, intent, methodical details, interaction and building a nice relationship with the substance in that specific present moment (it can't wait to make friends with you actually 😁 ).

The extraordinary thing is that this kind of interaction can up (or down) one's energy, as OP stated, to joy overload, tears, shivers, laughter (can become hysterical) and all type of emotional culminations. Steered correctly it can be very healthy and beneficial, so you can keep trying OP, it's definitely worth it. :thumb_up:
...i ended up screaming "das ist so gut" for the most part of an experience today...

:lol: :lol: I can definitely relate, to that expression.

... I chanted WOLOLO for hours on end, until - I kid you not - the entire ocean turned red...

well, you shouldnt tempt the power of the Age of Empire Gods, those phrases are not meant to be used lightly :roll: I suppose you didnt meet any fellow hikers on your walk? :lol:

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