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Substance Analysis Kit - Wanna know whats in that plant or drug?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

We are proud to present our crowdfunding project for our Substance Analysis Kits . We need your help to gather 20.000 euros in 45 days so we can purchase bulk material and start spreading substance analysis kits around the world.

If you donate 150 euro, we will send you the full kit as soon as we have bought bulk material, and if we don`t get our money goal you get totally refunded! Other donating options available, check the website!

Our kits can work for botanical researchers that might want to know if there are alkaloids of interest and/or toxic alkaloids in plants. It also works to tell substances like LSD appart from possible adulterants. This works significantly better than simple reagents sold around because those do not work well when there is a mixture of substances, while ours does. This can also serve to find which plants have more of the wanted alkaloids by doing semi quantification. Many more uses are possible.

You can support us by donating money to our crowdfunding page here

Feel free to ask any questions!
endlessness said:
Thumbs up!

Please let`s help support this project! It is very relevant for all of us!
Thumbs up once more and congratulations to all the people who made it happen!

Project like these will finally give the tools to kitchen chemists to get a better understanding of their extracts but, most of all, will allow screening for alkaloids of interest from any plant - and of course revolutionises drug testing.
Good luck with the fundraising! :thumb_up: I'll buy one, when my budget allows me to do so.
Excellent ! I just contributed 8)

Thank You very much TLConscious.


I hope to receive a "Full Kit and Full Support". :d

I really hope the project reaches the goal :want:
Awesome! I may just go all in and get a full kit so I can test out my plants. Thanks for setting this up whoever did this!
TLConscious said:
Feel free to ask any questions!

Analysis Kits and FAQ said:
"Is it it legal?

The kit does not contain any scheduled substances and is comprised of very simple plastic containers, tools and small amount of reagents and chromatography plates that are used routinely all over the world legitimately, including in schools. The kit is shipped discretely, no mention of substances are on the package, and there's only the logo of our organization inside the package.

Nevertheless, we urge you to check your local laws, if there are any possibilities that it can be considered 'drug paraphernalia' or anything of the sort. We are not responsible for you buying the kit if it is not allowed in your country or state. We cannot keep track of the laws in every country and state in the world."

Q 1. The kit also presumably includes an instruction manual, etc that will likely say the name of a potentially testable substance (likely a prohibited substance); Is there any way for persons living within the US to have their perk pack addressed FROM somewhere within the US? (Is that wishful thinking)? This week I had DHS/customs destroy Mimosa seeds I had requested from Brazil.

Q 2. Alternatively, do you have additional thoughts on how to avoid a persons package being opened? (Do you think it would help to label the package "Biology Supplies", or similar?)

Q 3. I intend to test my cacti for relative mescaline content; Are there things in cacti that will show up as mescaline that are not mescaline? (If so, I'd like to hear some about that)

Q 4. Do you have any advice (prior to instruction manual) for persons interested in testing the relative amounts of mescaline in their cacti?

Analysis Kits and FAQ
Been waiting for this. I'm in! :thumb_up:

Edit: I donated to the tlconscious site directly for the full amount of the kit. THEN I saw the indiegogo page...

Any way to upgrade the perk if I want to?
Thank you for your support! This is very appreciated!

So to answer the questions:
Q 1. The kit also preusumably includes an instruction manual, etc that will likely say the name of a potentially testable substance (likely a prohibited substance); Is there any way for persons living within the US to have their perk pack addressed FROM somewhere within the US? (Is that wishful thinking)? This week I had DHS/customs destroy Mimosa seeds I had requested from Brazil.

No, the kit does not contain any mention of illegal substances in the package, the manual will be sent as a pdf by email.

In any case, we are working to have a local distributor inside the US so that either the full kit, or at least the liquid parts (reagents and eluent) are sent from inside the US for those ordering from there. Even though the reagents themselves are not illegal, we just want to avoid any customs issues due to liquids in the packages.

If some package does not arrive for whatever reason, we will work it out and send a new one.

Q 2. Alternatively, do you have additional thoughts on how to avoid a persons package being opened? (Do you think it would help to label the package "Biology Supplies", or similar?)
It will be sent declared as `educational material`. Which is true :)

Q 3. I intend to test my cacti for relative mescaline content; Are there things in cacti that will show up as mescaline that are not mescaline? (If so, I'd like to hear some about that)

To our awareness there aren`t any false-positives for mescaline. In any case we will be in contact with you to guide you through your tests so that everything runs as smoothly as possible :)

Q 4. Do you have any advice (prior to instruction manual) for persons interested in testing the relative amounts of mescaline in their cacti?

No specific advice at this point, it should work fine as instructed :)

Any other questions will be promply answered :)

Been waiting for this. I'm in! Thumbs up

Edit: I donated to the tlconscious site directly for the full amount of the kit. THEN I saw the indiegogo page...

Any way to upgrade the perk if I want to?

Which perk are you interested in? Feel free to donate the extra amount missing for that perk, and let us know here or through email and we will put you on that perk`s list :)

After you answer this, I will take down the donation button from our official website for the moment, so that donations are focused on the crowdfunding page, preventing any further confusions.

I have been checking the crowdfunding page, and it looks like 2 contributions were made today :)

I'm glad to see this pick up momentum- important project.

Anyone needing a reason to jump in on this: let me direct you to this.
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