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Suggest plants for me


Rising Star
Hello friend,

suggest me some indoor plants worth growing.

I currently have, psychotria viridis, banisteropsis caapi, salvia divinorum (that is not in the best shape :/ ), some citruses, little acacia I am worried about... What would be interesting plants you can grow from seed? (doesn't have to be though) Can, but doesn't have to be psychoactive...
Coleus var."Electric Lime"
Voacanga africana
Aloe vera
Hmmm, what is Coleus good for? I found some things, but I am interested in your knowledge :) is var. "Electric Lime" different in some ways?

Vocanga africana seems like fine idea, will think about that.
I am not sure about Aloe vera - i think my mother has some.

I have one Lophophora w. and some dragon fruit, would you recommend something specific? (I am planning on growing some more lophophores)
Hmmm, what is Coleus good for? I found some things, but I am interested in your knowledge :) is var. "Electric Lime" different in some ways?
That's the one with the salvia-like properties.

If you have Lophs, get some trichocereus and get grafting. Loph grafted onto trich makes more pups, and is a great way to use PC pachanoi ("pachanot"). Of course, a nice collection of active trichs is also a great hobby to have.
That's the one with the salvia-like properties.

If you have Lophs, get some trichocereus and get grafting. Loph grafted onto trich makes more pups, and is a great way to use PC pachanoi ("pachanot"). Of course, a nice collection of active trichs is also a great hobby to have.
salvia like, can you elaborate or point me in direction where I can read up?
salvia like, can you elaborate or point me in direction where I can read up?
By "salvia-like", of course I mean that it has effects resembling salvinorin A from Salvia divinorum. Besides noticing this through personal experience (confirmed by a co-experimenter), I thought I had read a more thorough account in Rätsch & Berger's Enzyklopädie der psychoaktive Pfanzen, Band 2 but despite having searched thoroughly, I could find no mention of it. Rätsch's first volume of the same work has an entry for Coleus spp., covering Coleus blumei [syn. Solenostemon scutellaroides] but without mentioning the Electric lime variety, so I suspect I may have read this in a recent edition of Lucys Rausch magazine at a friend's place.
First scientific confirmation:
More info on in vitro cultivation:
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