The little mouse
Rising Star
SWIM and his friend acquired some spice from a trusted sources, it had light pink tinges to it. Swim is a Veteran user having smoked for 2 years, he has gone far with this sacrament, but what follows shook him and he need some feed back/ help understanding it. SWIM used no scale and eyeballed the first few doses on spent cannabis ash. SWIM eyeballed a third dose and he and his friend both smoked the pipe. SWIM got three huge rips and the pip began to elongate, at this point SWIM is well aware the previous doses were not fully smoked and he has taken a rather large dose and decides he should lay down for the journey. SWIM travels through a tunnel for a while to a Quasi room, that was more of a hollow space.
There were multiple entities resembling tall lanky Greys, but they were composed of shadows. They proceeded to show SWIM multiple shapes covered in Bold neon patterns. When SWIM would look at these shapes he could feel a part of him being modified on an energetic level, but it seemed a physical sensation. It was not a pleasant sensation, in fact it felt overwhelming, not the experience, but the change being made to SWIM. SWIM would look away from one only to be shown a new shape with a similar effect. This proceeded for a while and every shape SWIM was shown made him feel uncomfortable.
After the shadow Greys were finished showing him things SWIM could feel himself falling backwards back through the tunnel. SWIM was not sure of his orientation, just that he was traveling fast and rotating erratically. This is where things got very rough. SWIM began to feel himself slamming up and down into something and then was in his body looking at the carpet, but he was pushed back into the tunnel once again rotating and traveling quickly. When he was put back into his body he was upright and slammed into the carpet extremely hard, like going completely limp, He pushed himself back up went limp and repeated this for 30 seconds or so according to his friend. During these 30 seconds SWIM is traveling back and forth between the tunnel and the room extremely disoriented and fearing for his life. Swim heard his friend saying "thank you" and "I love you" a lot and rubbing him on the back, this was extremely helpful.
Upon being in his body swim felt extremely powerful. There was a dark energy to this power he felt and it seemed very related to being able to manipulate material in this world. SWIM felt this feeling of powerfulness for about 2 minutes while has beautiful visuals, and then felt the need to puke. He grabbed a bowl that would never be able to catch what felt like was about to come out over his very new, very nice carpet He proceed to let the vomit flow, and in his DMT state he saw a bunch of black vile goo puke forth from his mouth, But in "reality" all he did was vomit gas. This was strange, it felt like it came from the first part of his small intestines. The powerful feeling left him.
slowly things return to normal.
SWIMs buddy said for him it felt like what SWIM was going through was all about control. He doesnt really say much more than that and SWIM don't press him. It must have looked like some excorsist shit the way SWIM was slamming myself into the ground uncontrollably. Please help SWIM understand what happened to him
Thank you.
There were multiple entities resembling tall lanky Greys, but they were composed of shadows. They proceeded to show SWIM multiple shapes covered in Bold neon patterns. When SWIM would look at these shapes he could feel a part of him being modified on an energetic level, but it seemed a physical sensation. It was not a pleasant sensation, in fact it felt overwhelming, not the experience, but the change being made to SWIM. SWIM would look away from one only to be shown a new shape with a similar effect. This proceeded for a while and every shape SWIM was shown made him feel uncomfortable.
After the shadow Greys were finished showing him things SWIM could feel himself falling backwards back through the tunnel. SWIM was not sure of his orientation, just that he was traveling fast and rotating erratically. This is where things got very rough. SWIM began to feel himself slamming up and down into something and then was in his body looking at the carpet, but he was pushed back into the tunnel once again rotating and traveling quickly. When he was put back into his body he was upright and slammed into the carpet extremely hard, like going completely limp, He pushed himself back up went limp and repeated this for 30 seconds or so according to his friend. During these 30 seconds SWIM is traveling back and forth between the tunnel and the room extremely disoriented and fearing for his life. Swim heard his friend saying "thank you" and "I love you" a lot and rubbing him on the back, this was extremely helpful.
Upon being in his body swim felt extremely powerful. There was a dark energy to this power he felt and it seemed very related to being able to manipulate material in this world. SWIM felt this feeling of powerfulness for about 2 minutes while has beautiful visuals, and then felt the need to puke. He grabbed a bowl that would never be able to catch what felt like was about to come out over his very new, very nice carpet He proceed to let the vomit flow, and in his DMT state he saw a bunch of black vile goo puke forth from his mouth, But in "reality" all he did was vomit gas. This was strange, it felt like it came from the first part of his small intestines. The powerful feeling left him.
slowly things return to normal.
SWIMs buddy said for him it felt like what SWIM was going through was all about control. He doesnt really say much more than that and SWIM don't press him. It must have looked like some excorsist shit the way SWIM was slamming myself into the ground uncontrollably. Please help SWIM understand what happened to him
Thank you.