Rising Star
A friend of mine informs me that he will be partaking of the spice for the first time tonight. He plans on making a parsley-screen sandwich out of a fresh, new bowl. While he is prepared mentally for his journey, he realized he has not chosen any quest accessories yet. He plans on keep the lights off during his experience and will be adventuring alone with trip sitters waiting in the other room in case of emergency. He also plans on turning the music off as just before partaking, but mentally readying himself with its background accompaniment. Any recommendations I should pass along to him? Doesn't need to be much, he only needs 20-30 minutes of music. Thanks guys! 8)
Edit: Also, is it best to cut up the little spice chunks into more of a powder or is it better to throw chunkies on the parsley?
Edit: Also, is it best to cut up the little spice chunks into more of a powder or is it better to throw chunkies on the parsley?