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The DMT Octopus

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Hey guys, Found this rather intense DMT report from another forum, pretty wild: I packed the pipe with weed and then on the dope I placed with my brother's miniature pocket knife blade, what I thought to be a little bit of the brown crystally goo(about 3 matcheads worth). I torched carefully above the cone and sucked for all I was worth. First, before anything, I noticed that my head had disapeared. Well, rather it was more like it no longer had boundries as such...then the ringing in my ears and the hideous rush of a vascular headache...The rining deepened and became richer, louder, then...A GREAT BELL TOLLED...ask not for whom it tolls - a terrified attempt to calm myself failed miserably as the vibration shattered me into a an infinitum...I was still sitting there in the garden so I knew I could go further. Lacking bodily coordination I dumped roughly half of what I had left on the foil (I had been told it was a gram the whole thing)on a similair cone to the first and repeated the torching. This time, because I could no longer tell if I possessed lungs I must have pulled down the WHOPPER of a hit and what happened next is very hard to decribe...The fear went up 1000 notches, my knuckles (if I still had them) would have certainly have been white...like the light all around me...blazing white light. Fortunatley the headache subsided with the second hit and I felt ready to extend my senses to feel where I was and what was happening. I remember the veil, like rubber, or the surface of jelly stretched in front of me. There were no geonmetric patterns (a few werid fractals burned like green fire from every surface I could see in the garden). I was in two places at once..so odd..and this veil like the surface of some deep pond before me. Then..something moved beyond it..was that some sort of dorsal fin?? I leaned forward to touch the surface of the membrane and then what happened next I swear nearly killed me from it's sheer bizzarity. From behind the white chair/or was is from inside it? A creature emerged. It was not a happy, smiley elf. Tell you the truth, I cannot, will not describe what I saw. It had inumerable tentacles, like a cross between some weird octopus or jellyfish...and the EYES! OH MY GOD THE EYES!!! I froze on the spot thinking. shit that's it. I've gone and done it now. I'm fucking toast. I never beleived. I should have beleived. And now. Now I and at the mercy of somthing much, much, bigger and complex, and clever and definatley malevolent than myself. I asked it it's name. I wish I had not asked. It's voice utterly destoyed me. It was like being caught in a storm of psyhicic noise - a whirlwind of deadly electrical shrapnel. I think I shuddered and started to drool uncontrolably at this point. I think I also urinated in my jeans. With it's innumerable eyes, It gazed at me steady and extented a tendril. At the same moment it fired a beam of light directly between and above my eyes. The alien laser was pinkish-green. It hurt. I begged it to stop. I whimpered. pleae stop. you're hurting me. I'm fragile. Please me carful - I am sentient and mean you no harm... It seemed to consider this; the laser was withdrawn but the tendrils (there were more now) still held me in place. I was trying to make out details of its shape or structure but the closer I looked, the more it slipped away from me. It seemed to tell me in some weird non-verbal fashion not to struggle and to stop making noise with my eyes. I took this to mean 'be calm. do not stuggle. clear your head. see but don't look'. Then it became a little clearer. It seemed to be cloaked in some way - some sort of organic hood and covering was wrapped around it - some sort of armour or protection. The tentacles had no substance as we know it and the eyes were the most awe-inspiring/terrifying thing I have ever beheld. They defied counting. They defied reason. The whole thing was to much and I felt myself losing my mind. I...JUST...LOST...IT...goooooooooonnnnnne I can't recall all that much after this except it rifling through my mind like it were a chest of drawers, some 're-wiring', and awsome amount uploaded to my cortex and a sensation not unlike being at the dentists while being semi-concious from nitrous; the sense of voices telling you it'll all be over soon and you've done really well...really well...hushh now... Then, when I was able and the pinkish/greenish light was witdrawn, I felt I could once again move. The craeture had split into 3 (or had it always been 3??) and several smaller 'blobs' were crawling around my feet and seemed to be trying to sneak up on me. fuck that I thought and kept a close eye on them lest they molest me like their larger, scarier accomplice...I realized at this point that the blobs were not the same as the other creature(s?). They were different entirerly and extremely tricky and fast moving. One crawled up my leg and sat on my knee and frankly I was too horrified and fascinated to stop it. I noticed it had a little hat. And little stripy white and green trousers. And pointy, curly shoes. At this point, well lets just say I just wasn't at home anymore. They seemes freindly enough and I let them crawl inside my nose and ears and chest and legs and ass and everywhere. I just couldn't care less anymore. I laughed the scary laugh of the terminal psych patient and let them do whatever it was they wanted. Eventually it all faded and further attempts to enter the world were prohibited - it seemed I had been barred...for now. Just a headache and a sensation of 'NO.' Okay, just typing that out has made me feel weird and I need a stiff drink. Thankyou, and goodnight. Oh, before I go; no. I had not read many dmt trip reports or read VALIS. This is what I truly find disturbing. Frankly, I do not require another's belief that this really happened. I can barely get my head around it myself. Why Elves? Why Elves Dammit??? And what's with the Philip K. Dick type entity???? I SWEAR I had not been exposed to those particular stories before this experience.
the tentacle creature sounds quite a bit like the creature at the end of HP Lovecraft's story 'At the Mountains of Madness'. have you ever read that? those heavy hits can be quite intense sometimes. its like getting on a rollercoaster that is going waaay too fast and you keep thinking "why the f*!k did i get on this thing?". but at the same time it IS just a short ride and i think its important not to be consumed by fear no matter how intense or strange or overwhelming it gets. you must always face everything with a centered, open heart. i've found meditating on a daily basis helps with this. its like lifting weights for your soul and it gives you more strength and confidence in the hyperspace realm.
I know this organism, we seem to be attached to one another. We have been on friendly terms for several years now. I call him Opticus. Our association is what brought me here, in fact.
Never read that story sesshin but I have heard a comparison to HP Lovecraft and some dmt trips. OpticusWrangler that's interesting that you have encountered this critter aswell, what was your experience of this creature like?
Hy experience with the organism is continuous and unfolding. I can usually get a glimpse of it with a little quiet meditation. Typically it appears after the peak of a trip and just hangs out and visits. We talk, but I don't always remember what it is about. At first I was pretty freaked out by what was happening and thought i was going to die, but it seems normal any more, mostly. I wrote this shrill stream of conciousness thing shortly after we first met. It doesn't really reflect my current thinking, but gives an idea of the nature of the experience: http://home.earthlink.net/~herm/id21.html
h 8) i black clover ... thanks for posting that intense DMT journey ... gave me a chill up my spine as i can relate to the journal .. the rush of the ringing sounds and the bell tolling was too much for me ... I"VE BEEN THERE
so am I understanding correctlly? This octopus being is somthing that many are familiar with? My freind says that at any dose he feels the presence of a conscious awareness, the deeper he goes the more articulate the awareness becomes but the communication is muich more psychic than verbal, it's as tho' they communicate by co-responsive thought he has yet to meet with anything that takes form or speaks directly elf or octopus, he does not even know what a "mantid" is
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