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Tepezcohute/Syrian Rue as a help in liver cancer treatment

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Saludos cordiales
Any help is welcome.
A very close friend of mine is going to take chemotherapy to treat her liver and ovaric cancer and I would love to help her in any way I can. After reading this :

I think syrian rue could be a good help in her path through this experience but to be honest I lack knowledge and experience in this ground. I wonder if anybody around the nexus universe has ever tried using this sacred medicine in this regard and how effective it was.
Hola amigo!

Im definitely not a doctor, please have her consult her doctor about any complementary treatments and possible interactions or contraindications.

That being said, maybe look into Milk Thistle extracts too, since silymarin seem to have liver-protecting effects.

I wish your friend the best ! Let us know if anything helps her!
Hola Magico,

Firstly, as you probably already know, liver cancer is especially difficult to treat, usually with a poor prognosis, and I have no experience assisting somebody with that condition.

However, the 'cancer patient in my life' who has Stage IV metastatic breast cancer responded very well to a Syrian Rue tincture that I prepared, with formerly aggressive, treatment-resistant tumors subsequently becoming 'stable' despite the fact that the primary medication was no longer working and patient had been advised that the situation was likely to deteriorate soon. That was some time ago now, but the patient has 'never felt better' and is firmly convinced, that Syrian Rue has played a large part (if not the only one) in that. For mood-enhancement alone, which is obviously very important in these situations too, rue is excellent IMO.

I made a tincture using 120g whole seeds, pressure-cooked in 800ml water for 2 hours. Filtered. The same seeds were then soaked in 200ml 95% ethanol for 48 hours, and this combined with the water-extract, to make about 1 litre. I think grinding seeds brings only problems, and mucilage...

Dosage: 5 ml/day first week. Then 10 ml following week. Then 15 ml until spent. This minimised adverse effects of harmalas in somebody with no prior experience.

In your friend's case, the situation might be complicated by liver/enzymes/inhibition potentially affecting the tissue and other drug absorption. CBD might also be worth looking into, especially as it concentrates in fat, which pushes it towards the liver.

I also found that my patient observed positive changes soon after starting, because the metastatic tumours are in the spine (and affected mobility) and they reported increased mobility, after a lengthy period of decline and increasing pain, in that area.

As I guess you're not too far from some aya places in S. America, perhaps also look into some of the centres there, if funds/mobility allow? I personally think aya + a good curandero, can do some good things with some cancers...

But if rue is "talking" to you, just listen; she knows far more than we ever will!

Buena suerte!
Most types of cancer cells are incapable of using ketones as a fuel source...unlike human cells...ketones are preferred. Just saying...you can starve a cancer cell. Nutritional ketosis is interesting and I think valuable for anyone with cancer. Google search for the studies on ketones and cancer.

I dunno about liver cancer though...always seek information from pros.
Also, this.

It's not the kind of 'journal' I'd usually link to, but I can't find another English language item that contains the Japanese references. I'm guessing most of the research has been carried out on natto, which is a remarkable substance in several respects, and contains obscenely high levels of vitamin K2, which is the preferred variant. Forget supplements, and just try natto! It's far cheaper, and much better for you.

I introduced my cancer-patient to it, and she's been taking it every day, for three months now, and credits it with all manner of positive changes. She now has it for breakfast (Japanese style) because she "can't bear to wait" until dinner-time, which I take as a good sign...
Thanks everybody for your kind advice.

My friend received her first chemotherapy last week on wednesday. She is all right at this moment just feeling tiredness and weakness as side effects. Actually the ca 125 reaction dropped in a 50% in her last blood test wich is a very good indicative that she´s having a good reaction to chemotherapy.

She started to take chlorella and spirulina a few days after she was diagnosed. Also started to ingest annona muricata and moringa oleifera all mixed in a super nutritive green smoothie made of fruits and vegetables. All of this natural remedies are taken along with the prescripted alopathic medicines.


We shared a mhrb/syrian rue deccoction -Whole MHRB=2gr / Peganum Harmala 3gr- five nights in a row. Our last sesion was 5 days before her first chemo because she was then given meds known to interact with IMAOS.

In your friend's case, the situation might be complicated by liver/enzymes/inhibition potentially affecting the tissue and other drug absorption. CBD might also be worth looking into, especially as it concentrates in fat, which pushes it towards the liver.

Chan amigo right now she cant take any alcohol at all not even homeopathic remedies due to her liver condition. I wonder if microdosing tea or even raw seeds could be safe to use now. We are already looking for a local vendor of natto. She is already taking cannabis oil but as it was not made by me i just couldnt tell the CBD/THC levels but I really appreciate your interest and help in this matter and I wish you and your patient the very best.

The closest I've gotten to cancer is broccoli sprouts:


justB612 she´s having at least one green smoothie a day with broccoli sprouts among other green vegetables. Thanks a lot for the video link, very interesting topic indeed. I´ll have to search and learn more about sulforaphane and its effect on ovaric and liver cancer.

Most types of cancer cells are incapable of using ketones as a fuel source...unlike human cells...ketones are preferred. Just saying...you can starve a cancer cell.

Jamie I also will have to research more about ketogenic diet, this journey is becoming an intensive course about so many topics that i wasnt even aware of.

Thanks again to everybody for your advice and support. As usual I apologize for my bad english.

Gracias de todo corazón.
:love: :love: :love:
Hola Magico!

Just seen your latest post.

For the rue extraction, I think alcohol is probably not essential, just boil the seeds well.

You can make natto, if it's difficult to find. The spores (powder) are available by mail order, and fermentation just needs a warm place (40-45C) for 24 hours. I've seen it written that it's best to use the smallest soybeans you can find, as larger ones don't ferment properly because the bacteria cannot penetrate the beans during the fermentation period. Also, that most (non-GMO) beans already carry the right bacteria, bacillus subtilis, which survive boiling, and can spontaneously ferment. The original Japanese technique just wraps cooked beans in straw...!

No need at all to apologise for your English, it's much better than my Spanish 😁

Good luck to both of you!

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