I remember reading that the brain uses the same receptors in dreams to mimic real life events as it does when you're awake. Sounds logical to me, but I never really put too much thought into it. I have pretty bad insomnia most nights and usually don't remember my first few dreams very well, but the more often I wake up the more easily I remember the dreams following. However, every now and then I'll be able to remember my first dream of the night (and in my experience so far, it only happens on the first one) if when I pass out I'm particularly exhausted and I've been focusing heavily on a specific drug. I'll pass out, and the beginning of the dream will be extremely hazy as usual, but there'll come a point where I'll either take or realize that I'm already on that drug, and everything will become much more vivid and the effects of the drug will very accurately kick in, usually at the potential of a high dose. The first time this happened to me I had been thinking about acid, and my dream went from normal nighttime, outdoor scenery to a field of heavily fractilized objects and colors began changing, breathing, and warping. I've also had some dreams like this for weed, MDMA, amphetamine, etc.
So last night, I was thinking about piracetam extensively before I went to bed. I had actually taken some earlier in the day, along with choline, a few different vitamin complexes, and magnesium, but much too early in the day to have a very direct effect on my dreams other than maybe making them a bit more vivid. As I fell asleep, I entered the same hazy dreamspace, and the last "normal" thing I can remember of it is being aware that I, for whatever reason, was about to feel the effects of piracetam. That was when my whole world fell into chaos. I didn't know where I was, or even whether or not I had a physical form. My reality, and my sense of self, had become a cacophonous web of raw sensory information, and it was as if my dreaming mind was unable to encode this information into a realistic world as it usually does. The only way I think I could possibly describe this would be to say it was somewhat similar to the sensory effects I've gotten from deliriant trips before, but from an objective perspective - there was no 'delirium' because nothing was being processed into any form that could make sense, it was just those basic distortions you'd get that would become things. During all of this, I had the feeling that everything in the world was merging into me, and that when the merging was complete, something big would happen. Well, something did happen: I woke up.
What a crazy experience! My only theory on this so far is that maybe, since my mind has so accurately recreated drug effects in my dream before, it was able to do so with piracetam as well, and it disrupted the basic framework of the dream seeing as how your brain requires that dissociation for you to be dreaming. It definitely wasn't anything I've experienced before; it shared similarities with many things, especially strong psychedelic experiences, but I definitely wouldn't say they fall exactly into the same category. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone experienced something similar?
So last night, I was thinking about piracetam extensively before I went to bed. I had actually taken some earlier in the day, along with choline, a few different vitamin complexes, and magnesium, but much too early in the day to have a very direct effect on my dreams other than maybe making them a bit more vivid. As I fell asleep, I entered the same hazy dreamspace, and the last "normal" thing I can remember of it is being aware that I, for whatever reason, was about to feel the effects of piracetam. That was when my whole world fell into chaos. I didn't know where I was, or even whether or not I had a physical form. My reality, and my sense of self, had become a cacophonous web of raw sensory information, and it was as if my dreaming mind was unable to encode this information into a realistic world as it usually does. The only way I think I could possibly describe this would be to say it was somewhat similar to the sensory effects I've gotten from deliriant trips before, but from an objective perspective - there was no 'delirium' because nothing was being processed into any form that could make sense, it was just those basic distortions you'd get that would become things. During all of this, I had the feeling that everything in the world was merging into me, and that when the merging was complete, something big would happen. Well, something did happen: I woke up.
What a crazy experience! My only theory on this so far is that maybe, since my mind has so accurately recreated drug effects in my dream before, it was able to do so with piracetam as well, and it disrupted the basic framework of the dream seeing as how your brain requires that dissociation for you to be dreaming. It definitely wasn't anything I've experienced before; it shared similarities with many things, especially strong psychedelic experiences, but I definitely wouldn't say they fall exactly into the same category. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone experienced something similar?