I have created a thread in which I have determined to be as accurate as possible, and to move in a proper sequence so as to provide context for certain Ideas.
Thank you
Thank you
cubeananda said:If I do not crystallize in this life, I will come soo close to it, that in the future, this process can be accelerated expoentially. This third eye will crystallize, and light other people's flames and this process will continue.
The actual enlightenment means being detatched from all this though.
One can be separate from all this right now, but still be aware there are further lives for the third eye to go through.
Being separate from the struggles of one's own life and from the procession of lives one's own third eye has to go through means that one is living from the scale of the absolute.
The absolute wants to develops as many "angels" (escaped, crystallized third eyes) as he possibly can, but he doesn't really identify witht he pain his creations have to go through to get there, because the absolute is all-understanding and know that its worth it on a mutuall-ybeneficial level. Anyways the absolute was just completely alone for a nearly infinite amount of time before he concieve of a way to make friends :shock:
Having third eye present in silence is everything.
The crystallization process is just a part of the ultimate fractal.
Being crystallized means having escaped from that fractal.
One is immortal if one's third eye is present in silence, but that third eye must continue to be ensnared by the fractal for a handful of lives still.
Bringing presence to third eye and sustaining it (a blue flame) takes soo many f*cking lifetimes of work, that it is a miracle in and of itself. for a boddhisattva this is the reality, there is nothing to do accept allow higher influences to work with and through him.
With the sequence, this process is accelerated.
Intoning the sequence is a matter of perfecting the art of stepping out of the way, and allowing higher energies to work through you internally, not externally.
for instance, the sequence is a micro-scale version of the whole progression of the soul.
The 6th plane is Be coming back to itself, while the 7th plane is the first worldless breath.
One's self compeltely dissolves and all there is left for the moment of the three seconds of that step in the sequence is one's being entirely consumed by fire and there is nothing left of you.
It is the same on the macro-scale, but it is permanent and not momentary.
But because all moments are also happening at once, the human body, if it is prepared, can actually experience a glimpse of the permanent internal 7th plane state for a few moments.
If the body is not ready, it simply will not find itself in a permanent 7th plane state.
It can cause damage and can prevent further growth during this life.
Higher influences are working with everybody, and they really don't want that, so it rarely happens unless there is a higher reason for it.
Jin said:how about writing things in more of simple everyday language , that can be more comprehensible to everyone
The Channel.
Expanding Psychedelic Vibration,
Timeless Unity, Activating Resonant Galactic Radiant Defined Electric Lunar Magnetic Planetary Balanced Organized Connected Inspired In Harmony In-tegrity Perfect Manifestation
Universalized and Divine, Transcending Mantra Being Communicating Spirit, Breathing Cosmic Essence Power Action,
Dreaming Abundance Intuition,
God, Extreme, Internal and External
The Clocking Aware Lifeforce Surviving,
DMT Spiraling Arc Accomplishing Healing Beauty
Elegance Pure,
Flowing Love,
Chakras Co-inciding, Playing Magic Elusive Free Will Wise Exploring Space and Time
Waking Life Vivid, Enchanting,
Timelessness and Complete, Infinite Design
Alien, Human,
Receptive Vision,
Energy Mindful,
Opening My Third Eye to the Unseen Vision, Translating
Synchronicity Reflecting Endlessness,
Order and Chaos,
The Tao Crystalized,
Self-generation Affirming Enlightened,
Blind The Tone, The Color Electronic
Lunar and Solar, Opposite and Polar Language Radial,
Particles of Plasma,
Endurance Cosmic,
Perfect Pulsing,
The One Because The One Are All,
Form The Infinite, Nothing That Becomes The Everything, Symbolic Relative,
The Divine Spirit that Harmonizes with Laws Projecting Controlled Experience,
Desire Being,
We, We Are You
embracethevoid said:Do you know anything about 'karmic precipitation'? I heard that it is possible to trigger long latent negative karmas upon an awakening experience. Meaning that although you might have awakened, suddenly you are now suffering harder than ever as all your negative karma has caught up/been released. There is still a lot of rage within me, which stands in incredible contrast to the insight/clarity of awakening. How do I make sense of this rage? I see it as comical & transient but at the same time it's every bit a legitimate feeling, a legitimate reaction to traumas.
embracethevoid said:"And It just crystalizes into a permanent state of presence. This is what it means to be enlightened."