DMT is the big bang and the universe is my knowled
Greetings, My name is Jonathan, or Jon for short! I am a young, intrepid hyperspace explorer who has many various reasons for writing this introduction essay; These reasons include and are shaped massively by my hunger for knowledge, ambitious nature, previously invaluable experiences with the spice, and much, much more. It is my personal belief that anyone who engages in psychedelic behavior is destined for such occasions to occur from their very birth. I believe the mere fact that factions exist so strongly in our society that some people will treat the spice as a sacrament and others will condemn it to an equal value of heroin addiction without so much as consideration only serves to prove this belief. I think that every psychedelic explorer's experiences in life will form them into a certain type of person, the type of person you are likely to see on the shroomery forum, and even more likely to encounter on the Nexus. Admittedly I am young in life, only just freshly 18 years old I lack many experiences that many psychedelic rangers would have in their lives, but the truth uncovered by DMT has left me feeling disconnected, above, and feeling sorry for the average human being in their primitive behaviors. After first experiencing Magic Mushrooms of the Equadorian Cubensis variety, I began to feel a strong sense of enlightenment, but I think it is a common fact that a mushroom experience is more easily forgotten. The DMT on the other hand has had incredible lasting effects that I believe will allow me to reach limitless potential in the future, given my incredible circumstances of having been born an attractive, slender, tall, bright, ambitious white kid with a wealthy father.
My first psychadelic experience was with mushrooms where I first realized that my ego had the innate capability to do all of the things in the world that I would always have written off as things considered only available to others through natural-born talent(Especially artistic ability). These few experiences, including a rather harsh experience of 25g 1/2(or so) potent cubes, ego death, and a dissolved reality where I physically 'became' John Elway. Needless to say I experienced a new waking reality the next day, to find myself alive, and knowing, 'hey man, you COULD be John Elway, that's pretty damn sweet!'. Even though I don't believe I have the physical assets of John Elway, the notion that I traversed his path in life from childhood to life, to ego/existence really interested me and gave me a positive outlook on the world. These changes, in combination with an upsetting house-arrest-like situation, and a few experiences with the Legal Ketamine Analogue Methoxetamine Altered my life view in ways that still leave me considering how I lived my life the defunct human being I once was. At first my enlightenment felt like such grand knowledge that I simply HAD to share it with other people, but then over a few months, I became rather sad and depressed at the general world's inability to look at things for what they are, and decided/accepted that if nobody was going to listen, then the psychedelic community will only aid those who choose to help themselves.
The real part is here: Considering I spent a few months browsing The Shroomery for information regarding the psychedelic experience, mushroom identification, and cultivation, I became immersed in the psychadelic culture of The Shroomery, (which, until I discovered the spice and the nexus seemed pretty trippy, lol) eventually reading some dude say 'oh yeah, DMT just obliterated everything, it was crazy'. Although I can now look at The Shroomery and see hundreds of threads on DMT, because I was not looking for it, it didn't seem to ever find me... That is, until my inquisitive and ambitious nature finally lead me to it. I heard of a certain service available to anyone that would look for them, and determined that because I could finally have access to it, and I loved experiences, that I would... *cough* purchase DMT. Now, the reason I purchased DMT was because of the ease it presented for me in a stage of pre-enlightenment and my lack of knowledge on the simplicity of extraction. Now, I have taken note of the never sell DMT thread and I highly agree with those sentiments, people who buy this stuff will often be immature and not understand the real room for misunderstanding and having a bad trip. This can lead to any number of psychosi' in a possible moron and could trigger any possible string of events that would have an effect on awareness in the public as the new 'street DRUG' 'PARTY DRUG' 'STUDY DRUG' 'ACID DRUG' and about 7 other hilarious conglomerates of negatively symbolic nouns those bureaucrats can come up with and pass off to the tough, polarized, american average as what the kids are 'destroying the future' with!! Anyhow, given the circumstances, I found the benefits outweigh the harms of me possibly never even obtaining the spice out of pure laziness ;p.
The experience it'self really changed me. I had one gram, and i started it with my buddy, trying to break through on our first times, but felt the gentle hand of the spice holding me back, telling me what I didn't realize at the time was actually to wait and not to go for too high too soon, or you will waste more time in your failed higher attempts without learning. I hit it and gave in to amazement so many times, but each time I learned and understood the effects. I then worked myself up into a powerful meditative ability, to understand everything, and be one with your earthly inhabitants. This was a powerful experience because I remember hallucinating of certain motifs and symbols dominating each action I could physically perceive(locations of items, organizations, messages, etc.). I witnessed a woman and a man, but the man was crushed and I could only see him in my crumpled backpack. This man represented how I could see myself, as obviously not fitting the maximum potential possible, just instead crushing myself(he appeared to squat down and put hands on shins, and his body would kinda flow into his stomach as if he were bent over and putting his head into his stomach). The woman was a ballet dancer that I never saw but knew was always in my peripheral vision. I then could look at the map of the world and notice when I focus on lands less populated and less valuable, the lines defining the shapes bent around as to show the uncertainty of those locations, while focusing on the united states saw Canada enlarge a little, mexico separated into huge factions(which I believe to have been perceived networks of corruption ties and cartel activity). It was at this moment where I saw the beauty and power behind this substance, and that it really would teach me if i was willing enough to learn. I spent the whole night toking and learning, but come the next day I knew what I really had to do, I had to go into the Forrest. After a few sessions in the forest I saw in my last toke the highest level yet. My beautiful machine became something different, something so important and valuable, yet so simple. My DMT was so incredibly powerful and wonderful, yet so replaceable. And as I understood these things to be truths I powered into an incredible trance, of tree communication. At this level I didn't receive any sort of coherent message, only that now the functions of trees and the forms in which they affect our lives were made a statement being told to me by the wildlife, rather than an understanding from within, very beautiful. I for a second saw lord of the rings and infinite creation within this sub-hyper spacial periscope land. This is where everything really came together. A theme from my previous experiences began to grow from an unknown theme as I had seen it so many times before, to the concept of Time being something different than we realize it. This belief encompassed my reality and for a moment I visited a location of timelessness within my own consciousness, looking through the lives of infinite amounts of people(Who I think were me) discovering DMT for themselves and changing existence.
Now, my experiences have finally come to make sense and I am still finding everyday applications for some of the lessons spoken to me by the Spice. I also saw the sacrament for a sacrament and not a drug. My whole life has changed in that I now look at trees like people, who do their own thing for their own purpose, which is just as logical as our human lives in the grand scheme. It's a beautiful realization to look at things as to how they exist and not as to how they pertain to you. I also learned a valuable lesson in unity, becoming one, and understanding. I could never conquer the consumption of the spice unless I were to forget the acknowledgement of an infinitely illogical fear of a beautiful situation. I can look at a pond and see it as a sleek sheen beautiful body of water, and I look at each tree as an incredible work of art and architecture that goes on for as long as it wants. It has definitely made my life incredibly stress free. I feel free to exhibit total enlightenment in my everyday activities and meld my understanding of the world into a positive, changing force in this world. Now I find myself interested in explaining these thoughts and new found abilities to draw and think creatively with others on the Nexus! Perhaps somebody very experienced could help me out here and help mentor me through what I can see will be an incredible Journey
Hope this wasn't too damn long!!
enjoy yourselves- Jon
My first psychadelic experience was with mushrooms where I first realized that my ego had the innate capability to do all of the things in the world that I would always have written off as things considered only available to others through natural-born talent(Especially artistic ability). These few experiences, including a rather harsh experience of 25g 1/2(or so) potent cubes, ego death, and a dissolved reality where I physically 'became' John Elway. Needless to say I experienced a new waking reality the next day, to find myself alive, and knowing, 'hey man, you COULD be John Elway, that's pretty damn sweet!'. Even though I don't believe I have the physical assets of John Elway, the notion that I traversed his path in life from childhood to life, to ego/existence really interested me and gave me a positive outlook on the world. These changes, in combination with an upsetting house-arrest-like situation, and a few experiences with the Legal Ketamine Analogue Methoxetamine Altered my life view in ways that still leave me considering how I lived my life the defunct human being I once was. At first my enlightenment felt like such grand knowledge that I simply HAD to share it with other people, but then over a few months, I became rather sad and depressed at the general world's inability to look at things for what they are, and decided/accepted that if nobody was going to listen, then the psychedelic community will only aid those who choose to help themselves.
The real part is here: Considering I spent a few months browsing The Shroomery for information regarding the psychedelic experience, mushroom identification, and cultivation, I became immersed in the psychadelic culture of The Shroomery, (which, until I discovered the spice and the nexus seemed pretty trippy, lol) eventually reading some dude say 'oh yeah, DMT just obliterated everything, it was crazy'. Although I can now look at The Shroomery and see hundreds of threads on DMT, because I was not looking for it, it didn't seem to ever find me... That is, until my inquisitive and ambitious nature finally lead me to it. I heard of a certain service available to anyone that would look for them, and determined that because I could finally have access to it, and I loved experiences, that I would... *cough* purchase DMT. Now, the reason I purchased DMT was because of the ease it presented for me in a stage of pre-enlightenment and my lack of knowledge on the simplicity of extraction. Now, I have taken note of the never sell DMT thread and I highly agree with those sentiments, people who buy this stuff will often be immature and not understand the real room for misunderstanding and having a bad trip. This can lead to any number of psychosi' in a possible moron and could trigger any possible string of events that would have an effect on awareness in the public as the new 'street DRUG' 'PARTY DRUG' 'STUDY DRUG' 'ACID DRUG' and about 7 other hilarious conglomerates of negatively symbolic nouns those bureaucrats can come up with and pass off to the tough, polarized, american average as what the kids are 'destroying the future' with!! Anyhow, given the circumstances, I found the benefits outweigh the harms of me possibly never even obtaining the spice out of pure laziness ;p.
The experience it'self really changed me. I had one gram, and i started it with my buddy, trying to break through on our first times, but felt the gentle hand of the spice holding me back, telling me what I didn't realize at the time was actually to wait and not to go for too high too soon, or you will waste more time in your failed higher attempts without learning. I hit it and gave in to amazement so many times, but each time I learned and understood the effects. I then worked myself up into a powerful meditative ability, to understand everything, and be one with your earthly inhabitants. This was a powerful experience because I remember hallucinating of certain motifs and symbols dominating each action I could physically perceive(locations of items, organizations, messages, etc.). I witnessed a woman and a man, but the man was crushed and I could only see him in my crumpled backpack. This man represented how I could see myself, as obviously not fitting the maximum potential possible, just instead crushing myself(he appeared to squat down and put hands on shins, and his body would kinda flow into his stomach as if he were bent over and putting his head into his stomach). The woman was a ballet dancer that I never saw but knew was always in my peripheral vision. I then could look at the map of the world and notice when I focus on lands less populated and less valuable, the lines defining the shapes bent around as to show the uncertainty of those locations, while focusing on the united states saw Canada enlarge a little, mexico separated into huge factions(which I believe to have been perceived networks of corruption ties and cartel activity). It was at this moment where I saw the beauty and power behind this substance, and that it really would teach me if i was willing enough to learn. I spent the whole night toking and learning, but come the next day I knew what I really had to do, I had to go into the Forrest. After a few sessions in the forest I saw in my last toke the highest level yet. My beautiful machine became something different, something so important and valuable, yet so simple. My DMT was so incredibly powerful and wonderful, yet so replaceable. And as I understood these things to be truths I powered into an incredible trance, of tree communication. At this level I didn't receive any sort of coherent message, only that now the functions of trees and the forms in which they affect our lives were made a statement being told to me by the wildlife, rather than an understanding from within, very beautiful. I for a second saw lord of the rings and infinite creation within this sub-hyper spacial periscope land. This is where everything really came together. A theme from my previous experiences began to grow from an unknown theme as I had seen it so many times before, to the concept of Time being something different than we realize it. This belief encompassed my reality and for a moment I visited a location of timelessness within my own consciousness, looking through the lives of infinite amounts of people(Who I think were me) discovering DMT for themselves and changing existence.
Now, my experiences have finally come to make sense and I am still finding everyday applications for some of the lessons spoken to me by the Spice. I also saw the sacrament for a sacrament and not a drug. My whole life has changed in that I now look at trees like people, who do their own thing for their own purpose, which is just as logical as our human lives in the grand scheme. It's a beautiful realization to look at things as to how they exist and not as to how they pertain to you. I also learned a valuable lesson in unity, becoming one, and understanding. I could never conquer the consumption of the spice unless I were to forget the acknowledgement of an infinitely illogical fear of a beautiful situation. I can look at a pond and see it as a sleek sheen beautiful body of water, and I look at each tree as an incredible work of art and architecture that goes on for as long as it wants. It has definitely made my life incredibly stress free. I feel free to exhibit total enlightenment in my everyday activities and meld my understanding of the world into a positive, changing force in this world. Now I find myself interested in explaining these thoughts and new found abilities to draw and think creatively with others on the Nexus! Perhaps somebody very experienced could help me out here and help mentor me through what I can see will be an incredible Journey
enjoy yourselves- Jon