A new anonymous research survey put out by the psychedelic research team at Johns Hopkins, seeking feedback on people's psychologically insightful psychedelic experiences, may be of interest to Nexians and I'm sure y'all would have some excellent contributions to make in terms of feedback.
Hopkins Insight Study
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Have you had a psychedelic experience that was psychologically insightful?
We are researchers at Johns Hopkins University working on a research study about psychologically insightful experiences that occurred after taking a psychedelic substance. "Psychological insight" refers to realizations about personality, relationships, behavioral patterns, or emotions. Insight can occur in complete absence of spiritual/mystical insights, although spiritual/mystical experiences can sometimes prompt personal psychological insight. This anonymous internet survey asks questions about your psychedelic experiences that contributed to insight, including the short-term and long-term effects.
If you have ever had such an experience, we would greatly appreciate you completing our survey. If you know of others who have ever had an experience of gaining psychological insight after taking a classic psychedelic, please send them the link and encourage them to participate. This includes people who had such an experience long ago.
As you may know, our team has conducted survey and laboratory studies investigating the phenomenology of psychedelic substance use and this new survey is an important extension of our published and ongoing research. If you are interested in participating or would like to know more about the study, please continue on to the secure study site. We anticipate that it will take you approximately 30-45 minutes to complete the survey. Your participation is completely anonymous.
Principal investigator: Roland R. Griffiths, Ph.D. Protocol IRB001654494