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The Jungleheart Protocol: I Feel Like I'm Living on Another Dimension!


In love with a baby jaguar
Senior Member
Every day we get a little bit of bad karma to work through. I presume this is energy you put out into the world at some point in your past existence. Thought creates thoughtforms which can exist and interact separately to yourself. With our collective thoughts and energy we are creating both a dystopian hellscape and an ideal heavenly reality, at different times depending on our intention and focus. Through proper action we can process and release destructive energy from our spirit and reality as a whole, and focus in on positive vibrations. With proper action we can create a brand new destiny for ourselves and an ideal reality for everyone.

Proper action includes treating others well, meditation, yoga and The Jungleheart Protocol.

The methods that I have selected in The Jungleheart Protocol, have allowed me to expedite my ability to manifest a better life. I believe that because of this protocol, I am now living wildly abundantly, whereas before I was ill and in pain. If you want to hear how ill I was, read the link here: Learn From My Mistakes.

I am a new person now. I have a new life. I have died and been reborn. I am compete. I am healed. I have done the work of soul retrieval to recover from life's injuries. The protocol will help me heal any new ones.

I dance all the time. My imagination is literally technicolor.

My vision is that people around the world discover The Jungleheart Protol and start doing it themselves. The first yoga studio of its kind. All virtual. But all in sync and enlightened. The yoga mat creating a zen retreat from your daily life.

Heal yourself from deep within. Allow the space to solve all your problem and fill you with grace. Extend those feelings to those around you, bestowing upon them kindness and becoming a better person. Attract better situations and circumstances into your life.

Manifest like never before. Experience the ability to turn your intentions into reality in your mind.

To quote Carlos Castenada, "The sorcerer's description of the world is perceivable. But our insistence of holding onto our standard version of reality renders us almost deaf and blind to it."

Become a sorcerer.

The Jungleheart Protocol was created for emotional and spiritual healing, and involves taking harmalas and ganja, then using the Down Dog app to practice yoga. This practice specifically allows you to clear your spirit of stored trauma and set intentions that align with your deepest held desires and values.

Down Dog is just $2 per month. What I love is that you personalize the series and the instruction based on about 15 settings, and an AI character demonstrates the poses and leads you through. The settings include type of yoga, level, focus areas and music, among others.

Beyond the amazing app, the healing benefits are found in the pairing of substances: harmalas and ganja. I recommend taking at least 50 mg harmalas, to be able to perceive parcels of energy and be able to visualize and process them better.

(I want to take a brief moment to endorse having extracted harmalas available for The Jungeheart Protocol, as well as for life in general. I enjoy taking 50-100 mg near daily. At low to medium doses harmalas work as an antidepressant, and enhance your imagination and awareness of the spirit world. I am looking forward to trying to see if I can even get through the protocol on a higher dose.)

Harmalas are quite valuable to work with on a near daily basis in this practice. It is possible to become deeply familiar with your issues, the impacts, and how to solve and release them by taking harmalas and dedicating time to do so.

If the harmala acts as a scalpel, allowing you to heal parcels of trauma, ganja acts as a painkiller to help with the physical and emotional pain. It ensures the work is enjoyable, while being as productive as possible. I think there is something to be said for the energizing sativa for vinyasa and the relaxing indica for yin.

The Jungleheart Protocol specifically involves doing the vinyasa and yin types of yoga in the Down Dog app, because these styles are the most productive for moving the body and subsequently relaxing. Ideal practice of The Jungleheart Protocol involves vinyasa in the morning and yin in the evening, because it is ideal to practice yin at the end of the day before bed. Or you could also do them one after the other, ideally an hour each for a two hour session.

It is likely that if you are starting a yoga practice you might not have the stamina to practice both vinyasa and yin every day, same as you might not be able to practice vinyasa every day because it's so strenuous. It's ok to start slow. But know that there is an opportunity to get in really good shape by changing the settings to Advanced with a cardio and flexibility boost, and practicing 2 hours, vinyasa and yin. Even so, I recommend starting on the easiest settings in the app because the beginner levels are still challenging.

Make it a ceremony if you have the time for the most benefits. This is the standard ceremony I try to do nearly every time I do the protocol.

  • Guided Meditation - DownDog also comes with four other apps for free, one being a mediation app. Before starting the yoga, I recommend doing guided meditation and breathing for 15 minutes to kick off the ceremony.
  • Deep Meditation - Do the yoga. Then, after you do yoga, get into seated meditation or lay in savasana. I like the Insight Timer app for a free app that tracks the length of your meditation while playing music to help you focus. I also really like watching a candle burn for this period of deep meditation. I recommend doing at least 15 minutes of deep meditation and relaxation, and up to an hour.
  • Prayer - After yoga and meditation, the power of your prayers and intentions will be intensified. I have a rotation of prayers and meditations I do during this time. These include asking for help from the universe with specific goals.
  • Fasting - Eating before the practice will hinder your ability to delve deeply into your feelings, because you will feel the food in your stomach. I strongly recommend against it if possible. I recommend fasting as long as possible, up to the whole day, before your practice. If you must eat, eat something light like a banana.
  • Other Essentials: Other essentials include a high quality speaker and playlist, for obvious reasons. One great attribute of the app is that you can turn off the internal music source and play your own jams at the same time as the instruction, to further customize your experience. Although, the music in the app is really great. Also required to me is a buddha statue and some tea. The buddha reminds me to think like the buddha and to remember that any pain that comes up is from within me and can be released during the practice. The tea is usually green, but I sometimes have other flowers, herbs, tinctures and admixtures mixed in.

For me, the process of healing past emotional trauma involves free association. Relax your mind. Consider the first thought or thing that comes to you. Do any memories or emotions come to mind associated with it? Follow the trail of thought. Process any emotions or feelings that come to mind, making sure to feel them deeply, even exaggerating the feelings in your body. You will typically feel a release and like you can move onto the next thought.

Feelings of grief, being overwhelmed, upset or frustrated are normal. You may even experience physical pain.

Take a moment to honor and process each thought then do a free association to the next thought or feeling. Make space for any thoughts, colors, emotions, and feelings and allow yourself to experience them completely. You will discover there are topics or themes. These are issues you are working on. If you become stuck, ask the universe to help and set the intention that you will encounter the solution in your practice or in your daily life.

Of course, if you experience positive feelings be appreciative and grateful for them.

Delve into your feelings and deeply relax.

I typically use prayer a lot during this time. I ask for happiness, health, good relationships, a good career, and tangible things. I try to focus on things that spark a strong emotional reaction or my imagination. I pray throughout the whole practice.

Start slow. If you are bored or need a break you can go to child's pose or choose your own.

My imagination and ability to manifest have vastly improved since I started this practice. So has my mental and emotional well-being and I've lost weight. I've also gotten much better at thinking creatively, which has been the most rewarding impact.

What I'm thinking about next is how to create an ideal spa and resort experience surrounding The Jungleheart Protocol. Not everyone can afford a trip to a spa and resort. Yet, we all still deserve to experience supreme relaxation and leisure. So keep an eye out for that :)

In conclusion, if you try it, let me know. And let me know what you think of the difference between vinyasa and yin when it comes to the benefits and if there is anything to focus during either.

All my best,


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Very very beautiful, detailed, and well-thoughtout. Thank you for taking so much time for yourself and your inner healing and then compartmentalizing in a succinct way for others to follow. I'm sure it'll help many.

Are you eating the harmalas or smoking them? I'm assuming eating, because when I smoke that much, I'm quite inebriated.

One love
Very very beautiful, detailed, and well-thoughtout. Thank you for taking so much time for yourself and your inner healing and then compartmentalizing in a succinct way for others to follow. I'm sure it'll help many.

Are you eating the harmalas or smoking them? I'm assuming eating, because when I smoke that much, I'm quite inebriated.

One love
Hi Void,

Thanks for reading. I am eating them. I haven't smoked harmalas yet, but that is the plan soon :)
I think it's funny I'm willing to drink a bunch of rue, but I for some reason don't dive more into oral harmala extract.

I look forward to hearing how smoking them goes for you.

One love
I love taking oral harmalas, it's kind of my thing. I like working with the beta carbolines above other psychedelics, and I like that the syrian rue extract is cheap and easy to take. Little to no issues regarding sustainability as far as I know. With the history of mental health issues, having the ability to control the dose is so important. You just gotta put it in a capsule after you measure it out or toss and wash it, which can get dicey if it gets up your nose. Extracted harmalas work so well for me in small to medium doses, making me more creative and adding an element of magic to my day. They are good in small doses before bed too.
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I think it's funny I'm willing to drink a bunch of rue, but I for some reason don't dive more into oral harmala extract.

I look forward to hearing how smoking them goes for you.

One love

I love taking oral harmalas, it's kind of my thing. I like working with the beta carbolines above other psychedelics, and I like that the syrian rue extract is cheap and easy to take. Little to no issues regarding sustainability as far as I know. With the history of mental health issues, having the ability to control the dose is so important. You just gotta put it in a capsule after you measure it out or toss and wash it, which can get dicey if it gets up your nose. Extracted harmalas work so well for me in small to medium doses, making me more creative and adding an element of magic to my day. They are good in small doses before bed too.
I'm like void here and generally resort to drinking rue tea, but the point about safe dosing is valid - just last night I had a 3.33g rue brew (single boil for 1 hr with 200 mg vit C in 300 mL water, a spoonful of Yucatan honey and down the hatch) which proved to be a rather powerful and deeply healing experience. Indeed, it was kind of reassuring to find that, despite my ill-disciplined and generally lazy nature, there's a strong degree of mental fortitude at my disposal that allows me to hold it together. This was such a powerfully visionary, no-holds-barred illuminating plant teacher journey, and by no means all unicorns and rainbows - far from it, in fact - that it leaves me feeling as though, were I just a tiny bit less experienced, it could have completely freaked me out. Really, my debt of gratitude lies with the plant in taking me exactly to the limit and no further, such that matters of fundamental seriousness were laid bare in utmost clarity - especially once the delirium-like phase had been navigated and purged.

So, getting back to the point, I would like to know what amount of alkaloids this kind of experience equates to but I still haven't got around to extracting from this - potent! - batch of seeds yet. While sleep was impossible for several hours, the experience has left be feeling excellent, which today's superlative weather undoubtedly helped. My final reflection, such that I don't entirely hijack your thread with a mini trip report, is that despite not really having entered the experience with any preparatory meditation as such (other than, perhaps, a working meditation of moving my cactus bench into its summer position while the seeds brewed), the plant itself forced me into an obligatory meditative state in the face of its irresistible force. "The plants made me do it" ;)
Thank you for sharing this protocol, jungleheart. It inspired me to start taking caapi extracted harmalas again, which indeed seem to have antidepressant effects. I’ve been taking 40mg a day and appreciate the calmness, clarity, and brightness they seem to bring. They definitely seem to make me sleepy, particularly in combination with cannabis, but it’s not hard to offset those effects with guayusa. Today I added a tiny bit of hape to the mix (just enough to make my eyes water) and that seemed to blend well with everything else.
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