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Don't know how this thread got passed my radar.

We don't seem to know if telepathy is "real." (We have yet to settle on what constitutes knowledge, and therefore what really constitutes "reality;" potentially unsolvable epistemic and ontological inquiries.)

Anecdotally, I've had several experiences that seem telepathic. And at the end of the day, that's all we seem to have: the appearance of how reality seems to be to us subjectively and intersubjectively.

Aside from mirror neurons, we could just be more aware of each other in a way that lends itself towards interaction that seem telepathic, considering the increase in population density in many places.

However, being psychedelically inclined as I am, I won't say that telepathy doesn't exist.

I also won't say it does, just talk about potential appearances of such.

I'll suspend judgment.

One love

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