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The Changa diaries

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone,

I used to prefer freebase DMT over changa which i do realize now is only because the changa i made before was not really thought out. Since i had no idea which plants to choose and add to the mix i started a changa diary to document the effects i got with different plants admixtures.

I am not sure how often i will get to update this in the future, but everyone, please feel free to add your own entries in this diary.

1 - (i label my mixes by number)

200mg Nana Mint infused with 10x caapi
200mg Blue Lotus
200mg FB DMT

150mg consumed with GVG

*the nana mint is very pleasant to vape and has a slight soothing taste to it
*the onset was gentle and took about 3 to 4 times longer than FB DMT
*the room was quite dark when i tested it, but everything had a certain warmth to it. i think i could describe it as similar to a sepia filter but with more saturation and vibrance


220mg Peppermint
220mg FB DMT
80mg FB Harmine

120mg consumed with GVG

*Peppermint is very soothing and a little bit cooling when vaped
*this was the first changa i made without caapi, only then i noticed how much i do not like the caapi taste
*onset was way more quickly then with changa 1 but still not as steep as with FB DMT
*the body load was intense, i felt like i was pressed into my couch for about 50 minutes.
*the peak was over rather quickly but from about 50% intensity to baseline it took way longer then anything I ever tried before


300mg sage
300mg FB DMT
80mg FB harmine

125mg consumed with GVG

*sage seems to be almost tasteless when vaped but the smoke is peasant to inhale
*onset speed was about average
*the trip itself was very clear, almost like FB DMT, i could not perceive any color tints like with changa 1
*i had zero body load
*the first 2 tokes i took from the pipe had me tripping for 10 minutes, i then took another 2 which suprised me as i was tripping for another 30 minutes from them, the second 2 tokes especially came over me in waves every few minutes
*after this trip i felt very energized - way more then i am used to with change, almost like i feel like when i smoke FB DMT when i do it in a bright and sunlit environment
I would be curious to hear comparisons of the experience GVG vs. Bong. I have avoided changa in the GVG since the harmalas need a higher temp. I have been smoalking mainly changa until last night. I was recrystallizing some old spice from various extraction experiments and had this one little stash left of shards I had extracted in 2014 that looked unchanged over time compared to my other leftovers. :shock: It was super potent! I def prefer the additional harmalas over plain FB
unfortunately i do not own a bong - tried it once with weed, went puking, got a cab to drive me home...
but as far as i can say the changa i made works great with the GVG but as you wrote a comparison would be nice.

i know at least some of the users around here smoke their changa in the GVG, maybe any of them can help out
I'm also interested in your changa in the GVG approach - so you're vaping it, not combusting.

Using a torch or bic?
What does the vapour look like? ie. clear, wispy or thick and milky like FB
And how about the changa afterwards - is it brown and have you tried combusting it to see if it still contains actives?

I've tried changa in the GVG maybe two or three times and gave up. Everytime I had a mild experience and the changa was still active afterwards. Curious to hear more about how others make it work.

edit: another thing that I've been meaning to try is infusing everything separately and then combining prior to vaping. Eg. make up batches of 1:1 DMT on mullein, 1:1 harmine on mullein, 1:1 harmaline on mullien, 1:1 THH on mullein - mix and match prior to administration. This would be way better for testing purposes IMO.
i am using a torch with the flame pointing straight down into the top part of the GVG.
the vapor is very thick, even more than with FB. while with FB i get white smoke the changa vapor has a hint of brown-ish color to it. (most of the times)

the changa afterwards is very dark, crumbly. i have not tried combusting it afterwards - but i will try in the future.

i like your idea for testing. but would it even be necessary to infuse harmine/harmaline/THH into something? if you have it in FB form you could just sprinkle it on top of your DMT infused harbs for vaping
i have not broken through on changa so far.
my best guess is that you would need at least 30mg of dmt in your changa for this maybe even 40mg
lets skip 4, it was not worth it... some mix with very little dmt and cannabis as base.
it was intended to be smoked in a joint, but i this did not work. i will give it a try in the GVG in the future

new batch:


550mg FB DMT -
100mg valerian root finely ground
300mg eucalyptus
50mg blue lotus
150mg FB Harmala


recently i started to do predosing with different varieties of MAOI infused herbs.
for this test i vaporized sage that was infused with caapi leaf about 10 minutes before i used the the changa in my GVG
the changa vapor was pleasant but i expected more taste from the eucalyptus. there was a slight taste of what i became to associate with harmalas that sticks to the mouth. i don't particularly like this taste but it was not too much.

the pipe was filled with about 250mg of changa which I smoaked in I think 4 times 2 tokes in the one hour i traveled. the trip began mild and stayed that way throughout the journey.

i wonder if the valerian root has maybe too much of a grounding effect. because all throughout the trip i felt like there is way much more potential for weird visuals and stuff happening. but it was a soothing trip. so as a chill-out changa this works great
Hi Jiva,

I just wanted to ask, have you noticed any type of noteable difference between your last blends with harmine only and this newest that is just FB harmalas, im assuming harmine/harmaline.

I havent gotten around to making any new changa lately, but taken orally i havent noticed much of a difference between harmine, harmaline, and the harmalas not seperated. Aside from appearance of the seperated harmine and harmaline theres been nothing else to set them apart.

Keep in mind that ive only been dosing the harmalas only, so maybe each alkaloids effect on dmt is the real test. Just curious. Love the thread btw, i havent gotten around to making a blend with caapi leaf yet and your 1st batch looks wonderful....think i will do one similar for my next. Thanks

EDIT: also forgot to add that i always dose them orally and have never vaped/smoked any harmalas not infused in leaf with dmt....maybe a noticeable difference between each if vaped seperately also?????
CatPharm said:
I just wanted to ask, have you noticed any type of noteable difference between your last blends with harmine only and this newest that is just FB harmalas, im assuming harmine/harmaline.

the Harmalas FB I am using now should be 47% Harmine and 53% Harmaline
the FB Harmine i used previously i am not so sure about. I had no way of tasting it, but i kind of assume that it was a similar mix (i did not make it myself). so for me i do not notice a difference.

i stopped making blends with caapi leaf because i really do not like the taste. not sure though what exactly causes this because for predosing i use sage or other herbs infused with caapi - there the taste does not bother me.

glad to read that you like the thread 😁

CatPharm said:
also forgot to add that i always dose them orally and have never vaped/smoked any harmalas not infused in leaf with dmt....maybe a noticeable difference between each if vaped seperately also?????

i've never tried oral harmalas. Sublingually the FB harmalas are more gentle than the vaped ones, but I do not have enough experience with them to tell for sure. maybe someone else here knows more about this
This thread is nice, keep that up going ;D

For myself I want to add:

I always found Changa more ineffectly I must say :S

Eating Harmalas + evaporating Freebase is not only MUCH SMOOTHER in my opinion, but also much more effective.

With Changa I always think that it is not possible to 100 %ly evaporate Harmalas AND the Spice and when trying to get both, you always burn some of the Spice, making it unpleasant.

But I also dont find any plant-base pleasant to smoke on its own : S Maybe I am just not made for smoking herbal stuff.

The point of inefficiency: I always think that it's impossible to heat what is in your bowl 100%ly evenly.

There will always be spice with at the bottom of the leaves that will not evaporate and so on. This means that you will loose Spice upon the process of creating Changa, you will loose Spice upon the Heating of your Bowl and you will loose Spice as you always burn it when doing Changa, as heat control is at highest 90 % and not 100 %, and this means that maybe just a little bit is burned, but burned means harsh smoke.

But it is just my observation I want to share, maybe someone who cannot get along with Changa can have some input by this.

And your format of posting your Changa blends is awesome, keep up that work, I really guess this is also very worthy information for people to get into Changa ;D

EDIT: oh and I want to add:

as I think for myself it was always very uneffective to do the standard Changa ratio, I overdid a lot with the Spice.

I think 3 : 2 : 0,5 is my way to go regarding Spice : Herbs : Harmalas.

But still a portion which would be equals 20 mg Spice feels definetly not as strong as 20 mg FB (+ oral Harmalas)
thank you Brennendes Wasser.

evenly heating really seems to be problem with changa. maybe it is even more of a problem with the GVG than with a bong. this is also one of the reasons i predose with caapi infused herbs.
this is definitely not efficient 😁

when you eat the harmalas, how do you dose them? do you use FB harmalas for this? how long do you wait before vaping the dmt?
I eat the *regular* amount, meaning 150 mg - 250 mg.

And I eat them like 30 - 40 minutes before starting the vape part.

I REALLY recommend it, not only for smoking freebase, but also when you would NORMALLY do Changa.

Because then I did not need Changa (= Herbs + Spice + MAOI of course), but could just use Infused Herb (= leaving out the MAOI).

This is nice because it means smoking less for the same effect, or vice versa: The same weight can have more DMT. Also as I do not heat it up that much (as I do not have high-vaping components like the MAOI anymore) I may keep the temperature a little lower, maaaaaybe reducing harsh vapor a little bit.

And eating ~ 200 mg Harmalas in the beginning will last the whole Session. Perfect + Easy ! = D

(Soon I would also test the sublingual way, it does not last that long (maybe not a full session??), but it will have its effects kick in within some few minutes it was told - just to compare it - but if it does not last long enough, I will still stick to the eating route.)
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