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Taking a Leap of Faith.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Greetings fellow brothers. I believe fate has brought me here while on my quest for restoration. I have been struggling with depression and lack of life in my spirit. I was once the most optimistic person for 19 years of my existence. At 19 I was diagnosed bi polar. I have been on a search for a natural way to cure my mind and restore my spirit to the way it once was. Medications are not the cure and mainly are the cause of me not being able to experience happiness and pleasure in certain aspects of my everyday life due to dopamine levels being blocked by mood stabilizers. I have been stable for quite some time and once again my curiosity of dmt has struck me. This time around I truly want to pursue this journey the right way. The more I learn about dmt the more I feel that this quest is one i must undergo. I just want spiritual restoration. Maybe what I need is Ayahuasca. I;m relatively new to all this. I was wondering what your guys opinion would be to someone who is diagnosed bi polar and wants to breakthrough. Is it possible on antipsychotics? I'm currently taking Invega Sustenna 156mg. Its a dopamine antagonist. I would really love a breakthrough as I've heard its life changing. I'm so grateful I have found this site as I already get the sense of a great community and amazing information being shared here.
This molecule is definitely life changing, so I find. I don't really know anything about mood stabilizing compound interactions with the molecule, and how so-called bipolar-ness affects the voyage, but I'm sure someone else will be able to enlighten you on that subject :) . I do know that DMT can and will prove to be a reality-tunnel expanding experience, and this molecule will lead to an amazing journey. It's awesome seeing another traveler on the hyperspace plane, anyway 😁
Greetings :) I too have had problems with depression - anxiety; never got diagnosed or searched for prescription medication as I was an avid psychedelic user. So I can't help with the bi polar issue or the medication issue; but what I can tell you is if the molecule is calling you, there is a reason. What is your experience with psychedelic substances? I wouldn't suggest ayahuasca until you have became comfortable with the molecule; but in low doses aya can be very calm and it can get you familiar with the journey it provides. I honestly can say as a 19 year I overcame mental illnesses that were holding me back through psychedelic exploration, and I also believe the most medicinal like substance I've came across was definitely Dmt.
Yeah dmt is calling out to me in a way. I've been a cannabis smoker since 7th grade im 22 now but i took long breaks from it and I was a social user. I tried shrooms but didn't respond to it. It may have been the batch because no one really tripped out. I'm not really into tripping it but what I like is being at peace when I'm chiefing. The type of depression and spiritual death I'm dealing with I don't wish upon even my worst enemies. I'm not suicidal or anything but I feel more like dead weight. But the suicidal thought do crept in it sucks. That's why I feel like I NEED this experience in order to align myself with the universe. I used to sleep deprive myself with basketball all day then video games at night. Was the worst thing I went sometime without dreaming because 4-6 hours of sleep doesn't let me tap into REM sleep for me.
Double hi from us... I'd usually say, but ever since I unplugged "it's" main power source I'm now the dominant one....

I would like to say that I understand, me being Bipolar as-well...

All I can say it's your choice, take the leap and find yourself, build something new from the pieces you have left. I took time and accepted my fears and thoughts, I faced them and made them part of life, and finally I got so used to them I forgot about them. It's all in the mind, not that the mind is anything worth anything, constant changes inside out the inner aura rim constructed by your mobile vessel moving about this rock we call earth, and intertwining with others around you, only to find your actually alone and everything is moving around you and not you. when you move it's like the world below your feet move like a clown on a giant space ball, filled with lies and improper meaning. Not to start on the utter interstellar system around the outer aura rim you have that cover and shield you from things that lurk and dwell around those that seem supernatural, and again unreal. None make sense and none will ever, although each "person" or thing, a being which way or whatever they call them these days, may have there own seeing and belief which is perfectly fine by me and will always be, which leaves me open minded and left with one final question or preservation: What am I supposed to do here?

After all that I'd say just be yourself don't be scared :D and explore, live life :)

Also in my experience Weed made me feel way way better than any doc, or medicine BUT!!! thats me most important thing is, it differs from person to person! I can relate to the Suicidal thoughts for sure... I hated them but I guess in my position I just had to take them on...(still in a battle but as long as I keep my mind busy I'm ok, I took on Programming...)

All I can say about DMT is well nothing... haven't done it Yet... but on the other hand I love doing Salvia, and I'm actually going to smoke a nice hit now... also some weird random note as I'm already busy typing (open minded) earlier today I had a minor crash... Like my question above in that utter random piece, I asked myself what does it matter, wtf am i really supposed todo here, I mean what the hell. I sometimes feel so bored with everything around me its just stupid... Anyway not going down that road now...

I'd say start with something man, just go with it no worries.. I found that many of my crap is caused by thinking to much or worrying to much ! oh and I know it maybe weird, but you ever tried changing your music? like if you want I'll link you some stuff.. anyways,

Gosh sorry I just went with it... I'm not trying to be rude or anything if it seemed that way :) I'm just open-minded.. :)

One thing I always do before I take anything, I set my mind.. lol it's almost as if i give a little prayer :p and then I'd bring up a memory from a friend (we used to smoke weed big time everyday) anyways... he would have this look, and then he'd say... "what's the worst that can happen?" - I always thought about it in a wrong and sad way but finally after many experiences It started to make sense ;)

Love bru ;)
I feel you man. I honestly believe that what happened to me that was labeled bi polar was a spiritual awakening in a way. I was at peace and free and I wanted to share it with the world. Unfortunately I can't get off my meds right now because my Psychiatrist thinks I need them. They don't believe in the spiritual awakening. I did experience mania at one point when I stopped my meds cold turkey which is the worst thing you can do. Mood Stablizers and SSRI's can't be stopped cold turkey or you'll end up going nuts. But unfortunately my family and everyone believe that it was Bi Polar that caused it and don't understand the dangers of prescription medicine. There is a reason why America has the highest bi polar rate and pharmaceutical company run America. Then they want to know why so many people are depressed in America. I will be extracting dmt once I do more research and get in the right mind state to undergo the journey. Hey mj meo dmt are you on meds for your bi polar? Because if you had a salvia experience on it that would lead me to believe that I could work for me too. I'm just curious to see if one on anti psychotics can breakthrough into hyperspace.
I would try Ayahusca for sure..

I would recommend a caapi/syrian rue mix for the maoi
You may find out this whole bi-polar thing is completely fixable]

I amy be wrong but I don't think your dopamine antagonist is compatible though with MAOI..
Peace said:
Hey mj meo dmt are you on meds for your bi polar?.

Was, long ago man... But at that time I didn't do Salvia, only smoked MJ and did the other usuals, coke, kat, e, acid... Acid stuck on.. the rest i marked as crap.. And at some later time I had to move so couldn't afford the meds anymore.. so I smoked alot, it brought me back every single time... Thing is, in the beginning when I started smoking pot I used to smoke for fun and for randomness, and just because I didn't give a shit if i lost my life or not (not that anything in that direction changed but I have a different POV now) anyway, I was somewhat out of control hence emotional problems and other stuff. So later I figured I'd change the way I use Pot, so I started controlled smoking, like certain amounts, certain times a day and so on... Also I started to use it to get my mind set in order, I started teaching myself stuff, and started doing stuff... i disconnected myself from the world and all the crap the world feeds your mind, I started doing research (3rd person view, open minded and not trusting anything or the first thing i read..) in various points and directions, medical, politics, space, life, drugs, religion gosh everything I could get my mind busy on... (Notice things nobody else notice)

About the Bipolar(and dissociative identity disorder:hence the emotional parts): Some one once told me "MJ your like a spinning ball, and when you stop you don't now which way to go..."

I won't say that I had it that bad, I had some problems sometimes had major depression(but thats another story), I'd be me for a few weeks and then the other for a few weeks, id use a different name, I'd have random mood swings, I'd be totally confused if my friends came over that I didn't know them, and sometimes I'd be speaking in circles and very deep and weird. Although I'm still very very deep, and I keep everything to myself I never talk, I'm usually the listener for everyone else. And i have trust issues. It's like everyone I meet I'd trust them, they f*ck up once and the are in the blacklist... random stuff
In my humble opinion( and I really mean that), I would not look to DMT as a miracle drug that solves all problems. I agree with the person above, that the bipolarness may be completely curable and I also agree that DMT is more than likely to have life changing interactions, but perhaps expecting a drug to solve all problems is too big of an expectation. I do think DMT can show you thing you need to see, and I do think its something you should partake on it as long as prepare yourself. Good luck and I wish you the best.
I've been looking into different options and I think talking to a shaman would be the best. But I do want to enter the other realm and see whats there for me. An awakening is something I'm craving. I've heard of dmt putting you at peace with yourself and thats something I truly need. Not to mention an ego death.
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