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Sudden microtrip

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
Hello, I'd like to have some independent thought on the small matter what has happened to me recently.

Yesterday after a break of a week or so, I indulged in some weed smoking. Some beers and cigarettes were had along with 3-4 hits from gravity bong of somewhat potent weed. I am an on and off smoker recently, simply put when I have weed I smoke it, when I don't - I don't.

I was high but definitely far from highest I ever been. Nothing special really.

At some point I decided to do some mundane task while standing I suddenly felt as if my heart has skipped beat, some kind of weak punch to solar plexus area and then mild pain in upper area of a stomach. I immediately started feeling that I am being forcefully drawn to the other side, if that makes any sense, as if I was having microtrip due to a bodily malfunction. Legs were feeling funny but I managed to get outside on a balcony, sit down, focus on breathing amd saying a few prayers (no kidding). I swear I was seing mild fractals all over around with open eyes.
After a fer minutes feeling subsided and I got back inside and laid on a sofa. After measuring blood pressure it was considerably lower and pulse higher, some cold sweating was had. After drinking some water, breathing and staying down, I am back to normal.

Can this be sign of heart problem? Maybe years of oxygen deprivation with smoke has had it effect?

Being close to loosing consciousness looks like a beginning of a trip for me...
What I'll share is completely anecdotal.

I've had some similar experiences recently. Aside from the induced psychedelic trips with cannabis, there have been a few occasions in which it felt like I was tripping. Usually after ingesting an edible, not after smoking. My cannabis ingestion has changed considerably in the past couple years, so I've chalked it up to that and that things change as we age.

How have you felt since? Any differences in breathing or heart rate during physical exertion?

One love
Oh I have my personal share of weed psy trips, it wasn't like that this time. It felt like a sudden drop in blood pressure, which made me feel a bit too close to loosing control over body and inducing some open-eye psychedelia.

Since then everything is fine so far, planning to get a medical checkup just in case.
I don't know if it's related, but I had an experience some time ago when I was stretching and began to feel like fainting I suddenly remembered that this feeling resembles a dissociative trip. It went away very quickly, but maybe changes in blood pressure can act as triggers, especially if not sober.
Ah! Gotcha! I think I know what you may be talking about. I've had somewhat similar experiences while on mushrooms and cannabis. I almost passed out on the stairs at home one day while tripping on mushrooms. It was a very sudden lightheadedness, that brought about feelings of the trip intensifying while also feeling like I was losing my grip and going to pass out. I chalked it up to my being tired that evening. I don't recall any particular pain I my chest or anything however.

One love
Seems like a case of orthostatic hypotension with typical symptoms like weak legs, little bit of nausea, fractal visuals, low blood pressure and mental feeling of falling into other dimension.

Regular intake of magnesium and/or other electrolytes could help you.

And of course, avoid gravity bong :d
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