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The Nature of Reality

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello, DMT Nexus. I have spent much time over the last month reading through the forums, and
feel like I already know some of you - my brothers and sisters in spirit and intent. What is
really striking to me is the absence of escapism so prevalent in the typical trip
reports found in places like Erowid (which none-the-less is a very valuable
resource). None of the "I smoked DMT so I could get really fucked up, ha ha". Instead, there is
a very real respect, even reverence, for the ability of the spice to open up our perception of
reality far beyond the narrow, consensus framework we normally exist in. Here, I see the proper
attitude towards hallucinogens: they are a tool of exploration, of both inner, and possibly
outer space - in terms of being able to directly perceive aspects, in whole or part, of the
Multiverse, if one ascribes to the dominant theory of quantum cosmologists (though not
necessarily of other physicists).

I recently completed reading Strassman's "The Spirit Molecule", and must say that what he has
observed resonates with me on a very profound level. For years, I have noticed a striking
similarity between lucid dreaming and the psychedelic experience, especially when waking up from
a lucid dream, still in it's throes, with actual visuals that often bear a striking resemblance
to those described by users of Aya and DMT (though on a much lower level of intensity). I have
even experienced many times something akin to the "carrier wave" before slipping back into a
lucid dream state. So I think there may be something to the hypothesis that DMT is released
during dream state by the Pineal, though of course that remains to be proven.

I am 43 now, and it has been 8 years since I have taken any psychedelics, mostly due to the lack
of time, rather than desire. I have primarily used mushrooms, perhaps 40 or 50 times since I was
16, with the occasional LSD trip over the years, and feel like I have gained immensely by their
usage, in particular from 6 very memorable and profound experiences, when I was 18, 24, and 35,

When I was 18, I was the one to really push the envelope with my friends, leading us on stronger
and stronger mushroom trips, culminating with myself and the one person willing to go that far
taking a heroic dose. My friend purged early, and I held on, to experience a complete disconnect
with consensus reality which ended in a mystical experience of myself floating serenely in the
center of the Universe, one with all creation. It was pure Bliss.

My next high dose experience didn't come until I was 24, on a dose even more heroic than the one
just described. During this trip, I beheld many things - how Heaven is an opening up of the self
into Eternity and interconnectedness with all things, while Hell is a descent into Solipsism,
being trapped in a wall of Self, unable to break free to experience our true nature of oneness
and openness with each other and all of Creation.

In spirit, I traveled back in time to the 60's and experienced the transcendent meaning and
cultural impact of that period - and how quickly it was quashed by an establishment so vested in
this small, petty little consensus reality we live in from day-to-day: the Matrix, if you will.
I experienced time dilation on an incredible scale, with mere minutes on the clock spanning into
Eternity. I beheld the dimension of Time, and watched objects sitting still in space (relative
to the observer) yet traversing through the dimension of time. Watching an object move through
time is something not normally perceivable through the ordinary conscious state, though I have
no doubt that experienced practitioners of mediation can experience this aspect of reality. It
blew me away.

On my most recent experiences with Mushrooms, in 2002, I tripped with my brother while watching
the Matrix. The movie will never quite be the same after experiencing it on cubes, let me tell
you! The metaphysical and philosophical explorations of the film are apparent in ordinary
awareness; when consciousness is expanded, they transcend by several orders of magnitude beyond
mere ideas into a direct experience of the reality the ideas describe. This was my all time
favorite trip, even though it was a 'normal' dose, not a heroic one. Yet still, I proceeded to
plunge back into the Matrix myself. The impact, however, of that experience was to be such that
over time, the desire to free myself has grown into the paramount quest of my life.

It is commonly accepted by Historians that Plato participated in the Elysian rites, which
involved the ingestion of hallucinogens. What is not so commonly noted, however, is the obvious
impact these experiences had on his thought and philosophy - that this world is only a shadow of
the real one; that mathematical objects exist in a transcendent realm quite independent of human
awareness of such objects. Roger Penrose, in 'The Emperor's New Mind', elaborates on the
objective nature of transcendent mathematical objects at length, and the truth of mathematical
Platonism. To wit, the Mandelbrot set, which no one (least of all Mandelbrot himself) could have
anticipated to be so elaborate in it's emergent properties, so incredibly wild and complicated,
from such a relatively simple mathematical proposition. There is, indeed, a higher world (or
worlds), a higher reality, and Plato saw this and described this. There is no doubt in my mind
that the tools of hallucinogens formed a vital role in the development of his thought, which to
this day form the foundation of much of science and philosophy, especially in several schools of
physics and mathematics.

In 'The Fabric of Reality', David Deutsch notes that We don't directly perceive reality - we
experience a Virtual Reality rendering of the 'Real' reality. Reality exists, it is Truth, it is
indeed There; but we only perceive a small part of the All-That-Is; Huxley's 'Mind-at-Large', or
the Multiverse. Strassman has held extensive correspondence with Deutsch on the possible
ability of DMT to change the reality frequency that the human mind ordinarily receives. Picture
the mind as a radio, and DMT as a tool that allows you to change the channel you are tuned into.
Strassman's speculation is that DMT allows us to access and experience authentic parallel
universes; our minds are freed from the slow, grey matter and we become able to directly
experience the universe at large, or different universes in the Multiverse.

In reading Antrocles' latest reports from beyond, I am strongly of the opinion that he has
indeed become an explorer of the first order, venturing into realms of reality that parallel our
own. One can say that our subjective understanding of reality determines the trip, that it is
all in our mind. However, one can also strongly assert that in a Multiverse that for all intents
and purposes contain all possible realities, that our untethered minds find the reality that we
are most in tune with at a deep, subconscious level - that the subjective set of preconceptions
seeks out and finds the objective existence or the reality that most aligns with our own
subjective viewpoints; that the station our brain receives is simply the one it is tuned too.
Hence, the subjective in fact becomes the objective, and our minds can in fact experience a real
universe strangely alien to our own, yet entirely possible within the theoretical realm of
modern quantum cosmology.

Knowing as much of objective Truth as possible, no matter how strange or disconcerting, is the
strongest desire I have. The desire for Truth, at any price, has led me to leave, at great
social and emotional cost to myself, the Catholic Church I was a part of for so long. Yet I
could no longer adhere to the proposition that Salvation depends upon the willingness of one
human mind to submit to an artificial, mimetic thought structure, dictated by another human
mind, with the threat of everlasting Hell the penalty for daring to think independently, to use
our God-given reason as a tool for freedom and discovery. Truth is larger than social
constructs, or the irrational mental constructs that are inherently self-serving to the existing
power structure and belief systems, rather than to Truth and Objective reality.

My intent is to spend the remainder of my days expanding, and teaching, my knowledge of Truth,
of discovering, observing, and understanding the Nature of Reality. To this end, I do plan to
utilize all the tools of discovery and travel available to us, to include the naturally
occurring hallucinogens. I have begun to plan my next series of "fantastic voyages", using some
tools I haven't used before: Cacti, Aya, and smoked DMT. It will be a few months before I am
able to travel, whether to the Yukon and the far north, which has called my mind and heart for
years, or to the inner reaches of the human psyche, and to the realms of Reality that tools such
as spice have been given to us, in order to facilitate such explorations and travel.

I look forward to many years of sharing in this forum my own thoughts and discoveries, as well
as in reading the thoughts and discoveries of fellow intrepid travelers and adventurers. To all
of you - I salute you, with respect and admiration, for your courage to go where most won't
dare. It is always the explorers who lead humanity to growth, and there is no doubt in my mind
that the new realms of exploration that DMT and other tools have opened up to us have the
potential to help lead humanity into a new, enlightened path, of community, humaneness, and
spiritual, cultural, emotional, and psychological growth. Forever onward and forward, my fellow

Welcome to the nexus brother! Great to hear that you have taken brave steps in the quest for truth.
I sometimes wonder if the mind repeatedly imagines "higher worlds" at every stage of it's evolution thus leading to it's movement to different worlds. Similar to your idea that the subconscious tunes into frequencies which is aligned to it's internal belief system. I am not too fond of the term "higher world", as it implies that we are living in a "lower world". I prefer the term "alternate realities". (it's hard to objectively compare universes within the multiverse, they are aspects of the same thing ;-))
Deeply considered and well written introduction. Much of what you say resonates with my own experiences and thoughts; This is a powerful biotechnology that opens our mind to another level of reality. Thanks for taking the time to share this - it's a real pleasure to have you here.
Amen brother! I think your story most likely resonates with many of us, I myself being raised a christian, which even as a child didnt make sense to me. I wish you good luck and enlightenment on your quest into the TRUE reality.
Wow, well said, I'm speechless, welcome. Good to have you here. Haha, reading that was so inspirational. Thanks.

Outstanding essay! I'm familiar with the work of David Deutsch. He presents a compelling case for the existence of multiple universes. There are many like-minded spirits here who share your views. Good to have you with us.
vetiarvind said:
Welcome to the nexus brother! Great to hear that you have taken brave steps in the quest for truth.
I prefer the term "alternate realities". (it's hard to objectively compare universes within the multiverse, they are aspects of the same thing ;-))

Thank you Vetiarvind; it's great to be here, among like-minded souls. You make some great points, and your observation that it's hard to objectively compare what amounts to being aspects of the same thing is not only insightful and true, it's quite hilarious as well :)
88 said:
Deeply considered and well written introduction. Much of what you say resonates with my own experiences and thoughts; This is a powerful biotechnology that opens our mind to another level of reality. Thanks for taking the time to share this - it's a real pleasure to have you here.

Thank you 88; I have read many of your posts at length, and am honored to hear you say that. It's a true privilege to be here, and to have found such a group of people to share my real self with.

Vision farmer said:
Amen brother! I think your story most likely resonates with many of us, I myself being raised a christian, which even as a child didnt make sense to me. I wish you good luck and enlightenment on your quest into the TRUE reality.

Thank you Vision Farmer. One of the great things about being human is that we can take charge of our own programming, and critique the beliefs we were raised with to the standards of reason. So few do, and it does take courage and honesty. I wish you good luck as well, it's not easy to stand against the crowd in defense of Truth.
damiana said:
Wow, well said, I'm speechless, welcome. Good to have you here. Haha, reading that was so inspirational. Thanks.


Thanks Damiana, it's great to be here. Hey, what kind of music do you play? I play guitar too, as I noted you mentioned on an earlier post. Finger-style acoustic, shred, rock, metal, though lately it's mostly acoustic.

Jumper said:
Outstanding essay! I'm familiar with the work of David Deutsch. He presents a compelling case for the existence of multiple universes. There are many like-minded spirits here who share your views. Good to have you with us.

Thanks Jumper. I never bought the Multiverse (just way to far out) theory until reading Deutsch. But his case is extraordinarily compelling. If the scientific method is a quest for truth, and the best explanations are those that should be adopted until something better comes along, then despite it's radical implications, his case for the Multiverse simply makes more sense than the alternatives, to me at least.

awesome essay!

you are one of us I can see :D

though I dont agree that dreams are related to dmt (they are mostly unpsychedelic for me.. even lucid dreams are more colourful and so on but still very far IMO from the very specific fractal-fast-moving-elves dmt thing.. I guess at least a few of the many dreams we have would be more distinctly dmt-ish if it was really caused by it ).. . but yeah very nice post, looking forward for your contributions here, and im sure you'll learn a lot too :)

endlessness said:
awesome essay!

you are one of us I can see :D

though I dont agree that dreams are related to dmt (they are mostly unpsychedelic for me.. even lucid dreams are more colourful and so on but still very far IMO from the very specific fractal-fast-moving-elves dmt thing.. I guess at least a few of the many dreams we have would be more distinctly dmt-ish if it was really caused by it ).. . but yeah very nice post, looking forward for your contributions here, and im sure you'll learn a lot too :)


Thank you endlessness, I am deeply honored. Having not (yet) tried DMT, I can't really make an honest comparison based on anything more than speculation :) I think, though, I will need to make that a subject after my first break-through :)

RealAwareness said:
damiana said:
Wow, well said, I'm speechless, welcome. Good to have you here. Haha, reading that was so inspirational. Thanks.


Thanks Damiana, it's great to be here. Hey, what kind of music do you play? I play guitar too, as I noted you mentioned on an earlier post. Finger-style acoustic, shred, rock, metal, though lately it's mostly acoustic.


I play the electric guitar, semi-hollow body. My band plays jam experimental music. The melodic kind that gets louder and crashes and peaks and makes you wanna dance. haha, one day we might be well known, who knows.

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