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The great cacti extraction knowledge bank

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was wondering if anyone here or out there in internet land is compiling all the info being generated on cacti extractions?

Because, while reading through extraction threads again and again is good fun, it would be so much easier to figure stuff out if we could have a table or something to organise all the variables and the results.

I'm thinking if people filled out a form something like this...

1. Notes to the cactus. a)species, b)homegrown/vendor, c)parts of cacti used, d)season of harvest, e)stressed or not.

2. Notes to the tek. a)Which tek used, b)pro/kitchen sink set up, c) how much (if any) heat was used during the tek, d)notable abberations or problems.

3. Notes to the yield. a)Total percentage of cacti extract, b)if the extract was cleaned what method was used and what was the total percentage of mescaline, c) if the result was bioassayed (or otherwise verified) were there any notable abberations or problems?

... it would then be very easy to tabulate the data and maybe if there were enough replies significant patterns would emerge.

So, anyone done something like this or seen it done somewhere else?
Any other variables that should be accounted for?
Is this a good idea or is it just likely to confuse things further?
Ahh, thanks.

I was thinking more like this...

1. Notes to the cactus. a)Trichocerus pachanoi (pedro) b)Homegrown c)All except waxy skin and core d)Mid summer e)No stressing was done but the cacti itself was yellowed, had numerous blemishes and didn't look particularly healthy.

2. Notes to the tek. a)Rons food safe b)kitchen sink set up, c)Low(<100C) heat was used to dry both the cactus material and the extract d)First ever tek, filtering was poor and unknown amounts of limonene made it through to the evap stage and possibly into the final product.

3. Notes to the yield. a)1-1.5% b)N/A c)bioassayed as active, although perhaps not as strong by weight as expected see 2d perhaps.
Its a good idea Frenzel, getting people to do it is another story..... But it would be good to have a large databass of experiments from which we could draw conclusions and reliable data.... These plants just vary so much that its impossible to say with any certainty weather one type has more mescaline, or if a certain tek is better or worse etc etc
I ran into a guy at a bar who said
1. Peruvianus, dried outer flesh from vendor.
2. Limo tek in the kitchen, with little heat used while evapping.
3. 1.2%, not cleaned, bioassay of 0.15g was successful with much stimulation and minor OEVs.

Ron's limo tek which is easier than cooking.

1.5% uncleaned. 1% cleaned and converted to HCl.

Bioassayed at 300mgs by myself. Next time I get around to it I will do 600mgs just to push the limits :)
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