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Terence Mckenna talks about Kratom

Migrated topic.


The future's uncertain and The End is always near.

He is speaking of "Kratom" being illegal in Thailand during his visit to write for a magazine.
He also mentions that 1/3 of all Heroin was coming from Thailand at the time.
McKenna always provides great insight regarding psychoactive compounds and their relation to modern governments and cultures.

The thai government invested heavily in the heroin trade, then, they heard of addicts using kratom to cease heroin use, so the Thai government made kratom illegal...

...and now the DEA in the United states is trying to schedule this folk medicine...

Interesting McKenna excerpt.

I found it interesting too.
I've found Kratom to be a perfect drug for work & relaxation.
I'm just trying to justify using it while not abusing it.
It's wonderful for alleviating pain and giving energy.
Although it seems to be more addictive than other substances (except for opiates and hard drugs).
I've never been addicted to opiates so I don't want to start messing with those receptors too much lol.
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:
I'm just trying to justify using it while not abusing it.

I can just appreciate that my pain isn't going away any time soon
and keep a relatively consistent dosage (1/2 to 2/3 TSPN) regardless of tolerance. I've been told it's a wonder that I keep such a low tolerance as a heavier Kratom user told me. If I have pain, I drink it. I generally taper up slow in the morning, especially after a few days not using it. I don't think it's wise to attach shame to such responsible use of a medicine that helps us be comfortable while our bodies heal.

For me tolerance is felt in that I recognize the potency ant it's full development of effects to come in that first sip or 2, I can physically feel a brief, subtle full effect with a low amplitud as though the first wave of a raising tide rolls on back. Then I decide if I even want to finish the whole cup within 2 or 3 hours or not. Maybe it's the 7-OHMs ;)

I used to not like the stuff, it was too much when easily overdone and I had mostly negative experiences. Then I something when I started getting pain in my SI joint/sciatica and was happy to learn the ropes.

That's pretty much how I Kratom. Thanks for the TM throwback OP
It's pretty clear to me why kratom is considered as and treated as a threat, not by the people who use it, but by the people who never have, who also incidentally have money invested in certain specific areas.

By now, we should be used to this gameplan strategy I would think.
JAi said:
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:
I'm just trying to justify using it while not abusing it.

I can just appreciate that my pain isn't going away any time soon
and keep a relatively consistent dosage (1/2 to 2/3 TSPN) regardless of tolerance. I've been told it's a wonder that I keep such a low tolerance as a heavier Kratom user told me. If I have pain, I drink it. I generally taper up slow in the morning, especially after a few days not using it. I don't think it's wise to attach shame to such responsible use of a medicine that helps us be comfortable while our bodies heal.

For me tolerance is felt in that I recognize the potency ant it's full development of effects to come in that first sip or 2, I can physically feel a brief, subtle full effect with a low amplitud as though the first wave of a raising tide rolls on back. Then I decide if I even want to finish the whole cup within 2 or 3 hours or not. Maybe it's the 7-OHMs ;)

I used to not like the stuff, it was too much when easily overdone and I had mostly negative experiences. Then I something when I started getting pain in my SI joint/sciatica and was happy to learn the ropes.

That's pretty much how I Kratom. Thanks for the TM throwback OP

It sounds like you are exceptionally sensitive to Kratom...
Does that extend to all opiates?
What is your bodyweight?

Everyone I know who has chronic pain & tries Kratom says it's wonderful.
It's not sedating unless overdone, and it's actually somewhat stimulating.
I'm just keeping it sacred by reserving it for days when my pain needs to be dulled or I need the boost of energy.

I agree.
It seems that governments and dominating powers select plants to mass produce & consume for the masses.
The plants that we ally with eventually shape our souls and societies...
Terence always said similar things to the above ^
We're still experimenting to find the uses for all of these wonderful plants.
There's just so much color and complexity to medicinal and psychoactive plants.
It's very exciting and promising!
More people are returning to plants to heal.
"Alt medicine", "Holistic medicine", etc are all making huge growths especially with middle-class housewives!
Soon we'll be getting into deep research with these things.
The progress is just starting my brothers & sisters...
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:
It sounds like you are exceptionally sensitive to Kratom...
Does that extend to all opiates?
What is your bodyweight?

Everyone I know who has chronic pain & tries Kratom says it's wonderful.
It's not sedating unless overdone, and it's actually somewhat stimulating.
I'm just keeping it sacred by reserving it for days when my pain needs to be dulled or I need the boost of energy.

Sensitive? I'm just trying to get the placebo effect from the Kratom anyway :d

72 kg, I find opiates unpleasant in general, though the taste of opium is great when smoked, it's rarely ever even been around. I think people eat opium for stronger effects, I just like the taste. With Kratom there are so many strains, I found my favorite are these particular Yellow Vein, Green Malay and Green Elephant strains I get. I use various strains depending on how I feel.

But yeah I notice those normal blissful feelings I get everyday without drugs are longer and more drawn out, somewhat constant tungles with the Kratom. I'll usually have the first dose in tea and without stirring it I'd add more chai to the cup or whatever tea to get more of the Kratom from the bottom, as a way to tapir on, then in an hour or two consider adding more. It's always based on how I feel in the moment.

I noticed when I was on the edge of too much, after finishing a tea I already tasted was too strong, but it didn't bother me until I got full on kitchery and all my blood went to my stomach. At that point the CNS depression was over the edge and I had to lay down and get into a trance. Slept it off till I was back to that edge.

For me dulled seems like it has a certain connotation, I feel it just takes the pain away somehow that actually does more to assist the healing process than something that just dulls the pain. Know what I mean? For example if I take an anti inflammatory it lessens/dulls pain, but the pain is still there. Maybe all pain is different but in this case the Kratom mostly rids the pain entirely. The chai itself has plenty of fresh turmeric and ginger to dull down the inflammation. Great combo for me whereas mixing with coffee gets me feeling 'jacked up' and janky with noticeable shakey mild anxiety. I still do it anyway when I get coffee, it's not so bad.
Yeah you're sensitive to it.
That's great that you are so sensitive to these things.
Less is more :)

When I had the flu a couple weeks ago, I had a >100 degree fever and could hardly lift a finger.
Complete body & soul fatigue.
I mixed a spoonful of White Vein Maeng Da into some Golden Milk (Turmeric, Coconut Oil, Almond Milk, Ginger, Black Pepper, Honey, etc).
Within an hour of drinking it I felt almost completely fine.
Seriously it was a miracle!
Also, after I got over the flu and body aches, I was left with a horrendous sore throat.
It was so bad that breathing & drinking water was agony...
So I tried a spoonful of Kratom again with Aspirin.
I was singing within the hour...
There's alot more to Kratom than just pain relief.
I'm curious to see more studies down on it.
I just have to respect it because I've struggled with drug addiction before and Kratom seems to be the perfect daily ally.
Although I feel that it (and other opiates) takes a piece of your soul...
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