Never experienced a psychodelic telepathy experience as I enjoy to trip alone.
But in a day to day life I experienced situations which could be viewed as telepathy or however some would like to state them.
I also think that these situations could be viewed mor as observant then telepathic.
Like what does someone say in which way, the pitch of his voice, dynamic or static pitch, microexpressions, facial expressions, geastures,..
IMO all of that is only a hint which could help to create assumptions.
But this assumptions are worth nothing as long as they are not approved or rejected by myself.
Example: If 8/10 observable sources result for me for an assumtion then the assumption could be right with an 80% accuracy but it can also be wrong for 20%. And that sill remains only an 8/10 assumption till verification.
The more observable sources there are the easier it is, on the other way the less observable sources are the harder it gets.
It is a difference when you see someone and talk to him per voice or if you do not see him.
I view this topic as communicative or interpersonal sensory skills rather then telepathy.
Although it helps me to guess how the other person could finish his sentence or how my interaction impacted the other party.
But I also think that it is always important to listening till the end and not only to see if I was right/wrong.
IMO there is no general guidance to this like "if someone touches his nose he lies".
This general rules look very cliche like for me.
As others wrote above that it involves to know the other party very well.
Would I be able to interact with someone blindfolded with no ability to speak and listen independently of using psychodelics or not?
Then my answer is no.