So does the question of who created you or does such a concept of "what created you" come into mind?
If God is free then everything and everyone else is also free and unique since they are an extension of God, even if they aren't separate from God and thus not entirely unique but that doesn't mean that they're not unique , just part of something that is unique so that makes them unique in their own space and imo it is the Veil Of Maya that gives one or God the illusion of separation.
I would imagine that a being so powerful and infinite would like to have the illusion of separation to experience itself and live life in such a way that makes infinity.....seem like a shared thing. From what I remember hearing , bears die in captivity because they need to have a companion , a death of loneliness. Could that also be an expression of God?
I would understand the role of Satanism is to protect the individuality of a mortal and to be reminded to not seek too much enlightenment but that is a double edge sword imo.
Hindus believe that the 10th avatar of Vishnu is amongst us and such a avatar would be in a struggle against the Veil Of Maya. Since Maya cannot be killed then Vishnu would lead and Maya would follow and this imo is where religion stems from. A divine leader that takes a mortal body that encompasses God to such a degree that even Maya would recognize it's divinity. Maya being those who believe in "free will," and that concept of Do As Thou Will Being The fullest Extent Of The Law in Satanism.
This concept is also shown in The Game of Thrones when the Iron Throne is destroyed. The Iron Throne being this notion that" this nation" or "this political party" is superior or knows whats right for the people and the people coming to terms that and being all shown that they are truly free and always have been. Marking a new age of mankind.