jamie said:
I personally don't feel there is anything wrong with swearing as long as it is not excessive and out of context. It is a part of language and there is a time and a place for that kind of thing, and times when it is unnecessary and simply derogatory. The derogatory and excessive use of that language makes people look stupid and unintelligent.
It does not bother me the least when someone says "wholy shit.. I almost died!". It is different from someone coming in saying "man I fucked 2 bitches today" or "how can I make some of that DMT shit ?" or "you dumb asshole!" etc. Well you get the point.
It is a pointless exercise in futility imo to try to moderate every single little use of the word shit etc..
In the discussion about cursing in the past it was already settled that we would allow more explicit language when people would describe their deep entheogen experiences.
And the thing with allowing some words is that after that, people will think it is ok to curse and start cursing more. Then people will ask why some words are allowed and others not and off we go again.
In the past, I experimented several times with letting the no-cursing rule slide a bit to see if the group of people were able to hold the level of conversation without sliding down. Each time I was disappointed since it slided down in just days with no end in sight. Not only did the conversation use more cursing, also the general level of discussion went down since the people who did not like the cursing stopped taking part in the discussions and on average they had more interesting input than "sh*t this stuff is good, I'm high as f*ck".
Please understand that we are with a very diverse group of people here, some might not care about bad language but others do. In this case I rather like the more intellectual people who do not need the bad language than people who bring down the level of discussion with pointless cursing and swearing.
elru said:
Can curse words please just be programmed to come out as gibberish or something so that this isn't an issue anymore? I have seen this happen at least half a dozen times this week and am really getting sick of asking people not to swear and having them get mad at me, or seeing someone else ask people not to swear and then the person asking becomes a target of aggression.
If swearing is really not welcome then please just make the chat not display those words and it will solve this problem without starting these absolutely ridiculous and divisive arguments.
This will not work, it is hiding the problem while I want to do something about the cause. The thing about the no cursing rule is that people should be aware about what they say, just hiding the words means that nothing is accomplished. Also the first thing that will happen is that people will try to write the words down in different styles so that it shows up anyway.
Wiping the dirt under the rug does not mean the room is clean.
Kind regards,
The Traveler