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The Li'l Hammer - The Perfect Spice Pipe

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Well, a few people have asked, "What is this Li'l Hammer?" Well, here it is. My hammer just got broke :( But you can actually make a small temporary hammer by using some aluminum foil, the tube from a pen, and a wooden spoon handle. If you place the pen at a "T" intersection with the handle of a wooden spoon, you can then wrap the foil around the end of the wooden spoon and the pen and then just put a small piece of tape around where the foil wraps around the pen.

WARNING: When applying flame to this, a lot of carbon builds up on the outside of the foil and eventually it can catch fire so don't use the same foil cup more than about 10 times.

MAJOR WARNING: If using a foil hammer then NEVER use a torch lighter. Only use a regular flame lighter. A torch lighter actually gets hot enough to melt aluminum foil. It won't kill you, but it will be painful if you inhale melting aluminum and it might freak you out and cause a bad trip too.

Anyway, this is The Li'l Hammer. Swim is able to fit all of the smoke from 40 to 50 mg of Spice into his lungs with one slow inhale.

magic clown said:
Is there any kind of hit hole, how does the air get in?

That makeshift lid is very loose fitting and allows for oxygen to get in. But if you give it some flame, the Spice will vaporize and the smoke mostly remains in the chamber but some begins traveling down the pipe by itself. When you have it in there if you want you can remove the lid as you inhale and that will rush it all into you. Also, if your hammer head chamber is large enough (like when using a cigar tube), you could potentially fill it with a lot more smoke than what you should inhale and then be able to inhale it and remove the lid at the same time.

The best thing is that you don't have to use any type ash or leave or anything and you don't have to worry about hot Spice coming into your throat as you inhale because you are just inhaling the smoke that comes off of the top of the spice. It's very clean and very smooth.

One other thing as well, I haven't tried it but I plan to, but I'm told you can put the spice in the hammer then drop a couple drops of water on top of it (not very much at all) and this will help when the water boils and the spice and water vaporizes it is supposed to condense it make it go down even smoother.
I do not see the interrest of your 'hammer' compare to a good old lightbulb.
Note also that using aluminium in any part of the device is a bad idea as aluminium is a quite toxic metal probably involved in Alzheimer disease.
Garulfo said:
I do not see the interrest of your 'hammer' compare to a good old lightbulb.
Note also that using aluminium in any part of the device is a bad idea as aluminium is a quite toxic metal probably involved in Alzheimer disease.
or a test tube with a cap that has 2 holes in it and a straw in one of the holes
Garulfo said:
I do not see the interrest of your 'hammer' compare to a good old lightbulb.
Note also that using aluminium in any part of the device is a bad idea as aluminium is a quite toxic metal probably involved in Alzheimer disease.

If you notice, no aluminum is used in the actual pipe. I did note that a "temporary" hammer can be created using aluminum foil.

As for the toxicity of aluminum and aluminum foil, this isn't anything more than speculation and paranoia. There is a "suspected" link between drinking acidic beverages contained in aluminum cans and Alzheimer's, but there has been no actual proof discovered as of yet. If this were proven then a lot of beverage companies would have to find a new material for their products.

The reality of this is that the link to Alzheimer's is mostly rooted in urban legend that started as early as the mid to late 70s when some of the can and bottle companies were switching from steel to aluminum. Some of it was no doubt propaganda pushing that occurred because companies providing steel would take a profit cut. Others were simply because people by nature are generally afraid of change when they have been used to something for so long.

Obviously, it is not good to inhale smoke from melting aluminum but if you are curious, you could contact the poison control center and see what they have to say about it. Additionally, keep in mind, as long as you take care not to use a torch lighter and melt the aluminum foil, and you don't allow so much carbon deposits build up on the foil then you will get no more aluminum in your system than you will if you cover your turkey or wrap your potatoes with aluminum foil when you cook. Additionally, you'll invariably get less than if you ever drink a can of Coca-Cola.

The simple fact is, if you ever drink canned soda or cover your food with aluminum foil, then "toxicity" arguments such as this about aluminum foil are rendered pointless and irrelevant.

As for smoking with an aluminum foil bowl and a pen, the thing you should be most concerned with is that you don't melt the pen and inhale that crap. Inhaling melted plastic is much more toxic than even inhaling melted aluminum foil. As long as nothing gets melted other than the Spice, you'll be perfectly fine.
Big Inhale said:
Garulfo said:
I do not see the interrest of your 'hammer' compare to a good old lightbulb.
Note also that using aluminium in any part of the device is a bad idea as aluminium is a quite toxic metal probably involved in Alzheimer disease.
or a test tube with a cap that has 2 holes in it and a straw in one of the holes

Now that might be a little easier to make. If I can find a shorter fatter tube it might be more ideal. As for light bulbs, they're just a little too easy to break.
The toxicity of aluminium is not a legend. What's not clear is if the very tiny amount of aluminium ones can ingest along his life can lead to increase risks of Alzeihmer when becoming old (> 80 years). This is indeed very hard to proof. What's seems sure is that aluminium is cumulated in the body and can pass the brain barrier.

Coca cans are in iron here in france (hopefully ;))
I just find uneeded to suggest using aluminium for smoking something (like a cigar tube) when no one really know the risks. Maybe it is safe, maybe it has no importance at all considering the low quantity of ions that the heat can extract, but I bet that glass (tube or lightbulb) is anyway better. Of course it is weak.
Get a wooden pipe or stone, fill it with basil. At least have some dignity.

Shit man if I saw a friend was smoking out of a light bulb,
I would beat some sense into him for being a dumbass.
Garulfo said:
The toxicity of aluminium is not a legend. What's not clear is if the very tiny amount of aluminium ones can ingest along his life can lead to increase risks of Alzeihmer when becoming old (> 80 years). This is indeed very hard to proof. What's seems sure is that aluminium is cumulated in the body and can pass the brain barrier.

Coca cans are in iron here in france (hopefully ;))
I just find uneeded to suggest using aluminium for smoking something (like a cigar tube) when no one really know the risks. Maybe it is safe, maybe it has no importance at all considering the low quantity of ions that the heat can extract, but I bet that glass (tube or lightbulb) is anyway better. Of course it is weak.

I fully agree that glass is much better. The aluminum solution is only a temporary solution at best anyway. But, I would say, if you smoke cigarettes (I, unfortunately, smoke a pack a day) and if you start a car in the morning, then you really don't have anything to worry about when occasionally smoking Spice from aluminum. Simple fact is you'll be inhaling more destructive toxins by smoking a cigarette, and starting your car produces more toxins in the first minute that if you burned 10 cartons of cigarettes. So, in comparison to all of the other poisons and toxins you breath in a single trip to work in the morning, why would you even worry about the minuscule amount you'll get inhaling Spice essence? You'll die from city pollution well before you would from smoking from an aluminum foil bowel, or smoking bud with an aluminum can.

A magnet will stick to your soda pop cans?
pattern said:
Why the flip would you smoke out of a lightbulb? Are you a hobo or something?


It's an old crack head trick that came about around the time they made freebase pipes illegal.

pattern said:
Get a wooden pipe or stone, fill it with basil. At least have some dignity.

Shit man if I saw a friend was smoking out of a light bulb,
I would beat some sense into him for being a dumbass.

I can't smoke Spice when it is on anything. If it is by itself then it's wonderful. But if it is on top of anything, it seems I always puke or dry heave at the end.
Shit man if I saw a friend was smoking out of a light bulb,
I would beat some sense into him for being a dumbass.

Seems that there is a bad reputation about lightbulb huh ? Is it because of bad image brought by some drug users ?
Sorry to look so naive but to me a lightbulb is just a thin piece of glass very usefull to vaporize precious spice without overburning it.
Garulfo said:
Shit man if I saw a friend was smoking out of a light bulb,
I would beat some sense into him for being a dumbass.

Seems that there is a bad reputation about lightbulb huh ? Is it because of bad image brought by some drug users ?
Sorry to look so naive but to me a lightbulb is just a thin piece of glass very usefull to vaporize precious spice without overburning it.

You'll die from city pollution well before you would from smoking from an aluminum foil bowel, or smoking bud with an aluminum can.

True, indeed really true. Why taking care about our health if we live in a town. That seems indeed superfluous.

LOL, it's certainly good to take care of your health. :D I generally do but much like optimizing source code, you get greater returns by fixing what does the most damage. Removing a 2 inch square piece of aluminum foil from a land fill won't even be noticed. LOL
Removing a 2 inch square piece of aluminum foil from a land fill won't even be noticed

Sure, I found more 'dangerous' the idea to smoke something from a cigar tube... but considering the amount of naphta or other nasty compounds inhaled to produce some spice, it is outside the range. However finding a lightbulb seems even more easy than finding a cigar tube, that was just my point.
But it seems that lightbulbs are evil and the way of loss of dignity so I guess I should no more spread that idea :lol:

"There is no proof that the use of such utensils plays a significant role in the development of Alzheimer Disease."

I feel better, I can continue to cook in aluminium pots :roll: .
There is a laquer inside alluminum cans that keeps the beverage from touching the alluminum itself so i don't think drinking out of them will cause harm but heating the cans to smoke out of is probably not a good idea since the laquer probably melts
Garulfo said:
Removing a 2 inch square piece of aluminum foil from a land fill won't even be noticed

Sure, I found more 'dangerous' the idea to smoke something from a cigar tube... but considering the amount of naphta or other nasty compounds inhaled to produce some spice, it is outside the range. However finding a lightbulb seems even more easy than finding a cigar tube, that was just my point.
But it seems that lightbulbs are evil and the way of loss of dignity so I guess I should no more spread that idea :lol:

"There is no proof that the use of such utensils plays a significant role in the development of Alzheimer Disease."

I feel better, I can continue to cook in aluminium pots :roll: .

:lol: So there you have it. No matter what we do, we're all gonna die from slow poison. Between aluminum, fluoride, chlorine, and the city air, we're all dying several years earlier.
EZ4U2Shoot said:
Garulfo said:
Removing a 2 inch square piece of aluminum foil from a land fill won't even be noticed

Sure, I found more 'dangerous' the idea to smoke something from a cigar tube... but considering the amount of naphta or other nasty compounds inhaled to produce some spice, it is outside the range. However finding a lightbulb seems even more easy than finding a cigar tube, that was just my point.
But it seems that lightbulbs are evil and the way of loss of dignity so I guess I should no more spread that idea :lol:

"There is no proof that the use of such utensils plays a significant role in the development of Alzheimer Disease."

I feel better, I can continue to cook in aluminium pots :roll: .

:lol: So there you have it. No matter what we do, we're all gonna die from slow poison. Between aluminum, fluoride, chlorine, and the city air, we're all dying several years earlier.
Those are years cut off the end of your life though..those aren't any fun anyway. If you die at age 89, but should have lived until 91, i dont think you would notice, or care, haha.
If you die at age 89, but should have lived until 91, i dont think you would notice, or care, haha.

But if you die at 89 from an increasing Alzeimher disease having started at 70... you would probably prefer to die sooner.
Big Inhale said:
There is a laquer inside alluminum cans that keeps the beverage from touching the alluminum itself so i don't think drinking out of them will cause harm but heating the cans to smoke out of is probably not a good idea since the laquer probably melts

Maybe it's actually the lacquer that causes Alzheimer's. :lol: Theres an awe full lot of people born in the 70's and 80's that have smoked herb with an aluminum can because they didn't have any papers or a bowl. As I recall, that did bring out the artistic side of a lot of people. I once made a bong out of a 2 liter Dr. Pepper bottle and a gas administration face mask a buddy of mine got from his nursing classes. We eventually put an electric pump on "The Doctor", as we called it, but that would suck up a very large well packed bowl with 2 or 3 hits. Don't get me wrong, it frazzled you when you hit it. Most people couldn't hit it a second time because they would be too uncoordinated after the first hit. We put some honey hash on it once and my buddy passed out when he hit it. Anyway, that came from nowhere way off the subject.

Anyway, I think there are a lot worse things we do, I'm sure.
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