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'The Answer Is..'

Migrated topic.


..still lc..
Two nights ago I came home from a night out. Probably drank about 10 beers or so (was quite drunk infact) and had a nice amount of md. Once home, i thought why not try some of this new dmt blend (10 parts dmt, 8 parts brugmansia sanguinea flower, 9 parts calea leaf). Fair amount, not sure how much, but here's what happened: Smoking, smoking, third toke everything goes pixelated, hard to see the pipe anymore, better put it down. suddenly everything turns pitch black and a voice (my voice) starts inside my head. It was bombarding me (in the usual highly rapid dmt way) with trigger words: single words that would trigger a memory of my past. I'd say it was getting in about 8 words per second, and after about three or four minutes it had covered my entire life for the mostpart (a review?) in the first few minutes i was still keeping my defences up, trying to think, trying to control it, then i remembered that i'm not doing with a desire to control it and tried to stop thinking and let it completely take over (and, I knew this was the exact thing it was telling me to do). After another minute i was no longer thinking and a huge rush of memories went through me; followed by a new voice which said, 'the answer is..' and then nothing but silence (except for the dmt song) and colour. for some reason my eyes opened right up (like the were forced open and i was at attention) and i was inside a large room. Very electronic of which all the detail looked to me made up of LEDs (mostly green, but lots of red, yellow, blue, and purple, and orange). there were picture frames on the walls but i couldn't quite make out what they were, however they had a distinct historical sense, like something out of the past from this places heritage. by the dmt song i mean the few looping frequencies, and the echo and flanging applied to all surroundings. i was outside so wind, rustling, general outside noises were effected by this echo and flanging + the tones to produce a constant sound, very pleasant! --actually, i watched predator last night and the closest way i could describe it is as what the predator hears (you know when it's in his vision and sounds all distorted) - not exactly like that but certainly along those lines and during this time when my eyes were open i was filled was feelings of peace, tranquility, and content; nothing was lacking at that moment (and this wasn't post breakthrough, that came later, this was the second half) i found this a little strange, out of many many breakthroughs i've never had something like this, like my memories were being accessed.. and then given an answer? i did get a distinct sense that what i was being told was to relax, and stop thinking so fucking much (my life story). when i did i was shown how perfect everything could be. i think the point is (to me at least) that these perfect things in life are always there, but perhaps i'm too busy thinking how to change things, or get more out of life, that i miss a lot of the beauty i'm surrounded by every day. another thought though, the dmt was extracted from fairly young trees (apologies). I heard someone suggest that young plants do not have as much information stored inside them... a wacky thought considering that at the end of the day all we're dealing with is alkaloids, however I am completely covinced by this. I've tried extracts from ranges of acacia obtusifolia trees, and every time (even using the same leaf blend) the experience is vastly different (although remains the same for that batch). I don't know what is going on exactly, but i really think that the dmt acts as a key to a door, and that door is the source of that dmt. Even though i was given 'the answer' (consider that i didn't explicitly ask a question either.. although perhaps living life itself asks the big question).. but who, even a spice bearing tree could have such an answer? does such an answer even exist? I think there is no such answer, but being under the impression that there is causes us to as more questions which could be the root of our individual progression in life.. eitherway, 'the answer' i was given seemed slightly naive, as it would if it were coming from one with not so much history and experience.. hehe BUT (sorry one last thought) perhaps history, and experience simply amounts to more clouding of the information; perhaps the day a soul is born it has everything it needs to be at peace with itself, each day after only cloud this initial beauty. DMT breakthroughs give a distinct sense of being reborn; brought back to the moment of conception where you are merely an amount of energy with no past, no experience, just a level of awareness so you can 'see' this beauty and feel this perfection.. So maybe attaining such an information from a young soul is exactly the way to get an unclouded response ? enough of me :roll: :lol:
Not so much from the calea (it's more of a carrier really - but i like the idea of the enhanced dream recall etc... but that's only from high dose calea, i doubt the amount smoked would really do anything here) but the brugmansia, definitely. In the past i've made 2:1 blends of dmt : brug flower (so there is a lot of brug influence into the trip) - every trip there were lots of little black children i've never seen before. very kind, but there was some underlying darkness in the scene, however not threatening. Only sometimes too, once i came back crying with laughter and joy because this little boy ran up and told me how much they'd all missed me, and we were so happy to see eachother again (like bestest of buddies for a lifetime)
It'd probably be more effective to smoke the brugmansia a fair amount of time before the DMT - as the effects of the tropane alkaloids would come on much more slowly... Nice idea though!
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