SWIM has an idea for a general drying device to be used for most drying purposes. The device would comprise of two frames: One screened off on all sides (top and bottom as well) with a hatch on one side, the other able to hold a standard sized box fan securely with an open back for air passage. The legs on the the fan side would be about 6in. and hinged to fold up while the legs on the screened side would be 2-3in. and fixed in place.
The fan would always be blowing away from the screened off area. When standing on its longer legs, it could be used to dry botanicals--such as psilocybe or trichocereus flesh--overtop the fan blowing down. When standing on its shorter legs, an evaporation dish could be placed inside the screened area, under the fan blowing up.
This should work wonders, but suggestions or other ideas are welcome.
Also SWIM was wondering if he could get a ballpark figure of the ratio of grams of dried tricho flesh to inches of fresh tricho cutting (assuming the cutting has been properly despined, cored and skinned)
The fan would always be blowing away from the screened off area. When standing on its longer legs, it could be used to dry botanicals--such as psilocybe or trichocereus flesh--overtop the fan blowing down. When standing on its shorter legs, an evaporation dish could be placed inside the screened area, under the fan blowing up.
This should work wonders, but suggestions or other ideas are welcome.
Also SWIM was wondering if he could get a ballpark figure of the ratio of grams of dried tricho flesh to inches of fresh tricho cutting (assuming the cutting has been properly despined, cored and skinned)