Rising Star
My first DMT breakthrough was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. And I was thinking, how many times in a person life, do they get such a feeling of complete shock and amazement, so much so that it's beyond words. It may never happen to some people. But anyway, I've been smoking DMT since the beginning of this year, so I haven't been doing for that long. I don't know what it was, maybe I thought I was breaking through at first, but my last experience ousted all the others before it. It's unforgettable. So I smoked it out of a regular glass pipe, with some parsley so I didn't burn it and it wouln't fall out if I dropped it. I don't know remember how many hits I took, but I remember somewhere in the back of my mind I was saying to myself,"Keep smoking! You can do it!" So of course I kept smoking. And I don''t remember when or how but I was "there" surrounded by people. their skin looked like mine so I guess I could say they looked like the normal people I see everyday, except for one, one of them was red and looked almost amphibian like, it could have been an object and not a person. Then I became apart of something else. Maybe apart of a universal consciousness like they say. But I remember "them" telling me something like, "Don't worry about not being the superior race or person, next time around I may be on the top." They kept telling me this somehow without words I just knew it. Everything. It was like I knew what I am, that I am not just a body here on earth, I'm much more. And then almost as fast as I was there I was back here. I had completely forgotten that I had a body, that I was on earth, and I definately didn't know I had smoked DMT while I was on the peak. When I came back I couldn't say anything, I wanted to explain it to my girlfriend but I didn't know where to start. I haven't broken through since but I want to. There's a certain fear I have of going on a bad trip. But its hard to go into without any anxiety seeing how profound my last experience was. So I guess that was my first real breakthrough. Anyone else want to share their first times on the other side?