I've heard of this religion before, but only yesterday did I read a
Wikipedia article and realised I have ideals quite similair to their's:
The use of (all) entheogens(natural & semi-natural) as a sacrament in
a spiritual/therapeutical setting, under the protection of Religious Freedom.
And a view that psychedelics in such a context can allow access to the divine/higher
These 2 points that are clearly states on their website resonate very strongly
with my own beliefs concerning Psychedelics, however their website is very short,
vague & unfinished. It sais under construction: Hope they finish it soon.
I would like to know more about this Religious organisation. Things like:
-They're based in Manhatten. Does anyone here have any experience with/knowledge of them?
-Does anyone know if they have any branches/temples in other countries? If so where?
-Does anyone if this religion is officially recognised & as such allowed to legally
posses/extract/synth/ingest psychedelic plants & compounds?
Wikipedia article and realised I have ideals quite similair to their's:
The use of (all) entheogens(natural & semi-natural) as a sacrament in
a spiritual/therapeutical setting, under the protection of Religious Freedom.
And a view that psychedelics in such a context can allow access to the divine/higher
These 2 points that are clearly states on their website resonate very strongly
with my own beliefs concerning Psychedelics, however their website is very short,
vague & unfinished. It sais under construction: Hope they finish it soon.
I would like to know more about this Religious organisation. Things like:
-They're based in Manhatten. Does anyone here have any experience with/knowledge of them?
-Does anyone know if they have any branches/temples in other countries? If so where?
-Does anyone if this religion is officially recognised & as such allowed to legally
posses/extract/synth/ingest psychedelic plants & compounds?