Simplistic Randamonium
random root
im am 27 yr male w/ supportive preg wife who i love deeply.
i am walking the path because i have been forcfully shown that although i thought i knew EVERYTHING about blah blah the standard dumb ass hard head 18-23 yr ...
any body?
while in prison being 1/4 black foot and 1/8 apache eventualy was asked to join a talking circle and then sweat lodges.
i started by tending the fire for 4 and then was alowed into lodge.
i partook in 5 sweats and the last one shook me to my core.
i swear i almost died....
maybe i did, it certanly felt like rebirth.
i also started working with meditation(been slacking lately) and breathing
since release 4 years ago i have abstaind from all drugs and alchole except for one sever meth and oxycodone relapes after my father died of an over dose.
i am also a medical mj smoker for nausea, arising from anxiety, resulting in bleeding ulcers...
hence smoke ALOT of weed. about 3/4 ounce a week will prevent the vomiting of blood and an e.r. visit
have a scrip for xanex .5 that i take at night to help me sleep through cause if not then im up at 3 or 4... feeling all sick....
the path i am walking is in an effort to get away from pharms
just because i view the world differently does not make me crazy or sane or anything just me... ya know?
i am currantly working with saint peter every couple weekes er so trying to dial in the right dose, am flerting with salvia because i am conviced that there is somthing to it,
and have been wanting to work with the devine spice fer 3 yr or so....
i am now finaly stable enough to persue this but $$ seems to be a never ending problem when cannabis is a priority
music plays an exrteamly important role in my life and in fact a large part of the driving force in this quest for spice is my immersive apprecation of tools music....
ive always been intrigued by the fact that their art work is dmt inspired(so said by adam jones guitarist and artist for said band)
tool can put me into that special place w/o any aid or enhancement and with can some times be to much.
also luv dmb, greatful dead, phish, counting crows, ect...
ya know the greats and also like alot of deep hard trance and good breaks....
sorry, just truly a music fan.
i am a self proclaimed poet and a fairly shitty guitarist:wink:
i beleave the world needs a mass healing from unified shamans urban and domestic, in jungls of flora and fauna, and jungls of concret.
as dave matthews said..."all we need is love"
i am walking the path because i have been forcfully shown that although i thought i knew EVERYTHING about blah blah the standard dumb ass hard head 18-23 yr ...
any body?
while in prison being 1/4 black foot and 1/8 apache eventualy was asked to join a talking circle and then sweat lodges.
i started by tending the fire for 4 and then was alowed into lodge.
i partook in 5 sweats and the last one shook me to my core.
i swear i almost died....
maybe i did, it certanly felt like rebirth.
i also started working with meditation(been slacking lately) and breathing
since release 4 years ago i have abstaind from all drugs and alchole except for one sever meth and oxycodone relapes after my father died of an over dose.
i am also a medical mj smoker for nausea, arising from anxiety, resulting in bleeding ulcers...
hence smoke ALOT of weed. about 3/4 ounce a week will prevent the vomiting of blood and an e.r. visit
have a scrip for xanex .5 that i take at night to help me sleep through cause if not then im up at 3 or 4... feeling all sick....
the path i am walking is in an effort to get away from pharms
just because i view the world differently does not make me crazy or sane or anything just me... ya know?
i am currantly working with saint peter every couple weekes er so trying to dial in the right dose, am flerting with salvia because i am conviced that there is somthing to it,
and have been wanting to work with the devine spice fer 3 yr or so....
i am now finaly stable enough to persue this but $$ seems to be a never ending problem when cannabis is a priority
music plays an exrteamly important role in my life and in fact a large part of the driving force in this quest for spice is my immersive apprecation of tools music....
ive always been intrigued by the fact that their art work is dmt inspired(so said by adam jones guitarist and artist for said band)
tool can put me into that special place w/o any aid or enhancement and with can some times be to much.
also luv dmb, greatful dead, phish, counting crows, ect...
ya know the greats and also like alot of deep hard trance and good breaks....
sorry, just truly a music fan.
i am a self proclaimed poet and a fairly shitty guitarist:wink:
i beleave the world needs a mass healing from unified shamans urban and domestic, in jungls of flora and fauna, and jungls of concret.
as dave matthews said..."all we need is love"