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Tetrahydroharmine and epena (virola theiodora resin)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM mixed 180 mg of virola resin, 40 mg of calcium carbonate, and 14 mg of tetrahydroharmine. This was taken sublingually. Within 10 minutes the effects were very noticeable. Rather than peaking after about 20 minutes, it peaked after about 30 minutes. The virola wasn’t much stronger, but it was definitely more psychedelic and extremely pleasurable. His whole body felt tingling and excited. He had butterflies in his stomach. He felt slightly stimulated and extremely happy. It’s a great mood enhancer. During the peak he had some very minor visual effects.

About an hour has passed and he still feels the effects. The THH is definitely extending the effects of the 5-MeO-DMT in the resin. This combination is extremely nice, smooth, and an experience worth repeating. THH makes the 5-MeO-DMT a little more visual, more LSD-like, and adds a lot of euphoria to the experience.
It has both, but it's mostly 5-MeO-DMT.

But when taken sublingually, only the 5-MeO-DMT will work. You need massive amounts of DMT to even feel a tiny bit of an effect when taken sublingually, we’re talking something like 150 mg at least just to feel a little bit from it. With 5-MeO-DMT you only need a few milligrams (5-15 mg) to have a strong trip from it sublingually.
i see, i was wondering because you took THH as well, thought it might activate the DMT. How does it differ from chaliponga as a quid? I have quidded chali and it was nice, quite gentle, but never tried it with a mao outside of an aya brew..
The effects from virola resin taken sublingually are exactly the same as a chaliponga quid. There’s no difference at all. SWIM has both but prefers the resin for sublingual use because less is needed (only 100-500 mg).

Taking the virola resin with THH is quite different from chaliponga ayahuasca. Chaliponga has DMT and 5-MeO-DMT (so does virola, but more 5-MeO-DMT) and when taken orally with an MAOI both the DMT and the 5-MeO-DMT are effective. But when taken sublingually the DMT isn’t effective even with an MAOI. DMT just doesn’t absorb well that way. So you get a pure 5-MeO-DMT experience, even with the MAOI.

If the virola resin is taken sublingually without the THH, the trip only lasts about 1 hour and peaks after about 20 minutes. When taken with the THH, it’s more psychedelic (but not more potent), more visual, lasts about 3 hours, and peaks after about 30 minutes, and is way more euphoric. The peak seems longer too.
Not very long. SWIM's virola resin has lost more than 50% of it's potency in about 6 months.
There're already salts. 5-MeO-DMT is not very stable. I've always heard that 5-MeO-DMT just doesn't last long. If it were re-salted to 5-MeO-DMT fumarate maybe it would have better shelf life. I don't know. The resin is so cheap, it's hardly worth the trouble.
Ron, so many combinations that are nice. your ayahuasca recipe was a success.

If you could create a thread or a little document about your favorite combinations, and what they do, that would help later when people can get around to trying them. You have so many ideas, that one cannot do them all, and they may get lost into the many threads.

Swim wants later to try Bufo, but he's getting familiar with aya for now, and that seems to be working for him. Now there's a new combination with this 5meO that he's never tried, but he does like the visuals, so it might be a while before he gets to that.

Also, has one ever combined 5meO with Bufo, and see if that works like DMT itself?
I will second that, we need a thread of all of youre SWIMS favorite experiences and combos to try 69ron :d ..a true pioneer in my books, props.
SWIM has used bufo alvarius venom..which has 5-meo-dmt and bufotenine in it..its like falling into a womb..

SWIM had a better experience when he smoked toad venom and dmt back to back...he smoked the toad venom first..and then the dmt after..it was a memorable experience..with waves crashing through his room..placing objects where he chose....it was like being able to redecorate your house in a split second....plus awesome dmt visuals..his phone became an alien device..well until he came down
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