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[USER=66633]@Franklin2100[/USER] when gernerally thinking then will is what makes everyone unique as a being.

Will a non free being be not unique?

When thinking about internal will:

Is my will free or was it ever not free?

Sometimes we are forced to undermine our own principles because of circumstances.

Example: When participating in a big meeting and everyone is on the edge while something important but also critical should be communicated.

IMO that would distract the idea of having a free will for me in the moment.

But would it be intelligent or unintelligent to communicate the critical content at that time?

Probably depends on how something is communicated.

But imo it is more important when and what is communicated.

When thinking about external will:

All i want or can provide is my thoughts and how it affects others.

But as I do not like to get distracted in terms of my will so I also do not want to distract others.

All I can provide is to report about experiences.

It may or may not fit the scenario of the other party but the other party has some more information available for him to work with it.

Everything I wrote regarding "telepathy" or "interpersonal" can be used for good and bad.

I was pushed into this mindset because I always had to be very observant as a child in order to evade tradegy.

When comming back to "free will" then even this sircumstances distracted my free will in some way.

The question is at which point can it be viewed as wrong or right to interfere with the free will of someself or someone else?

Also marketing campains or advertisements could probably be viewed as sort of manipulation.

Well but propaganade as well, right?

So what is the difference between propaganda and advertisements?

My asnwer to this question is the intention.

While ads try to help vendors to fill their pocket they try to create the interest of potential people by expressing or creating the demand for the product.

So companies try to get more advantages by ads but also want to create advantages for others. (although it can result in people buying things they actually not need)

While propaganda tries to manipulate in order to get more self advantages while not careing for disadvantages of others.

The difference is the win-win and win-lose with this scenario.

IMO information should be shared neutrally.

Without trying to pick a side.

Just listing every advantage and disadvantage without unlisting some.

That way an opportunity for the observer is created without distracting his free will or mind explicitly.

But people are too much focused on being right/wrong instead of wanting to know what actually is right and wrong.

Resulting in debates or discussions while everyone could move mush faster and longer with dialoges.

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