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swim just took his first toke

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
wow... he doesnt think he got enough though, either that, or didnt hold it in long enough.. holy FUCK lol.. he didnt get the crysanthumum, but he was outside, and allllllll the leaves on the ficus tree he was next to first turned a bright bright clear green, then got blurry.. as all the color kind of started to meld together.. everything looked like it was breathing, with a huge bodyload.. but, he definently didnt experience any ego loss at all.. he still knew exactly where he was, and what he had just done, he could even hear the dogs barking in the next yard over, and could recognize it all ... maybe next time, he will try a bigger amount.. i mean this amount he just did looked like more than enough to blow someones head off.. it was about the size of a pea.. he doesnt have a scale to weigh it out, plus it has a tint of brown to it, as he didnt do an ammonia wash... :S .. it might be that theres too much other crap coming in with the smoke for him to get enough goodstuff in him in one toke.. ill let yall know how his second go at it turns out :D
okay.. second time i think went alot better (i guess better is the word) that was the most insane thing that has ever happened to me.. words cant even begin to describe.. i doubled up my previous toke.. i didnt even get the whole thing, and i dont know HOW THE FUCK anyone has any sense of self enough to take a second toke of that stuff... i lost all control... but the funny thing is, my mind still remains with me.. i was fully aware of what i had just done... which leads me to believe that i still didnt get enough.. the walls are still breathing as i write this.. its so hard to explain the hallucinations i saw.. the very first thing that came on was that high pitch like mckenna talks about... like a tornado siren.. as looooooud as could be.. i think that all the grasshoppers outside added to this effect.. i could feel an INCREDIBLE heat throughout my whole body that spread like a fire.. to the point where i felt that i HAD to take my clothes off.. and then everything started getting pretty peculiar.. i was in this shed we are building, unfinished.. you can see the trusses and the plywood of the roof from inside looking up... there were about 10,000 trusses of burning color and energy and they seemed to go for miles in either direction.. it was incredible.. theres lots more, but im still trying to wrap my mind around it all... holy SHIT.. one thing i do know for sure is that i was fighting it... definently.. i was writhing, COVERED in sweat.. i dont know how i know i was fighting it but i feel i was.. now that i know this isint a playtoy, ill be MUCH better prepared for the next journey.. to sum it up, i would imagine that this pretty much feels like going up in the space shuttle does.. a million miles an hour..
Welcome to home :) My friend found that a first light toke, followed 10 min later by more serious ones is the best way to get 'prepared' (well nothing can prepare to that anyway)
youre absolutley right, NOTHIN can prepare you.. i read up on this stuff for almost a year before i did anything.. doesnt help until you actually do it.. thennnnnn you figure it out :) hell, the comedown alone was ten times as crazy as any trip ive had.. i remember that when i could finally see myself again, the hair on my arms were neon green, and as soon as i saw that they were neon green, my arm started to turn into a gray color, and kinda wither... crazy.. i wanna try once more this evening, but one things for sure, the next time, im definently shooting for two tokes
i have a couple few questions... me and a friend of mine ended up dosing that whole f'ing pile last night lol.. it was absolutley amazing, jaw dropping, stunning, shocking, and all those other groovy adjectives.. although, i still never got the chance to do a second toke.. there was one instance where i tried, but by the time i got the pipe back to my mouth, i was already in the middle of the tornado and didnt think i'd be able to hold the toke in long enough without wasting it.. my question is, if your mind is still narrating your trip for you, and you KNOW you just smoked dmt even while youre peaking, if you can still clearly hear your mind then you had no ego loss right?
[quote:3193c54d64="DrunkyDaBear"]i have a couple few questions... me and a friend of mine ended up dosing that whole f'ing pile last night lol.. it was absolutley amazing, jaw dropping, stunning, shocking, and all those other groovy adjectives.. although, i still never got the chance to do a second toke.. there was one instance where i tried, but by the time i got the pipe back to my mouth, i was already in the middle of the tornado and didnt think i'd be able to hold the toke in long enough without wasting it.. my question is, if your mind is still narrating your trip for you, and you KNOW you just smoked dmt even while youre peaking, if you can still clearly hear your mind then you had no ego loss right?[/quote:3193c54d64] You most likely need to take that second and even a third toke. I have iron lungs and can't break through with just one inhale. Usually somewhere around either holding in that second one or exhaling that second one, is where shit really gets crazy, and that's when i make sure i take that last one...when I know I've done it right, i can never remember exhaling that third toke.
[quote:62d5aec88f]if you can still clearly hear your mind then you had no ego loss right?[/quote:62d5aec88f] No. Mind and ego are two different things. The mind is a tool, it may be fucked up or perfectly working. Like the day-memory. Ego is a structure, an habit, a belief. All that 'things' may change, work together.. or not. But when your ego will be overwhelmed by who you ARE, you will have no doubt.
i see exactly what you're saying.. i was under the impression that ego dissolution was not knowing who you were anymore, where you are, what drug youve done.. freedom you must be a badass man lol.. after i exhale that first hit and the insane hammer vision kicks in, i cant even get the pipe back up to hit it again.. after alotta practice tho, im sure one will get the hang of it and be comfortable enough to take another toke..
after you get rather comfortable with it, you'll be able to handle the quick change in consciousness and be able to go for more...swim had quite the experience two nights ago..he said he doesn't remember exhaling the third toke and ended up on the ground after starting out in the chair.
i loaded up a huge huge bowl tonight.. had it sittin on the end of the dresser here.. kinda workin myself up for it.. i grabbed my cup of water, didnt notice the pipe, and knocked it onto the carpet.... *sobsobsobsob* that fuckin sucked.. i had enough to pack another decent sized bowl.. this was the last of the last of my spice from the very last pull that i did this morning that i didnt think would amount to anything at all.. anyway, this was probably the heaviest experience yet.. i absolutley ripped it.. but still couldnt get a second toke.. might be a good thing i didnt lol.. this time i definently saw very very defined patterns .. it was like being in the middle of a dark vortex, and the patterns were millions of letters or numbers.. dont even really know what they were.. constantly moving and morphing along the walls of the vortex.. no color to it all though, it was pretty much black walls with grey patterning.. i cant wait to get some more bark :D
No color ? That's weird ! My friends always report visions with tons of colors. He wish to be able to paint them one day. However he don't remember having ever saw 'letters' with DMT. What you describe look likes what he saw while under DXM :roll:
You mean script like shown here, in the background of this home page..? http://spectraleyes.com/ Sometimes swim says the 'elves' or 'ninyos' hold out their hands holding an amazing 'toy' that has this kind of script moving around it, shaped like a shriner's hat, but just dripping with psychedelia, light, and gorgeousness. The 'script' seems distinctly like a non-randon language amongst all the rest of the random-eye-candy.
it wasnt quite that intricate, but the layout is somewhat the same.. the way all the numbers or letters were moving, they almost resembled tetris peices lol
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