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SWIM snorted a railroad track-sized line of DMT

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Rising Star
A buddy I have that lives in Antarctica sent me this message: That night was, by far, the most insane night of my life. Counting all the drugs I've ever been on at one time and all the other crazy shit I've experienced while not high, like skydiving, being chased by the cops, and being held up at gun point by gangsters that had just kicked in my door, none of that can even come close in comparison to that night. I didn't have an accurate scale that night (I have one now though, I told my self I would do spice again in any form until i got a .001g scale) so I eyeballed a really big line each for me and my 60 year old neighbor (now-business-partner). You know, I'm sure you've read how you need a little more for up your nose than you do for smoked. The original lines I had cut really looked gigantic. I smoked a cigarette and decided they were too big. So I shaved a little off of each. And smoked another cigarette. And contemplated the size of the two new lines. Still too big. So I shaved a little more off of each of them. And another cigarette. "Alright, fuck it, that looks about right." The size I was going for was a little less than twice the biggest smoked hit I'd ever taken. The line was about an inch long, 1/4 inch wide, and 3 or 4 millimeters high. I put out the cigarette and rolled up a 20 dollar bill. I said, "Well, here we go." I've snorted shitty coke and meth enough times that I felt prepared for the burn I had read about. The crystal wasn't the purest, but I had recrystallized an already decent product. The color was almost pure white..just a little off. I banged that fucker in one go. I stood up from the table and laid down in a nice padded reclining lawn chair. It burned like a fucker, but I didn't comment about it because I still wanted my friend to snort his. I told my buddy that it definitely seems to be taking awhile to come on. At one point I wondered if it would even work at all or if I'd done enough. Then the familiar shapes started to come. Ever so slowly though. At first. I told my sitter, "Ahhh, yeah, here it comes. It is real mellow and slow like I had read about. You'll like this." Then I got slapped in the face so fucking hard with visuals that I had to close my eyes. The well-known chrysanthemum came at me at a million miles an hour and I was thrust through hyperspace instantly. About 2 minutes after everything started, I felt some extreme nausea. I saw my stomach as a swirling, crazy, psychedelic organ moving its way out of my abdominal section, past my solar plexus, up past my chest, through my throat and then I saw it come out of my mouth and complete turn itself inside out and completely empty its entire contents onto the deck beside me on the chair with a huge splash. They made me dry heave several more times to make sure I was completely empty. Then the real traveling started. I felt like I was moving at about 3-5 times the speed of light. I saw the sky in front of me, at this point it was colored a pinkish-blue, as a two dimensional painting which I absolutely RIPPED through. Traveling faster and faster, I saw my body as a tightly-bound mass of thread that was quickly unraveling. I became a super-long and super-thin piece of thread being transported at an extremely high speed through the galaxy. I guess that's why everything came out of my body, so that I could be stretched so thinly. During this time, I felt as though I was being put through a series of mental and physical stress tests. At one point, I really felt what it was like to be drowning. My throat had completely closed up and I couldn't breathe from my nose and I felt like I was under water. I think my sense of time was so distorted, that every time I would take a swallow, that time that my throat would latch shut on the swallow, would seem like an eternity. I so badly wanted to ask my sitter if I was breathing alright, but I couldn't speak. At another point, I felt as though my heart was beating a trillion times a second. I wear glasses when I'm not wearing contact lenses and that night I was wearing glasses. At some point my glasses came off, but I could see with absolute accuracy. Like I was healed of my bad eyesight. In retrospect, however, I'm pretty sure everything I 'saw' that night, was all completely inside my head. Then the traveling had stopped, and I was completely out of my body, moving around with just my mind, and I ended up in this space. There were all sorts of swirling wormholes for me to choose from. I just had to think myself to the one I wanted. Every one I went into showed me something so important and reassuring about life, mainly my life I suppose, but obviously that could be applied to anyone. I don't remember staying at this point very long. I started my re-entry. It seemed to take forever. I really didn't think the night was ever going to end. There were real sounds around me that got stuck in a loop. There were songs on the radio that played over and over and over. The fountain next to me made the most complex sounds with the falling water. I asked my sitter if he could PLEASE turn off the tree frogs. Those goddamn tree frogs. I can't even smoke DMT at night in this neighborhood anymore because of the damn tree frogs..just too annoying. I was now back in my body, barely. I was able to utter a few words here and there. Everything I saw was just a swirling, smeared mess, everywhere. I was glad to see my sitter. I had to piss so bad but I didn't think I could stand up. Finally I got myself together enough and relieved myself. At this point, the intensity had almost completely died down. I had eyes in front of my vision everywhere. Very distinct eyes. I asked my buddy how long I had been away for. He said I didn't say a word for at least an hour. And the re-entry had taken about an hour as well. One hour of super intense hyperspace travel. I don't see myself ever doing that again. Not from fear or apprehension, but just because there is really no point. I feel like I pretty much saw it all. Plus it really took a toll physically on my body for about a week later. I had vomited so hard that I literally pulled muscles. Muscles in my chest were tight for days every time I would cough. And two muscles in my pelvis were pulled, one of them was actually bulging from my skin for about a week.
He ain't shittin, that's about what it's like! Now imagine hitting two rat tail rails during the peak of a 9g mushrooms trip in the wilderness! Sounds kind of absurd but it God damned killed me! [quote:97429e35bf]I don't see myself ever doing that again. Not from fear or apprehension, but just because there is really no point. I feel like I pretty much saw it all.[/quote:97429e35bf] Yep!
[quote:dbe074c51a="cilosyb"]He ain't shittin, that's about what it's like! Now imagine hitting two rat tail rails during the peak of a 9g mushrooms trip in the wilderness! Sounds kind of absurd but it God damned killed me![/quote:dbe074c51a] Yeah, I believe I read that report you wrote. Insane. Did you throw up? [quote:dbe074c51a="Garulfo"]I'm impressed by your performance. But... what about your buddy :) ?[/quote:dbe074c51a] Hehe, thanks. He decided to not go the nasal route after he saw what it did to me. He was an EXCELLENT sitter though.
I actually didn't puke. That was the second time I'd sniffed DMT; the first time I had a purge that would have permanently terrified small children had they seen it go down...err...up. I mean to tell you there was some seriously bad mojo coming out of me. Horrifying demonic noises included! I was a sick soul. All kinds of energy and colors swirling around and inside of my body cleansing every cell; cleansing my whole being. My limbs and neck and back...shit my whole body really, got stretched and contorted and refitted. I had two friends standing by while this was happening, who hadn't taken any DMT and they saw ALL of this happen! Shock and disbelief! It was a hell of a maintenance check up. I felt better than I ever had in my entire life after that purge, except that my sinuses were ON FIRE from using yellowish NAOH-heavy spice. I could breath deeper, I felt lighter, happier, and it kind of permanently mellowed me out. Never had the urge to puke on psychedelics again. Not even Ayahuasca.
[quote:4bf47bfed4="cilosyb"]I actually didn't puke. That was the second time I'd sniffed DMT; the first time I had a purge that would have permanently terrified small children had they seen it go down...err...up. I mean to tell you there was some seriously bad mojo coming out of me. Horrifying demonic noises included! I was a sick soul. All kinds of energy and colors swirling around and inside of my body cleansing every cell; cleansing my whole being. My limbs and neck and back...shit my whole body really, got stretched and contorted and refitted. I had two friends standing by while this was happening, who hadn't taken any DMT and they saw ALL of this happen! Shock and disbelief! It was a hell of a maintenance check up. I felt better than I ever had in my entire life after that purge, except that my sinuses were ON FIRE from using yellowish NAOH-heavy spice. I could breath deeper, I felt lighter, happier, and it kind of permanently mellowed me out. Never had the urge to puke on psychedelics again. Not even Ayahuasca.[/quote:4bf47bfed4] Dude, that describes the purge for me almost exactly, sounds and all. It was the craziest thing I ever experienced. My sitter and buddy reacted perfectly...he simply didnt react (and he's 60 yrs old mind you). My nose burned, but not all that bad, although my sinuses were completely clogged partly leading to the sensation that i was drowning.. But yeah, purging is fucking crazy. I had pulled muscles from that shit. I still want to try a pharmahuasca. I dont know if the throw up would come with that or not.
[b:e6b2aea36d]DOSES PEOPLE!!![/b:e6b2aea36d] cilosyb.. so did your mates try dmt after seeing that? :shock: any idea how much you did? how did you go with breathing? quote philly [quote:e6b2aea36d]My throat had completely closed up and I couldn't breathe from my nose and I felt like I was under water[/quote:e6b2aea36d] did you have a similar thing going on? if i was going to struggle with a part of this it would be that, i freak out sometimes when in dmt place and i can't breath properly and i'm getting a little foamy. argh ewwww but seriously i struggle with that sometimes.. if i was choking (how the fuck do you spell choke-ing?) yeah.. no good ps, i'm starting to think there's never going to be NaOH in spice.. yellow is plant oils and tannins and shit like that. No matter how you try, i bet you can't get naptha (even boiling) to raise in pH with NaOH 😉 ehh i'm just an opinionated fucker philly :D any chance you could eyeball a similar line and weigh it? your spice was pretty clean? and yeah pharma works well 😉
[quote:4de4e260c0="Coschi"][b:4de4e260c0]DOSES PEOPLE!!![/b:4de4e260c0] cilosyb.. so did your mates try dmt after seeing that? :shock:[/quote:4de4e260c0] They'd both done it before, but they'd taken none that night. My one buddy is really sensitive to the stuff. Even the smell can be too much for him sometimes. Poor bastard had a rough introduction to the spice...during a shrooming we had together - his second mushroom trip ever - I smoked some DMT right at the peak and it was wild. I was running around in awe of everything yelling at him "TAKE A HIT!". He didn't know anything about DMT besides that is was called DMT. But he's a trooper and that didn't stop him. He took a monstrous hit and it changed his life forever right then and there. It was a hell of a spectacle. He began stumbling all over my former yard...falling...flailing...dazed - he tore off his clothes, and stumbled square into the back of my parked car, having made his way into the driveway, where he again fell and began digging through the gravel fiendishly. After he came down, or 'back' he was speechless for about 10 minutes. The look on his face told the entire story, leaving little question about what'd happened. OB/NDE/God - in about 5 seconds flat without clue or warning about what lay in wait! "It fuckin killed me dude -" I thought it was all pretty funny until about 4 months later when the exact same thing happened to me in the wilderness. [quote:4de4e260c0]any idea how much you did?[/quote:4de4e260c0] If I had to guess, 250-350 mg. It was a shitload. [quote:4de4e260c0]how did you go with breathing? [quote:4de4e260c0]My throat had completely closed up and I couldn't breathe from my nose and I felt like I was under water[/quote:4de4e260c0] did you have a similar thing going on?[/quote:4de4e260c0] Naw, it never bothered me in that way. The second time I did it, it pushed me over the edge and out of body so fast that I didn't time to care about wordly things. I'd almost always get a sore throat the next day though, and it makes your nose and throat feel pretty dry. But snorting things wasn't something entirely new to me either :paranoid: - and I always snort a few drops of water to help with this. [quote:4de4e260c0]if i was going to struggle with a part of this it would be that, i freak out sometimes when in dmt place and i can't breath properly and i'm getting a little foamy. argh ewwww but seriously i struggle with that sometimes.. if i was choking (how the fuck do you spell choke-ing?) yeah.. no good ps, i'm starting to think there's never going to be NaOH in spice.. yellow is plant oils and tannins and shit like that. No matter how you try, i bet you can't get naptha (even boiling) to raise in pH with NaOH 😉 ehh i'm just an opinionated fucker[/quote:4de4e260c0] Interesting opinion...hmm...I disagree though. When I've extracted DMT, the first pulls have always been the best stuff in terms of purity. I've found that the whiter/purer DMT looks before snorting it the smoother the whole ordeal goes. The yellow was significantly worse. It burned in the way that only NAOH would. I never washed or rextld any of my spice though; surely that's a factor.
Did you ever ask him if your breathing was all right in the end? Edit: On the issue of NaOH, it isn't soluble in non-polar solvents - so there really shouldn't be any in your DMT. If you're sure that there is then you can still smoke it, as NaOH has a boiling point of 1400 degreesC
[quote:c1495e62b3="Jozef"]Did you ever ask him if your breathing was all right in the end? Edit: On the issue of NaOH, it isn't soluble in Naphtha - so there really shouldn't be any in your DMT. If you're sure that there is then you can still smoke it, as NaOH has a boiling point of 1400 degreesC[/quote:c1495e62b3] Actually, yes, SWIM did ask him and he said that SWIM's vital functions all seemed perfectly normal. When SWIM thought about the experience more, he thinks that his sense of time was so totally fucked up, that each breath seemed like forever, as well as each time he swallowed..giving him the sensation that his throat was closed up for minutes, rather than the half a second it closes while you swallow. SWIM's sitter did say that SWIM's eyes and head were bugging out all over the place, looking at this and that, and just not saying a word.
wow. swim smokes dmt all the time but never considered snorting it until now. on a scale of 1-10 how painful is it and is it really common to puke from it (im one of those hate to puke people, but for a good trip i can deal)? The experience sounds magical and scary at the same time.
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