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sublingual dosage for 5-MeO-DMT?

Migrated topic.
It varies. SWIM gets decent effects with just 5 mg sublingually. Some people prefer 10 mg or more. It's a good idea to start with no more than 5 mg to test your tolerance to it. A high dose of 5-MeO-DMT can really freak some people out. It does some very weird psychedelic things to the mind. It’s got all the mental “mind fuck” of acid and then some. The visuals are usually lacking and unimpressive.

SWIM likes it a lot though. It’s very euphoric if the dose is not too high. For SWIM it’s like a very short acid trip, but not as visual.
SWIM just tried 5-meo-dmt and THH together...SWIM took about 4mg of 5-meo..and about 6mg of THH

very euphoric..warm feelings throughout body..feels like taking a warm bath..very nice!!
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