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Sublingual Mescaline Experiments

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So, last night SWIM had a few hours to himself and decided it might be a good time to try sublingual mescaline to see if it actually works. SWIM has tried it before and always swallowed it afterwards and it seemed to bring the trip on faster, but he wasn’t completely sure if any at all was absorbed sublingually or not.

To get to the bottom of this, he took a standard known dose of 60 mg of mescaline acetate, which was cleaned with MEK, and a very active oral dose for SWIM.

SWIM is quite the expert at using things sublingually. He mixed the mescaline with 60 mg of calcium carbonate, to bring the pH of the mouth near the pKa of mescaline, which will aid absorption.

He put the mescaline under his tongue and held it there tightly for 15 minutes. Then he spit it out and rinsed his mouth. None at all was swallowed.

About 30 minutes later a very mild tryptamine-like body effect was felt, almost undetectable. Shortly afterwards, it began to fade.

Apparently super large doses are needed for mescaline to be active sublingually. 60 mg of mescaline acetate is enough for SWIM to get mild psychedelic effects, very mild visuals, etc., but sublingually, it was barely enough to even feel it. SWIM can very distinctly feel mescaline acetate doses as low as 20 mg, especially when combined with coffee. But this was even weaker than that. So potency wise it was less than 1/3 as active as using it orally.

This was a very disappointing experiment. While it is active sublingually, it is extremely inefficient to take it that way. This means, it’s best NOT to let mescaline aborb at all in the mouth. It should be dissolved in juice or coffee so that it washes down into the stomach ASAP. Absorption through the mouth will cause the effects to be much weaker and so it should be avoided.

In order to get decent effects sublingually, you’d likely have to take 5-10 times the dose you would normally take, and if such a dose was accidentally swallowed, holy shit you’d be in for it.

I don’t think sublingual use of mescaline is at all useful. Maybe if dissolved in DMSO it might work better. That’s the last thing SWIM will try with mescaline. If that doesn’t work to give more potent effects, then he’ll give up on sublingual mescaline altogether.
It's likely that it didn't all dissolve in 15 minutes, but if you need to hold it longer than 15 minutes, then that’s really not a good method of administration so it wasn’t even tried. Holding things sublingually longer than 15 minutes is uncomfortable.

Another possibly way to increase absorption is to use calcium hydroxide instead of calcium carbonate. But that burns the mouth slightly, and SWIM has a cold and that would make his cold get worse, so he did not want to try using calcium hydroxide.

If DMSO can help it absorb faster, that would be great. That’s SWIM’s next test.
i read dmso was never approved for use in humans, and if there is any contamination of any kind present - it will carry it thru ur skin.
I remember reading something about emu oil possibly being better a while ago.
Perhaps brushing the inside of ones mouth with a toothbrush and using mouth wash just before use could be beneficial.
Last night SWIM tried dissolving 60 mg of impure mescaline acetate (likely has 30 mg of actual mescaline in it) in 0.6 ml of DMSO. It took a while to dissolve, but eventually did.

SWIM then took the DMSO and spread it all around his mouth and held it for 15 minutes. He then spit all of it out and washed out his mouth. None was swallowed. A slight burning or tingling sensation was felt for the first 20 minutes. Within 30 minutes light mescaline effects were felt. They seemed to peak after about 3 hours and it lasted at least 10 hours.

This was more effective than the first experiment. It seemed that the potency was roughly 1/2 what it would have been if taken orally.

What’s interesting is that the sedative effects of the whole extract were not noticed at all. It seems like the DMSO helped the mescaline absorb sublingually, but not the other alkaloids.

This is the FIRST TIME DMSO WORKED for anything he’s tried it with.

The results are disappointing for the following reasons:

* The onset, peak, and total duration matched that of oral use
* It was identical to oral mescaline in every way except it was about half as potent
* The taste of DMSO lingered for many hours and could not be washed out.

On the up side, the experience felt very close to a pure mescaline experience. Apparently the sedative present didn’t absorb well sublingually.

I was hoping SWIM would have a better experience than this. The potency loss and the fact that there’s no real advantage to using it sublingually makes this method pretty useless.

Does anyone have any idea on other methods to improve sublingual absorption of mescaline? Maybe using vinegar or alcohol as the carrier? Any ideas?
I thought I read that DMSO is only effective for administering compounds where the active does is less than a few tens of milligrams. I read that therefore DMT salts are not effective in DMSO, although 5-MeO DMT (which requires a much smaller dose) is.

elphologist1 said:
I thought I read that DMSO is only effective for administering compounds where the active does is less than a few tens of milligrams...

Well SWIM's test seems to disprove that. 60 mg (actually more like 30 because of the impurities) was definitely stronger with the DMSO than without it. Without it, the dose was less than 1/3 as strong, but with it the dose was more like 1/2 as strong, so it did boost it's absorbency very noticeably.

With the DMSO, the stimulant effects of the mescaline were noticed and very obvious. Without it, using the same dose sublingually, only a very faint feeling was felt, with no mescaline style stimulation at all.
I know that menthol is used to dilate the tiny blood vessels on the surface of the skin. This aids in absorption. Alcohol apparantly helps as well.

My thought is to either use a menthol mouthwash after brushing the inside of the mouth and around the tongue to remove any dead skin buildup.

Certainly getting the Ph right is important, as well.

So, brush your teeth and gums and inner cheeks and under your tongue
Then, swish either menthol mouthwash or possibly use peppermint oil. Peppermint oil contains alcohol as well and is a concentrated source of menthol. One might even add it to a sublingual mix when basifying and letting it all dry together. The alcohol would evaporate, of course, so perhaps do a mouthwash rinse first.

Just remembered sorbitol. Sorbitol is added to B12 sublingual tablets, it is a 'sweet' tasting molecule that aids absorption.

Then with your properly Ph balanced, menthol containing alkaloid, work on sublingual technique to reduce saliva coming in contact with the material. Not as easy as it sounds. Keeping pressure on the material and having it spread out in such a way as to make contact with as much surface area as possible is the key. Spread and press.

Are there other Mescaline salts aside from the acetate that could work? I am aware that not too many salts are stable in powder/crystalline form, but maybe they don't have to be and a tincture could be made. One with CaOH, alcohol, menthol and even sorbitol added.

Great thread!


69ron, this post inspired me to research DSMO. It read it was banned by the FDA for human use to protect asprins hold on the arthritis market (back then asprin had a cornered market) so now you can only get it as a solvent. Don't know if it is true or not, just read it online. My question is, do you have a good source of food safe DMSO? My friend wants to research Salvinorin A and THC sublingualy. I have read that Mr. Ott had great success with Salvinorin A in DMSO.
The Nature's Gift brand is actually food grade. But by FDA law they must market it as a solvent. It contains 99.9% pure DMSO. You want one that is mixed with 30% distilled water. It's supposedly more effective when mixed with water.
69ron said:
The Nature's Gift brand is actually food grade. But by FDA law they must market it as a solvent. It contains 99.9% pure DMSO. You want one that is mixed with 30% distilled water. It's supposedly more effective when mixed with water.

thanks 69Ron. I found that brand at a local natural food store. I purchased the 99.9 DMSO, you say it works better doing 3:1 DMSO / Water? You put it directly in your mouth? Is the aftertaste as bad as they say?
The aftertaste is sort of like garlic. It's not that bad.

Yes, directly in the mouth.

Many of them already contain water. If it doesn’t have water it’s good to dilute with a little water in that ratio.
69ron, would it be at all possible to add piracetam to the dmso, or simply have piracetam and pure mescaline as a tincture. It might act like an MAOI in that the piracetam would increase the effects of mescaline, Just a thought.
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