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SWIM's opinion

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM sent this as a private message to another nexus noob and thought it worthy of posting:

SWIM believes from experience that you would gain the most positive change from the king of indole tryptamines (D-LSD-25 Tartrate, in pharmaceutical grade form). the most visual experience by far is DMT. but SWIM honestly recommends pure LSD which SWIM had once.

bugging MAPS probably won't accomplish it. supporting them however is most noble. street dealing kids will sell you a research chemical on paper or in liquid form and tell you that it is LSD.

that leaves three options:

1) find a real, preferably older, lSD family member. SWIM personally doesn't know any, SWIM simply got lucky once 15 years ago. if he has acid available ask him if it is white on white paper that is non-perforated (not a requirement, but best). then ask him if it causes an electrical sensation when the paper is placed on the tongue, almost buzzing shock like (not a taste! but a sensation). if he smiles and says yes, then it is real and you will be sent into the most euphoric, God-head, flying, heaven-like experience of your life and will be cured of depression and anxiety for several months after. you will feel pure electric like energy flowing through your entire body. prepare your set and setting accordingly for the experience. (EDIT: SWIM has supporting evidence from many people across several forums now to confirm this and a trip report from 1961 in Hoffman's book)

2) find a pharmaceutical chemical supplier that can do a full synthesis for you. you will likely pay high dollar for a small amount. Sigma-Aldrich sells it to the U.S. DOD at $97/mg. which is about ten doses. totally worth it but they won't sell to an individual. perhaps a trip to India or China would be beneficial.

3) make it yourself. LSD is one of the most difficult organic chemistry synthesis processes known to man. precursors are heavily watched by the DEA. tens of thousands of dollars worth of lab equipment is necessary. and finally, a degree in organic or pharmaceutical chemistry with lab experience should be established.

Other than that, SWIM tried a few of the research chemicals available legally and SWIM would recommend against them. if anything, just go organic and grow your own mushrooms. it's an easy process if you have the time and can be most rewarding. however, dosage is the problem with mushrooms as the potency varies. there is supposedly a simple ethanol extraction for mushrooms that SWIM has not attempted which is claimed to make dosing more standard.

one more thing, if you do find pure LSD, don't announce it to the world. Remember this, LSD was the drug that the gov. created the scheduling system for (not heroin, cocaine, or meth) Why?

capitalism/religion/government has no room for consciousness expansion, true enlightenment, growing awareness, love, light, connectedness with all, non-consumer induced happiness, re-establishing inner communication with the divine and communication with each other. i mean, how could we fight wars if we achieved those things aye?

SWIM believes that in a metaphysical sense at least that DMT is perhaps the physical/material form of one's soul which recombines with the one great spirit upon death. Smoking it is mind blowing :)

SWIM wishes you well on your journeys!
You call yourself SWIM in PM too? Too each their own..

Anyhoo, LSD is good times indeed and excellent medicine for the soul ime.

You aren't going to find a foreign lab to synth you a batch of LSD (unless you are the russian mafia or something). You are also not going to be able to synth it yourself.

My advice for anyone looking for LSD in the states is to go to festivals. LSD is not scarce and certain circles are swimming in it. Jambands know whats up.

I wouldn't say all research chemicals are bad either. It's not fair to lump so many substances together and some of them are quite valuable in there own right.. LSD is a good teacher but it is not the only path :)
lol... nay, swim doesn't use swim in the pm. i edited for the forum. you're right about LSD not being the only path. i think that i tripped so much and so hard in the past that i have become really picky about what i put in my brain these days. i had good acid once and it was beyond anything else as far as feeling and positive change is concerned. aside from DMT which is the fast blast into alien universes, the most visual (several hours) trips that i had were from high doses of mushrooms. on one trip i actually blacked out, met a triangular voice of God who told me to never return to that place, and awoke with no ability to understand anything at all. i was completely retarded, i could read the time on my watch but i could not understand what it meant at all. i was forced into a primal state of zero ego. everything was a swirl. i could feel my brain splitting into fragments that would slide in different directions and i could see this in my visual field. gnarly feeling, thought i was going to die, not just go insane.

that trip left me in a nasty place for a long time afterward. smoking pot would then give me flashbacks of that experience. oh, i had some amazing mushroom trips as well. but after everything, for me at least, i've just come to the conclusion that pure LSD is worth waiting for.

festivals - i'm close to camp zoe which is under interrogation right now from the feds. bastards are trying to shut them down. hippies are still a minority of course. i'm afraid that they'll cut a deal with the owners so that they can infiltrate the drug scene. that's my guess, but i wouldn't recommend selling a sugar pill there at least not at the next schwagstock.

i wonder about the Netherlands. i hear there's good acid around there but damn that's a long way from me :(
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