The future's uncertain and The End is always near.
He is speaking of "Kratom" being illegal in Thailand during his visit to write for a magazine.
He also mentions that 1/3 of all Heroin was coming from Thailand at the time.
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:I'm just trying to justify using it while not abusing it.
JAi said:lsDxMdmaddicThc said:I'm just trying to justify using it while not abusing it.
I can just appreciate that my pain isn't going away any time soon
and keep a relatively consistent dosage (1/2 to 2/3 TSPN) regardless of tolerance. I've been told it's a wonder that I keep such a low tolerance as a heavier Kratom user told me. If I have pain, I drink it. I generally taper up slow in the morning, especially after a few days not using it. I don't think it's wise to attach shame to such responsible use of a medicine that helps us be comfortable while our bodies heal.
For me tolerance is felt in that I recognize the potency ant it's full development of effects to come in that first sip or 2, I can physically feel a brief, subtle full effect with a low amplitud as though the first wave of a raising tide rolls on back. Then I decide if I even want to finish the whole cup within 2 or 3 hours or not. Maybe it's the 7-OHMs
I used to not like the stuff, it was too much when easily overdone and I had mostly negative experiences. Then I something when I started getting pain in my SI joint/sciatica and was happy to learn the ropes.
That's pretty much how I Kratom. Thanks for the TM throwback OP
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:It sounds like you are exceptionally sensitive to Kratom...
Does that extend to all opiates?
What is your bodyweight?
Everyone I know who has chronic pain & tries Kratom says it's wonderful.
It's not sedating unless overdone, and it's actually somewhat stimulating.
I'm just keeping it sacred by reserving it for days when my pain needs to be dulled or I need the boost of energy.