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The molecule dream..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I came close yesterday to breaking through [ a second time].in recent months.. with acrb and the shock of the experiance i think caused a dream that night..
I have been.. and still.. am involved in lucid dreaming for a number of years and its normal for me to wake during the night and recall or record my dream experiances ..
So after experiancing a very strong dmt experiance durring the day ....that nearly knocked my head off my shoulders... durring the daytime..
That folowing night.. I had a dream where i was a molecule and in the dream i was being hunted or followed by other molecules...
I remember this dream going on and on repeating itself [over and over] durring the early morning hours ..
where i as a molecule was trying to hide from predetor molecules..
I remember many times changing ..molecular form.. many times trying to fit in diferent molecular locks or windows in my DNA in an atempt to hide from these predetor molecules..
This dream went on and on as a never ending play of nature..
Strange dream posibly conected to my near break through that day ..;)
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