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taking a break?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
After Swim experimented with spice for a while, reveling in its power, marveling at its ability to blast thru the doors of perception Swim has stooped using DMT entirely, it is still available, it does not scare her but she simply does not feel the same pull towards it. Just wondering if anyone else has smoked it frequently and then taken a long break from it, and what its like to go back to smoking it after such a long break (say 2 months...).
Initially it was weekly, just to figure out how to work it to breakthrough, and get doses right. This was for about 3 months, starting 2 years ago. Now, at most I might try dmt once every 2 months, compared to my ususal frequency at attempting to launch by vapours, every 3 - 6 months. I'd eat it just about as infrequently, but that is a new thing for me, only 3 times so far. Swim always has some fine spice in her apothecary, so I'm not limited by availability. BUT !... I talk about it everyday, think about that revelation of hyperspace every day, read about it, and would tell anyone who could care to listen about it, anywhere ! Especially during Xmas elf season - one can start with conversation about how there's the pagan origins of the tree (of knowledge), 'Santa' and the elves, toys created in some magic 'workshop' in a hard-to-get-to place...
started monthly, after four months, then weekly; arounthe end of nov. started daily (sometimes 2-4x/day) am now taking a rest and only smoking when turning on friends
My friend is wondering if it is 'right' but he took the bad habit to smoke a bit almost everyday... scary experiences did not refrained him to continue more than 2 days 😉
I started around 7 months ago about 3 times a week for about 3 months, then kinda got scared off it. Im totally obsessed with it and always thinking about it. I do think ive integrated some of it into my life, just wish I could shake the fear I get, its usually when im myself and need reasurrance that im alive, really need to let go or smoke more lol think its smoke more ! Just sometimes when im smoking it and im kinda still aware of what im doing, im like what the fuck am I doing dunno what my problem is think some valium would help, but didnt have this fear at the beginning, might discuss it with my doctor, maybe she'll help me work through my stupid fear! :lol:
Yes agreed it truly is ridiculous!! What this shit does man these fucking aliens having sex with you and messing with your mind, loving you like youve never felt!! Who would have thought it!! :lol:
tried it for first time a couple months ago but i only get down every 3 or 4 weeks but when i do i do it 4 to 5 times in one night
[quote:405cdeb025="SyZyGyPSy"] Swim seems to recall McKenna writing a letter to someone else aboot encountering some sort of guardian after smoking DMT too often. The guardian told him not to come back. Of course, he did, and was punished severely for doing so with like a psychospiritual beating of some sort. But swim can't find this correspondence again. Anyone else read this? Got a link? I'd really like to find it again... I've also read similar reports from posters about encounters with guardians following "abuse" of the spice.[/quote:405cdeb025] I believe what you're referring to is somewhere in McKenna's letters to Robert Hunter (lyricist for the grateful dead). You can find all the letters archived at http://www.hunterarchive.com/files/OrfeoFiles/Orfeo.html . It's somewhere in there.
thanks for the input guys! Glad that im not the only one who went thru a honeymoon period with the spice. Now i find that smoking a fat bowl before smoking the spice helps calm my nerves. Had a really good trip after taking the break this weekend, same old friendly spice as always. LOVE.
after my first good trip on dmt i didnt smoke it for about 6 months. even now ill only smoke it on a rare occasion. maybe once a month or once every two months.
I hear you syzy lol it is as if everything you thought of as a kid and more is actually real its crazy!!! A little unnerving being 27 now right enough lol and yes what are you supposed to obsess over after THAT :lol:
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