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The path for me

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi Everyone,

I honestly know and feel that DMT is the next step on my journey in life, I have never been more certain of anything in my life. However without being too cocky about something that I have never actually tried and that from my research appears to command a great deal of respect, I am hoping to go about it all the right way. Please advise!

I am joining this forum because from my reading so far you are an amazing bunch of people, very cool indeed.

I have a huge back story to why I am here and how I know that DMT is calling me... and I would be happy to share it, but it's one of those infinite things and I could go on about for endless hours. I would be happy to answer questions and discuss these things with people, but for the sake of an introduction essay, here's a short rant.

I can see interconnected complex systematic relationships in things.

I've been fascinated by ufos/aliens, religion, spirituality, philosophy, science, psychology, meditation, martial arts, astral travel, synchronicity and many other related topics for many many years now. I know more about most of these topics than anyone I know, but I am somewhat alone in these interests - I don't know a lot of highly intelligent and wise people, and those who can discuss such topics with me have often closed their mind off at some juncture, submitting to a 'belief system or simply lost interest in expanding their knowledge and experience further.

Am not formally educated in these areas and don't claim to be an expert on any level, but feel I have a good grasp on many of the concepts involved in many topics.

I always laugh at how we live in a world where there is a science vs religion division, to me I see perfectly clearly how we're all in this together asking the same questions and investigating the same topics.

I know some people who enjoy LSD and whatnot but after learning about DMT I don't think LSD is for me. Please advise.

Like some people describe of the DMT experience, I have been experiencing and recognising the 'information' dimensional layer of reality that appears to sit above the time/space reality. Things come to me in my daily life or in dreams, certain visions or understanding that I don't understand how I got... sometimes it is just plain freaky. It has become hilarious now to the point where I can't even talk to my friends or family about these things because they can't comprehend the ideas and think I'm insane. This is partially my fault as the ideas are quite complex and involve spiralling tesseracts (a sort of... multidemsional torroidal vortex pattern?) and certain energy/wave concepts that even I can't put into words/diagrams. I once looked into the basic jist of string theory/m-theory and was freaked out because it showed diagrams of things that were just coming to me naturally. I see trees as software generated... and I see light and water particles sometimes in ways that I can't describe, but it's not just some light and some water, I sense much much more going on in the 'natural world'. Once I read about the machine-elves and the fractal geometry DMT users experienced, I KNEW that this substance needs to find me.

A few years ago I began learning about DMT but have never consumed it. I have read a lot about it and watched many videos on it and related topics. I have tried mushrooms once in the tiniest dose ever and spent the next eight hours communicating with a female entity about the nature of reality and experienced similar 'knowledge' and 'alien' things that I really have trouble explaining to other people unless I can refer them to DMT 'trip' reports.

Is this all making sense? Am I talking to the right people? I know that DMT is trying to reach me, I can feel it. I have no idea how to get it or anything like that, and I don't even know anybody who knows anything about it (other than friends who say things like 'nah sounds dumb whats the point? it's like 5 minutes and you just fall asleep, sounds gay to me'). From what i've read on this forum, it seems to me that the next step in my journey is to investigate the extraction process. Does this sound right?

I have come here seeking guidance from the collective voice of experience. I am open to advice. I am having a lot of trouble understanding this limited reality from the standpoint that I'm receiving advanced information about it's true nature but only in fragments... so what is my function in all this? Who am I? I like the sound of ego-death, I am familiar with the concept as it relates to astral travel but from what I've heard DMT takes it to the next level. I keep hearing this little voice prompting me to visit the elves and get further instructions. I see some of their machinery vortexing about in my mind sometimes and i'm not sure what it means. I am not crazy, I am not schizophrenic, nothing at all like that I am simply on a path that for years now has been pointing me towards DMT. I have heard of amazing synchronicity occuring prior to DMT consumption, and how 'you don't find DMT, DMT finds you', and I feel that it is screaming out my name trying to reach me.

I feel like I'm highly intelligent but don't really have a direction to focus it on, and I honestly truly feel that the journey of my life has me at a point now where DMT simply must be experienced. I have read enough good and bad 'trip' reports to know roughly the nature of the experience (and that it is somewhat undescribable :p ) and also that it is less of a trip and more of a... something... let's just say that when Dennis McKenna talks about the possibility that advanced alien bio-engineers may have encoded messages in our DNA to be unravelled when the time was right to make contact... that resonated with me on so many levels and I have had trouble sleeping since I heard it!

So here I am, saying hi. If anyone here has read this and feels the need to advise me further I wholeheartedly welcome it.

The last thing I wish to be is arrogant about DMT. From what I understand of it, I need to be introduced to it with some wise guidance. I feel ready, but please I seek to understand it further. Reading about 'breaking through' and 'communicating' has been the single most fascinating thing in my entire life!

I am currently spending two months alone in a small room in Tokyo Japan with my laptop just researching topics of interest, then I will return to Australia at which point I have no plans for my life other than to seek advice from the elves. Yes I know how insane that would sound to normal people, please tell me does it sound insane here too? Am I in the right forum?
Welcome to the DMT-Nexus.

Yes, what you are saying makes sense. And yes, I would advise you to learn to extract. Have you seen our Wiki? Check it out.
I don't necessarily agree that DMT finds you, however. Any kitchen chemist will tell you otherwise. And all paths seem to lead to hyperspace, so to speak..
You might be over thinking this. Relax, you have your whole life to explore hyperspace.
The answers to your questions can not be known, and you must explore them for yourself.

My advice? Don't believe the things you hear, keep an open mind, but not so open that things just fall right through it. There are also tips in my signature on how to administrate properly. Let us know if you have any questions.

Peace and Hyperspace

Believe Nothing.
Allow for Anything.
Question Everything.

You have clearly allowed for anything, but have you taken the time to question your beleifs?

Also if you find it hard to integrate with 'normal' society now taking DMT and plunging into it's depth will not make this easier.

I mean no offense when I say this, but you sound as though you are still blessed with the gift of youth. Just remember you don't have to learn everything, or experience everything all at once. My honest heart felt advice is to allow life to unfold and enjoy the mystery of what it means to simple be.. :)

Peace and welcome to the nexus.
If its your first time, I would recommend vine-only ayahuasca brews to start, and only after learning about RIMAS. Then start mixing a bit of DMT in(less than 30 mg). I personally think it would be entirely irresponsible to let someone never having a significant (3+ tabs of LSD) psychedelic experience to smoke DMT. Be very cautious. The go get'em attitude with psychedelics often quickly turns into turns into a 'NEVER AGAIN!' attitude. Maybe try some mushrooms if the ayahuasca is too complicated.

Second piece of advice: Learn about shamanism. its a psychedelic religion with 50,000 years of trial and error to draw upon and it will help you actually get something out of the experience instead of just getting ripped apart without ever getting back together.
۩ said:
You might be over thinking this. Relax, you have your whole life to explore hyperspace.

Excellent advice, thanks! I definitely 'over-think' many, many things in my life.

Also if you find it hard to integrate with 'normal' society now taking DMT and plunging into it's depth will not make this easier.

I mean no offense when I say this, but you sound as though you are still blessed with the gift of youth. Just remember you don't have to learn everything, or experience everything all at once.

Haha yes I am 28 years old, still lacking in maturity/experience in many areas. I don't mind not experiencing everythign at once, but I definitely feel this desire to learn everything - or at least get the jist of it. The main reason that I want to learn more about these machine-elves and their realm/machinery is that I haven't even taken DMT but these images and things seem to come to me anyway! It's like I am receiving a lot of really valuable information that could be used to improve the world and the love and quality of life for all people if only i can decipher it! maybe this happens to lots of people?

I can already integrate into the 'normal' society when I have to, it's no problem, just that I seem to approach some things from different angles to the people that I know and meet. I think I understand what you are saying. I have no ego based desire to fit-in or integrate, more just hoping to make a bit more sense of the world.

aliendreamtime said:
I personally think it would be entirely irresponsible to let someone never having a significant (3+ tabs of LSD) psychedelic experience to smoke DMT. Be very cautious.

Thanks for the advice. I have considered that LSD and mushrooms would be a helpful way to 'work up' to DMT, but at the same time I have been reading about how DMT is actually something quite apart from these - related, but completely different in many ways.

I'm not so much interested in the 'trip' or the 'high' as I am specifically interested in the communication with the entities in 'DMT space' as I understand it. Would you guys say that LSD/Mushrooms are still worthwhile? I'm totally up for the trip but specifically it is DMT's uniqueness I am seeking, yes? Please advise :)
I shared DMT with my younger sister who had done nothing but smoked weed a few times. She has since explored other psychedelics, and is glad in retrospect that DMT was first.
No other substance can prepare one for smoked DMT, at least in introductory doses. The nexus is a great source of information on the topic, but the actual experience will throw you regardless.
Heed the advice for keeping an open mind and do know there truly never is any going back.

Glad to have you here.
I think your undermining the potential for calamity here eden. Maybe your sister did, but your obviously experienced and (im guessing) was there when she partook. And even if you werent, you dont know this person. I understand where your coming from, because nothing else is like it, so its difficult to prepare. I cant imagine having an experience like that having never tested the waters. In the wrong circumstances/people and without someone with experience there with me to at the very least to eye out the dose my god. In the wrong circumstances it can cause psychological harm. Whether you start out on DMT or mushrooms or whatever, all I'm saying is be cautious especially if there isnt someone there who is experienced. It has the potential to raise you up or tear you down. Use it wisely and welcome to the mystery!

Edit: I also missed the part that you're 28. I assumed you were too young to buy cigarettes. I'm sure it will be fine, but still take care.
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