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Taste of Chacruna

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I drank chacruna yesterday and...šŸ˜–šŸ¤¢ it tastes exactly like a mouthful of ocean water, but with an extra taste to it. So does chacruna have salt in it or something? :/ even as reduced as it was I couldnt down enough to get visions.
The viridis that most vendors offer seems to have a greyish funky color to it and isn't worth fooling with, at least in my experience. I don't know if it's something wrong with harvesting or storage methods, or if perhaps they wash it or treat it for export but I've yet to come across anything really worth what they get for it. However I've read many times that the hawaiian sourced chacruna is supposed to be orders of magnitude more potent. It's a fairly easy plant to cultivate though if you have some skill with plants, just be careful to insure you are getting the right species as alot of folks apparently offer carthagenensis or alba as viridis. If you go that route there's some tricks up the potency. :thumb_up:
Good luck Franlover.

Agree with what twitchy had read, the Hawaiian chacruna (no matter where it is from) is always super dream, 30 to 35g is moderately strong territory, have dreamed over 56 times, never had any South American leaf work beyond a scale of 1 on a potency scale from 1 to 5 however, and even then requires twice as much. Taste is bitter if it is strong, like most other plants, and the taste is quite bad, hard to explain. Be careful, sometimes (1 time out of 10 or so) only 20g of hawaiian leaf will be as strong as 35g. 35g can easily be a 4 or 5 on a scale from 1 to 5 dream strength. I'm talking all the walls full of honeycomb visuals, a buzzing frequency that comes on strong and persistent, a feeling of taking off like Dennis Mckenna used to say on a full strength elevator to the top floor, this strength can easily last some 90 minutes before it goes down a few notches, so be careful. Like handling a high speed sports car for 90 minutes.
Hawaian is better indeed. Most of the chacruna is from peru, and it is just very weak. But it IS active.

It is hard to give an advice on how much is needed, normally, because it does vary a lot. With some batches of chacruna you can easily put 80 grams in a brew, while good hawaian chacruna is active at even 25 grams.

First question would be: was it the caapi or the chacruna that failed, or both? If you had enough caapi, then you should have had at least SOME effects, if you took anything over 40 grams of chacruna. If you had no effects at all, then it makes sense to look at how much caapi you took first, and try to up the dose the next time.

Normally, a starters dose is somewhere around 50 grams of both caapi and chacruna. If you feel nothing, then a little more caapi may do the trick. As little as 10% extra may make all the difference then.
If you feel some effects, but it's just very weak, then at least the caapi worked. If 50 grams of chacruna gave very weak effects, then you can just try to take 20 or 30% more next time.

40 to 50 grams is a good standard to start with, because on the one hand it will still be manageable if the chacruna is realy potent, and on the other hand it will still give you some effects if the chacruna is realy weak.
With my last batch, 15g Hawaiian was WAY too much. I couldn't see the consensus reality in front of me.

As for the taste, I've had salty Hawaiian leaf and non-salty. The last one is not particularly salty, but it's thick and oily.
Jagube said:
With my last batch, 15g Hawaiian was WAY too much. I couldn't see the consensus reality in front of me.

As for the taste, I've had salty Hawaiian leaf and non-salty. The last one is not particularly salty, but it's thick and oily.
Yes, hawaian is definately a lot stronger.
But for all the non-hawaian chacruna i would say that if you have a batch of unknown strength, 40 to 50 grams is a good standard to begin with. That is usually on the weak side, even.
thanks for the replys everyone =)

Dragonrider I was drinking from a cup of 50g probably peruvian and didnt drink more than three sips, so probably drank 10g and the chacruna failed. It was so undrinkable >_< I will try again though.
Chacruna potency is highly variable. Iā€™ve read here on the nexus that it can be .1 - 1% DMT. Ive heard that the age of the leaves matters a lot as well, but I havenā€™t looked too much into that assertion. Maybe older leaves are less potent and taste worse.
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